英文药名:CLEXANE(Enoxaparin Sodium)
药品介绍 商標名 CLEXANE 一般名 エノキサパリンナトリウム(Enoxaparin Sodium) 本 質 约4500的重均分子量,范围为5000〜3800;由肝素苄酯每硫酸化2单糖度来自于猪肠粘膜碱性降解肝素获得的低分子量的钠盐,为约2;大多数组分具有2-O-磺基-4-的eno吡喃糖醛酸结构的糖链,2-N的非还原性末端在还原末端,6-0-磺 - 它有一个D-氨基葡萄糖结构。 分子量 平均分子量約4500(3800~5000) 構造式
 性 状 本品是一种白色粉末。 它易溶于水,并在乙醇(99.5)几乎不溶。 适应症 抑制静脉血栓栓塞的发病在下面的下肢矫形手术的患者 全髋关节置换术,全膝关节置换术,髋部骨折手术 高风险静脉血栓栓塞,抑制静脉血栓栓塞的发病中腹部手术的患者 用量用法 每日皮下注射两次(每12小时注射一次),每次2000IU。 药效药理 1. 作用机序 (1) 对凝血因子作用的选择性(抗因子Xa活性/抗因子IIa活性比) 依诺肝素钠,形成一种复合物与抗凝血酶III(ATIII),通过促进因子Xa和IIa因子抑制的ATIII的表达抗凝活性。其作用是相对于其他低分子量肝素,抗Xa活性/抗因子IIa活性比在体外,肝素1较大(抗Xa活性/抗因子IIa活性比4.88反对)。 (2) 活化部分凝血酶时间的效果(APTT) 肝素(体外)在人血浆中依诺肝素钠的APTT延长较弱。 2.在深静脉血栓形成的模型抗血栓作用 依诺肝素钠是,当单次剂量皮下兔深静脉血栓形成的模型,剂量依赖性地延长了腹部腔静脉闭塞时间显示抗血栓形成活性。相比肝素,依诺肝素钠的抗血栓形成作用是可比,血浆抗Xa活性高,将该aPTT延长很微弱。 3. 对影响血小板聚集 依诺肝素钠腺苷5'-二磷酸(ADP)诱导的人血小板的主要聚集,但都没有效果,肝素增强初级聚集(体外)。 包装规格 2000IU/0.2毫升×10注射器
 制造商 赛诺菲公司[售]科研制药 注:以上部份处方仅参考,使用以原文为准! 原资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3334406G1020_1_10/ CLEXANE(Enoxaparin Sodium) Alias: enoxaparin English Name: Enoxaparin, LMW-H, Clexane Active ingredient: enoxaparin sodium. Solvent: water for injections. fitness should disease: prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism; the treatment has become the vein thrombosis; prevention hemodialysis at CPB thrombosis formation; the treatment of unstable angina and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. consumption usage: prevention of deep vein thrombosis, high-risk patients thrombosis adult preoperative 12 hr given 40mg, and then once every 24hr 40 mg subcutaneously. Moderate risk of thrombosis in patients with 2hr given 20mg, and then every 24 hr a subcutaneous injection. This course takes 10-14 days or continuing to thrombosis risk disappeared. The treatment has become one of venous thrombosis mg / kg body weight every 12 hr subcutaneous administration, and lasted for 10 days. CPB dialysis before giving a single dose : 1mg/kg weight. Above 4hr adequate dose of dialysis treatment (unless fibrin formation Central), if extension of dialysis time, an additional hour to be above the fourth dose. Unstable angina and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction incidence 24hr begin every 12 hr 1mg/kg weight by subcutaneous administration, continuing 6-8 days to the clinical symptoms stability. taboo: acute bacterial endocarditis, bleeding, thrombocytopenia disease; Activity digestive ulcers, stroke (caused by systemic embolization with the exception) and bleeding tendencies. adverse reactions: thrombocytopenia, abnormal liver function. Occasionally aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase changes. Note: the drugs may not be used for intramuscular injection. Liver dysfunction, not controlled arterial hypertension, a history of gastrointestinal ulcer patients and pregnant women with caution. Pregnant women use of the drug should weigh.