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胰岛素吸入剂(Exubera Combination)

2012-02-16 23:21:18  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:334  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 中文药名: Exubera(Insulin Human [rDNA origin]-Insulin for Inhalation) 中文药名: 人胰岛素[rDNA源]-吸入用胰岛素 生产厂家: Pfizer Inc. 美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)批准了第一种吸入型胰岛 ...

中文药名: Exubera(Insulin Human [rDNA origin]-Insulin for Inhalation)

中文药名: 人胰岛素[rDNA源]-吸入用胰岛素

生产厂家: Pfizer Inc.

根据FDA的要求, Exubera不能用于吸烟者和戒烟后前6个月的患者。也不推荐将药物用于哮喘、支气管炎和肺气肿的患者。但感冒或其他上呼吸道感染的患者还是可以使用Exubera,尽管可能会引起咳嗽。



“在此之前,需要胰岛素治疗的糖尿病患者都只有一种可以选择的治疗方式,” FDA药物审查及研究中心负责人Steven Galson, MD在新的发言中表示,“我们希望吸入型胰岛素的上市可以给患者提供更多的选择以更好地控制血糖。”


吸入型胰岛素并不是唯一一种研究中的备选胰岛素剂型。其他的还有胰岛素口喷雾剂、胰岛素贴剂甚至口服剂型的胰岛素。其他制药公司也在加速研制自己的吸入型胰岛素——尤其以Eli Lilly & Co和Alkermes公司合作的研究进展最快。


Exubera系人胰岛素速效干粉吸入剂(1 mg/剂,3 mg/剂),餐前可简便地将药物释至肺部。吸入器重124 g,大小像一副眼镜,每次均可释出精确剂量的胰岛素。

Drug Information for EXUBERA (insulin human [rDNA origin]) Inhalation PowderEXUBERA Inhaler (Pfizer Inc.):



EXUBERA® consists of blisters containing human insulin inhalation powder, which are administered using the EXUBERA® Inhaler. EXUBERA blisters contain human insulin produced by recombinant DNA technology utilizing a non-pathogenic laboratory strain of Escherichia coli (K12). Chemically, human insulin has the empirical formula C257H383N65O77S6 and a molecular weight of 5808. Human insulin has the following primary amino acid sequence:

EXUBERA(insulin human [rDNA origin]) Inhalation Powder is a white to off-white powder in a unit dose blister (fill mass, see Table 1). Each unit dose blister of EXUBERA contains a 1 mg or 3 mg dose of insulin (see Table 1) in a homogeneous powder formulation containing sodium citrate (dihydrate), mannitol, glycine, and sodium hydroxide. After an EXUBERA blister is inserted into the inhaler, the patient pumps the handle of the inhaler and then presses a button, causing the blister to be pierced. The insulin inhalation powder is then dispersed into the chamber, allowing the patient to inhale the aerosolized powder.

Under standardized in vitro test conditions, EXUBERA delivers a specific emitted dose of insulin from the mouthpiece of the inhaler (see Table 1). A fraction of the total particle mass is emitted as fine particles capable of reaching the deep lung. Up to 45% of the 1 mg blister contents, and up to 25% of the 3 mg blister contents, may be retained in the blister.
The actual amount of insulin delivered to the lung will depend on individual patient factors, such as inspiratory flow profile. In vitro, emitted aerosol metrics are unaffected at flow rates above 10 L/min.
EXUBERA (insulin human [rDNA origin])

Used For
Insulin is used to treat diabetes. Exubera blisters contain a powdered form of human insulin. The blisters are used with an insulin inhaler that pierces the blister so that the insulin powder can be inhaled into the lungs.


