部分中文美沙拉嗪处方资料(仅供参考) 药品说明 英文名: Mesalazine 别名: 5-氨基水杨酸 5-Amino Salicylic Acid 性状: 本品为淡褐色至粉红色针状结晶,无臭或有轻微的臭味。在空气中颜色变深。在水中微溶,在乙醇、丙酮及甲醇中极微溶,在氯仿,乙醚,丁醇及丙醇中不溶。在稀盐酸和稀氢氧化碱的溶解。 适应症: 用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎、Crohn病;栓剂用于治疗溃疡性直肠炎,可同时协用美沙拉嗪片剂。 药理作用: 美沙拉嗪作用于肠道炎症粘膜,抑制引起炎症的前列腺素的合成和炎性介质白三烯的形成,从而对肠道壁炎症起显著的消炎作用,对发火的肠壁结缔组织效用尤佳,从而对溃疡性结肠炎、克隆病(Crohn's Disease)起治疗作用。美沙拉嗪缓释片由乙基纤维素包衣的美少拉嗪向颗粒(直径0.7-1mm)组成,在胃中开始崩解,微颗粒通过幽门进入小肠,不需胃排空,无药物大量倾释现象,无血药峰浓度,在胃中残留时间短,服药后20分钟内血中即可测出美沙拉嗪,在整个pH宽的肠道内以常速持续均匀释放,在肠道传递时间的降低对美沙拉嗪的释放影响极小,且吸收相对没有改变,它不受肠内菌丛的影响。自十二指肠至结肠均匀缓慢持续释放美沙拉嗪。口服美沙拉嗪约50%在小肠内释放,50%在大肠内释放。缓释片还可防止美沙拉嗪在近端小肠被过早吸收,从而保证它在远端小肠具有较高的生物利用度。因美沙拉嗪在整个肠道的均匀释放,它可安全、有效地治疗慢性肠道炎症性疾病。美沙拉嗪栓剂由缓释微囊组成,可直接到达作用部位,缓慢释放,局部浓度高,栓剂形状与生理结构吻合,可有效地治疗溃疡性结肠炎。 体内过程 美沙拉嗪的常规制剂口服后广泛被上消化道吸收,很少达到结肠,t1/2约1小时,蛋白结合率为40%-50%。因此,多制成缓释剂型,以使其在结肠中发挥局部作用。美沙拉嗪在结肠释放后转化为乙酰氨基水杨酸,乙酰氨基水杨酸一部分被肠道内细菌分解,从粪便中排出,另一部分由肠粘膜吸收,约40%与血浆蛋白结合,在体内代谢生成乙酰化物,约80%与血浆蛋白结合,从尿中排出,t1/2为5-10小时,很少透过胎盘和进入乳汁。 规格: 栓剂:0.5g, 1g。 用法用量: 用量 口服:成人,溃疡性结肠炎(急性发作):每天4次,每次1g;维持治疗,每天3次,每次0.5g。 Crohn病:每天4次,每次1g。2岁以上儿童,每公斤体重每日服20-30mg,分次给药。 栓剂:成人,每日1-2次,每次1栓剂。两岁以上儿童,遵医嘱。 不良反应: 1.可能引起轻微胃肠不适、恶心、口干、便秘或腹泻。 2.个别人有头晕、头痛、定向障碍;关节痛、痉挛性肌痛及氨基转移酶和BUN升高。 注意事项 1.对水杨酸类药物及本品的赋形剂过敏者忌用。 2.肝、肾功能不全者慎用。怀孕及哺乳的病人慎用。2岁以下儿童不宜用。 3.本品与氰钴胺片剂(维生素B12片)同时服用时,将影响氰钴胺片的吸收。 4.用法注意:片剂:最好整粒吞服,也可掰开或用水冲服;但绝不可嚼碎或压碎。若因故漏服一剂量时,应尽快补服或与下次剂量同时补服。若有多次剂量漏服,仍按处方继续服用及尽快与医师联系。栓剂:使用前应先排便,用乳胶指套将栓剂从肛门塞入,若栓剂在10分钟内流泻时,需重新塞入另一栓剂,为方便塞入,可用水、凡士林及其他润滑物润湿。若因故漏用一剂量时,应按处方继续使用,若多次剂量漏用,仍按处方继续使用。 贮藏: 片剂置室温(15-25℃)贮存,不可在失效期后服用;栓剂,应以原包装置室温中(15-25℃)贮存,不可在失效期后使用。 2004年11月9日,Axcan PH公司宣布,美国FDA已经批准每日使用1次的1g美沙拉嗪栓(mesalamine suppository)用于治疗直肠溃疡。 仅在美国市场,直肠栓剂的年市场价值就近8000万美元。据IMS公司2004年8月公布的数据显示,Axcan 公司CANASA 500mg的处方量占美国市场美沙拉嗪直肠栓剂处方量的55%,已经成为美国市场上处方量最大的美沙拉嗪直肠栓剂商标名药。 Axcan公司已经在加拿大以SALOFALK为商标名销售1g直肠栓,该新产品在美国以CANASA为商品名上市。 直肠溃疡是溃疡性结肠炎的一种,是最常见的炎症性肠疾病。近30%的溃疡性结肠炎患者起病于直肠溃疡。据估计,目前在美国有100万炎症性肠疾病患者,每年的新增病例近40万。 Canasa Suppositories (mesalamine) Canasa Drug Description
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Canasa Suppositories is used to treat mild inflammations in the colon. It is also used to treat infections and inflammations of the rectum, lower colon and small intestine. Suppositories are a drug that is inserted into the rectum to deliver a drug for better efficiency. Canasa Suppositories consists of 5-aminosalicylic acid. This is metabolized by the body. This then helps to block substances from the body which causes inflammation of the colon. This medicine is also prescribes to people diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. The active ingredient in Canasa Suppositories is mesalamine. The drug also consists of vegetable oil and salicylates. The medicine is administered by inserting it into the rectum. Insertion of the medicine should be done with utmost care and concern. The medicine should be preserved in a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. Be careful that you do not freeze the medicine. The medicine should not be held in the hand for a long time as this may cause the medicine to melt before it is administered. In case the medicine is too soft, keep it in the refrigerator for some time until it gets a little hard and ready for use. The drugs are tan colored and are bullet shaped. Make sure that the drug is stored away from light and moisture and the opening of the container of the drugs is sealed or closed tightly. Do not store Canasa Suppositories in your bahroom. Conditions treated by Canasa 1. Inflammations in the colon, ranging from mild to moderate. 