英文药名: Restylane Lipp(Hyaluronic Acid)
中文药名: 玻尿酸(透明质酸注射剂)
*治疗次数: 视个人情况而定,疗效可以维持18个月左右。也可适用于试验性丰唇,下巴修饰,鼻型改造等
1. 副作用非常少,原因 a.是人体真皮组织之一,在人体内停留时间短,会在18个月左右被人体分解掉,不会有长期副作用 b.不是蛋白质,因此引起过敏反应的机会就减少许多
*副作用 :
-在注射后24小时 内,为了让形状固定,要避免接触注射区域
·1ml 注射套件
Restylane® Dermal Filler
Restylane® Dermal Filler is a gentle and effective way of reducing deep skin creases, lines and wrinkles on the face. Restylane® Dermal Filler provides naturally rejuvenating, effective and long lasting solutions to facial lines and wrinkles; it contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring sugar in the human skin which gives it its youthful fullness and elasticity. You’ll get natural-looking results that last up to a year and see the difference immediately after just one treatment at the Brighton clinic.
Restylane® Dermal Filler is highly effective for:
Eye laughter lines and crow’s feet
Lip volume and shaping
nose to mouth lines
wrinkles on the forehead
smile lines on the cheeks
chin indentations
frown lines between the eyebrows
You’ll notice an immediate difference after just one treatment with Restylane® Dermal Filler, with the results lasting up to 12 months.
During your consultation at the Brighton or Harley Street clinic the different treatment options will be discussed with you. Allison will recommend one or more of the Restylane® Dermal Filler options to achieve the results you are looking for and will discuss how you can expect to look after the treatment.
The Restylane® Dermal Filler is injected in tiny quantities using a fine needle; Allison Jeffery is particulary experienced in providing the most comfortable and painfree treatment possible. Restylane® Dermal Filler is used to soften lines, add fullness and boost condition and tone. The procedure takes around 20 minutes, depending on the areas treated. The treatment benefits can be seen instantly and Restylane does not affect facial expression. Restylane® Dermal Filler contain pain-reducing lidocaine for a more comfortable treatment.