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2013-01-13 23:47:05  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:2844  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:英文商品名:PROTOPIC英文药品名:TACROLIMUS商品译名:普特皮考药品译名:他克莫司PROTOPIC 0.1% OINTMENT 60G/TUBE(普特皮0.1%软膏 60克/管 ) 、PROTOPIC 0.1% OINTMENT 30G/TUBE(普特皮0.1%软膏 30克/管) 、 ...

PROTOPIC 0.1% OINTMENT 60G/TUBE(普特皮0.1%软膏 60克/管 ) 、PROTOPIC 0.1% OINTMENT 30G/TUBE(普特皮0.1%软膏 30克/管) 、PROTOPIC 0.1% OINTMENT 100G/TUBE (普特皮0.1%软膏 100克/管)、PROTOPIC 0.03% OINTMENT 60G/TUBE(普特皮0.03%软膏 60克/管 ) 、PROTOPIC 0.03% OINTMENT 30G/TUBE(普特皮0.03%软膏 30克/管)、PROTOPIC 0.03% OINTMENT 100G/TUBE (普特皮0.03%软膏 100克/管 )

Protopic (Tacrolimus) Ointment
The Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment is an immunosuppressant used to treat the dermatitis. The dermatitis can easily be defined as an inflammation of the skin. However, this affection is described through a multitude of symptoms, such as dry skin, red skin, rash, crusts and other exfoliation wounds. There are multiple forms of dermatitis, according to the triggering factor. However, the treatment is pretty much the same for most of them. The active substance in this medication – tacrolimus – is used to lower the activity of your immune system. This way, the cell production is also lowered, therefore the dermatitis evolution is entirely stopped.

The Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment is indicated in the severe cases, when other medicines were proven to be ineffective. It is a powerful medication that might come up with severe adverse reactions if used inappropriately. This is why seeing a specialist doctor and getting a medical prescription is a must. You cannot use the ointment otherwise. It is FDA approved since 2000 and since then it is one of the main and most successful fighters against such conditions.

The Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment comes in two forms, differentiated by the medicine concentration – 0.03% and 0.1%. The 0.33% concentration is indicated for the children younger than 16. It is less powerful, therefore its side effects are also less aggressive. Besides, when the dermatitis affects children, their young organisms are easier to treat. Before the administration, you must wash your hands and the affected area, then let them dry. Wash your hands once you are done too, unless they are actually the affected area.

Apply a thin layer on the affected area only. Don’t use the Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment for healthy skin as a prevention method as it won’t work. Let it dry and give it a couple of hours before washing or having a shower. You can get dressed 30 to 60 minutes after the administration.

It is very important to discuss with your doctor about the side effects and all the complementary treatments you will stick to. Do not make any combinations without a professional advice.

Also, don’t cover your skin with a gauze or bandage after applying the Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment. This way you will administer a higher dose, which is contraindicated if the doctor didn’t mention anything about this aspect.

Adverse reactions
Some of the adverse reactions to the Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment include:

■Stinging or burning sensations
■Cold symptoms

2011年2月17日,加拿大Astellas Pharma公司宣布Protopic(他克莫司软膏)获加拿大卫生部医药处批准,增添新的适应证,用于局部湿疹的治疗。Protopic新批准的适应症包括预防皮肤红肿和延长特应性皮炎(湿疹)的发作间隔时间。他克莫司软膏是一类局部的神经钙蛋白抑制剂。
免疫调节剂(Protopic immunomodulator)是一种比较新的白癜风治疗方法。Protopic是由日本的Fujisawa 医药公司生产的用来抑制白斑处局部皮肤免疫反应的药膏。很多(但不是全部)使用它的人都取得了成功。Protopic曾成功地被用于湿疹的治疗,当前,批准的说明书中没有特别提到白癜风的治疗,美国食品与药品管理委员会规定现在不支持对Protopic用于白癜风的临床使用和研究。
Protopic免疫调节剂药膏是由日本本州的Tsukuba 山中发现的一种土壤中稀有的细菌制成的,此地因为有稀有的植物群而闻名,所以日本公司发现这种产品的特性也自然而然。
最近Protopic被美国食品与药品管理委员会批准用于湿疹的治疗(白癜风还没有被批准),尽管还没有发表和公开官方的研究、结论或者科学的数据,已经对很多白癜风患者显示了明显的效果。白癜风方面的权威Pearl Grimes大夫正在进行一个由调查人发起的研究,此研究由fujisawa公司所资助,用来评估protopic在白癜风治疗中的安全性和有效性。虽然还不会马上就在美国、日本和其他的地方正式应用,但是如果调查研究工作能够证明Protopic的价值的话,它将会被广泛地使用。


Generic Name: tacrolimus topical (ta KROE li mus)
Brand Names: Protopic
PROTOPIC (tacrolimus) Ointment contains tacrolimus, a macrolide immunosuppressant produced by Streptomyces tsukubaensis. It is for topical dermatologic use only.
PROTOPIC Ointment, both 0.03% and 0.1% for adults, and only 0.03% for children aged 2 to 15 years, is indicated as second-line therapy for the short-term and non-continuous chronic treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in non-immunocompromised adults and children who have failed to respond adequately to other topical prescription treatments for atopic dermatitis, or when those treatments are not advisable.
PROTOPIC Ointment, both 0.03% and 0.1% for adults, and only 0.03% for children aged 2 to 15 years, is indicated as second-line therapy for the short-term and non-continuous chronic treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in non-immunocompromised adults and children who have failed to respond adequately to other topical prescription treatments for atopic dermatitis, or when those treatments are not advisable.
Stinging, burning, soreness, or itching in the area of treated skin may occur during the first few days of treatment. Headache, acne, "hair bumps" (folliculitis), stomach upset, flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches), or increased sensitivity of the skin to hot/cold/pain/touch may also occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.
Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: unusual tiredness, back/joint/muscle pain, appearance of any skin infections or sores (e.g., chicken pox, shingles, lip sores, tumors, warts).
Tell your doctor immediately if this rare but very serious side effect occurs: chest pain.
A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.
This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.


他克莫司软膏Protopic(tacrolimus ointment)
他克莫司软膏|Protopic 0.03% (tacrolimus ointment)
他克莫司软膏(普特彼 Protopic)



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