2. Inflammation in the rectum 3. Inflammation of the small intestine Canasa Dosage information a) Typical dosage recommendations Doctors usually prescribe Canasa Suppositories for three to six weeks depending on medical test and symptoms. The recommended dosage of the medicine is 100 mg. the medicine should be inserted into the rectum and retained for at least three hours for maximum efficiency. Doctors usually prescribe this medicine for up to two times a day. You can apply lubricating gel on the tip of the medicine for easy insertion. b)Missing a dose When you have realized that you have missed a dose of Canasa Suppositories, immediately take the missed dose. If there is very little time left for the next dose of the medicine, wait for the next dose. It is not advisable to take two doses of the medicine within a very short time. c)Overdosing In case you have taken an overdose of Canasa Suppositories, consult your doctor or a pharmacist as soon as possible. Overdosing of this medicine causes diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, fever, difficulty in breathing, weakness, headache, ringing sound in the ears etc. If you experience any of the symptoms, get in touch with an emergency room or a local poison control room immediately. However, serious cases of poisoning have not yet been reported. Canasa Warnings The medicine can be unfit for people who might be experiencing certain medical conditions. Here are some of them: 1. In case you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breast feeding your child. 2. If you are allergic towards mesalamine, sulfites, sulfasalazine or any other substances or drugs. 3. Inform your doctor if you are taking medicines which have the following substances- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, extract of Ginkgo biloba, insulin, anticoagulants, sulfonylureas, corticosteroids, valproic acid, beta-blockers, etc. These drugs affect the efficiency of mesalamine. 4. If you are a patient of kidney and related infections and problems. 5. If you have suffered from any disease in your liver. 6. If you are suffering or have suffered any heart related problem. 7. If you have symptoms of chicken pox or the flu. There are some precautions that should be maintained while administering this drug. Since this medicine is a suppository, the person who is administering this medicine should thoroughly wash his/her hands with soap before administering the medicine. Make sure your hands are dried out completely. Do not hold the drug in your hands for a very long time. Since the medicine is designed to melt at the normal body temperature, there is a tendency of the drug melting in the hands even before it is inserted into the rectum. In case the drug is too soft, you can harden it