英文药名: Restylane Perlane(Hyaluronic Acid)
中文药名: 玻尿酸(透明质酸注射剂)
*治疗次数: 视个人情况而定,疗效可以维持18个月左右。也可适用于试验性丰唇,下巴修饰,鼻型改造等
1. 副作用非常少,原因 a.是人体真皮组织之一,在人体内停留时间短,会在18个月左右被人体分解掉,不会有长期副作用 b.不是蛋白质,因此引起过敏反应的机会就减少许多
*副作用 :
-在注射后24小时 内,为了让形状固定,要避免接触注射区域
规格:1ml 注射套件
Product Description
HA Esthetics
Products with pure hyaluronic acid gel, stabilized for long duration
Efficacy, safety and instant results
Treating lines, wrinkles, folds, contours and lips
Our product Esthetics offers a complete solution for facial-tissue augmentation. Three products---style products, style products, style products, make it possible to quickly and effectively meet the vast majority of patients needs for correction and augmentation of wrinkle and folds.
Since the launch of Our product in 2002, more than 100, 000 people, worldwide, have been successfully treated for wrinkle correction and lip enhancement. In the first quarter of 2004,
All the Our product esthetics products contain Non-animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid gel. Each version of the gel is designed to match the tissue structures at different levels of injection- the basis of our Tissue Tailored concept.
Our product Esthetics can give you all these advantages
Complete product range Biodegradable, non permanent
No animal ingredients No skin test needed
Long-lasting Room-temperature storage
Sterile gel
Our tissue-tailored concept
Each Our product Esthetics product should be injected at different depths for optimal lift and augmentation. Because various dermal layers are characterized by specific tissue structures, we have tailored the size of our gel particles to match the tissue matrix density at recommended levels of injection.
Our product offers you this accuracy and versatility. The illustration makes it easy to visualize how combinations of products can be used to achieve the best results.
Correct injection technique and choice of tissue depth naturally impacts the quality of the treatment. For instance, smaller gel particles injected too deeply may quickly disperse in the tissue.
Likewise, larger gel particles injected superficially can lead to tissue disturbance and/or uneven results if the particles are too large in relation to the surrounding tissue structures.
Clinical experience indicates that better duration results if each product is injected as superficially as possible within the recommended tissue depth. This approach should take into consideration the location and size of the area being treated, patient requests, skin type and other factors.