The insulin from Exubera blisters is inhaled into the lungs using the insulin inhaler and is absorbed into the bloodstream through the alveoli in the lungs. It then works in the same way as natural insulin, by binding to insulin receptors on cells in the body. Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle and fat tissue to increase their uptake of glucose from the bloodstream. It also decreases the production of glucose by the liver, and has various other effects that lower the amount of glucose in the blood. People with type one diabetes will usually still need to use intermediate or longer-acting insulin injections in combination with Exubera. These help control blood glucose levels throughout the day, while the Exubera controls peaks of blood glucose after each meal. People with type two diabetes may use Exubera in combination with their antidiabetic tablets to improve their blood sugar control. Some people with type two diabetes will also still need to use intermediate or longer-acting insulin injections.

How It Works

People with diabetes have a deficiency or absence of a hormone manufactured by the pancreas called insulin. Insulin is the main hormone responsible for the control of sugar (glucose) in the blood. All people with type one diabetes and some people with type two diabetes need to take insulin to control the amount of glucose in their bloodstream. This acts as a replacement for the deficiency in natural insulin and helps people with diabetes to achieve normal blood glucose levels. When the insulin from Exubera is inhaled into the lungs, it starts to reduce blood sugar rapidly, within 10 to 20 minutes. Its effects last for around six hours. It should be inhaled 10 minutes before a meal to control increasing blood glucose levels after eating.

Side Effects

The safety of EXUBERA alone, or in combination with subcutaneous insulin or oral agents, has been evaluated in approximately 2500 adult patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who were exposed to EXUBERA. Approximately 2000 patients were exposed to EXUBERA for greater than 6 months and more than 800 patients were exposed for more than 2 years. Known side effects are: Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) Cough Shortness of breath Throat irritation Dry throat Nosebleeds Inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis) Wheezing Breathing difficulties due to a narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm) Alteration in your voice Pain at the back of the throat Dry mouth Tonsil disorder Chest pain Decline in lung function (usually reversible on stopping treatment) Allergy to active ingredients (hypersensitivity)

Other Info

It is important to monitor your blood glucose regularly and adjust your insulin dose as required. Your doctor or diabetic team will explain how to do this. Keeping your blood glucose level as close to normal as possible, and not too high or too low, significantly reduces the risk of developing late-stage diabetic complications. People with low body weight, as Exubera may not come in a low enough dose People over 75 years of age Heart failure (Exubera is not recommended for people who have breathing difficulties due to heart failure). Not to be used in Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) People who smoke or have smoked in the last six months Poorly controlled, unstable or severe asthma Severe (GOLD stage III or IV) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Exubera is also not recommended for people with any other kind of lung disease, for example, less severe asthma or COPD. It has not been studied in people with pneumonia. Exubera is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as the long-term safety of inhaled insulin has not been studied in this age group.
Exubera Combination
Exubera Combination


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TAPCOM combination ophthalmic solution(他氟前列素配合点眼液)
Dicanon Combination oral solution(氢氧化铝凝胶+氢氧化镁复方口服溶液)
ZACRAS Combination Tablets LD/HD(阿齐沙坦/氨氯地平结合片)
COMPLERA Combination Tablets(利匹韦林/恩曲他滨/替诺福韦酯三联组合片)
Losarhyd Combination Tablets LD(复方氯沙坦钾/氢氯噻嗪 LD片)
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GLUBES Combination Tab(米格列奈钙/伏格列波糖复方片)
ECARD Combination Tablets(坎地沙坦酯/氢氯噻嗪复合片)



· 格列美脲片AMARYL(GLIM...
· 米格列醇片(GLYSET,MI...
· 诺和隆片(REPAGLINIDE,...
· Levemir(insulin detem...
· Insulin novolin Rapid(...
· Insulin novolin GE ult...
· Insulin novolin GE tor...
· Insulin novolin GE NPH...
· Insulin novolin GE 50/...
· Insulin novolin GE 40/...



· 格列美脲片AMARYL(GLIM...
· 米格列醇片(GLYSET,MI...
· 诺和隆片(REPAGLINIDE,...
· Levemir(insulin detem...
· Insulin novolin Rapid(...
· Insulin novolin GE ult...
· Insulin novolin GE tor...
· Insulin novolin GE NPH...
· Insulin novolin GE 50/...
· Insulin novolin GE 40/...