a little by keeping it inside the refrigerator for some time or you can also run some cold water on it. Make sure that the course of Canasa Suppositories is followed as per the doctor’s prescription. The medicine may cause side effects if the person taking it is a little elderly. Thus, it is very important that you tell your doctor your correct age and your complete medical history when he/she is prescribing the medicine to you. Make sure that the drug is kept away from the reach of children and pets. Do not discontinue its usage even if you start feeling better after a few days. This medicine can cause stains in your clothes. Thus, make sure that the medicine does not come in contact with any fabric or surface. The medicine can cause tanning, thus, make sure that you apply sun block whenever you step out and try to stay away from tanning booths. Do not start or discontinue the use of this medicine without consulting your doctor. Do not share this drug with any other person as the other person’s symptoms and medical conditions might not match with you and he/she might not actually need the drug. Start using the drug only after a doctor or a pharmacist has prescribed you this Canasa Side effects 1. Hair loss 2. Diarrhea 3. Dizziness, weakness, nausea 4. Allergic reactions- hives, itching and swelling up of face, mouth, lips, tongue, throat 5. Presence of blood in urine and stools 6. Difficulty in breathing 7. Pain in the abdomen 8. Symptoms like flu- fever, sore throat, chills, headache 9. Corticosteroids 10. Spironolactone or sulfinpyrazone Drug interactions with Canasa Avoid medicines that have the following substances: insulin, gingko biloba extract, meglitinide antidiabetics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, sulfasalazine, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, insulin, etc. This medicine interferes with Canasa Suppositories and reduces its efficiency. If you have any questions about buying discount Canasa Suppositories online or any other prescription products you can contact our team of professional Patient Service Representatives or one of our pharmacists 24-7 by calling 1-800-226-3784. Notice: The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you. ----------------------------------------------------- 注:以下产品不同规格和不同价格,购买时请以电话咨询为准! ----------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 美国 原产地英文商品名: CANASA 1000MG/SUPPOSITORY 30SUPPOSITORIES/BOX 原产地英文药品名: MESALAMINE 中文参考商品译名: CANASA 1000毫克/栓剂 30栓剂/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美沙拉嗪 中文参考化合物名称: 5-氨基水杨酸栓剂 生产厂家中文参考译名: AXCAN 生产厂家英文名: AXCAN
 ----------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 美国 原产地英文商品名: CANASA 1000MG/SUPPOSITORY 42SUPPOSITORIES/BOX 原产地英文药品名: MESALAMINE 中文参考商品译名: CANASA 1000毫克/栓剂 42栓剂/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美沙拉嗪 中文参考化合物名称: 5-氨基水杨酸栓剂 生产厂家中文参考译名: AXCAN 生产厂家英文名: AXCAN
 ----------------------------------------------------- 产地国家: 美国 原产地英文商品名: CANASA 500MG/SUPPOSITORY 30SUPPOSITORIES/BOX 原产地英文药品名: MESALAMINE 中文参考商品译名: CANASA 500毫克/栓剂 30栓剂/盒 中文参考药品译名: 美沙拉嗪 中文参考化合物名称: 5-氨基水杨酸栓剂 生产厂家中文参考译名: AXCAN 生产厂家英文名: AXCAN
