2016年4月6日,美国FDA批准其复方HIV新药F/TAF(emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide,恩曲他滨/替诺福韦艾拉酚胺,200/10mg和200/25mg)上市,这是吉利德获批的第三个以TAF为基础的抗HIV药物。
Descovy成分中的emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide(F/TAF)是一种新型核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(NRTI),是一种高效的抗病毒成分,与吉利德的另一种抗病毒药物Viread(替诺福韦酯,TDF)相比,仅以后者的十分之一剂量就能达到极好的抗病毒效果。
吉利德首席科学家 Norbert Bischofberger表示,此番Descovy获批,是HIV治疗历程中的一次重大进步。通过Descovy单一片剂治疗或联合用药,可以极大地改善治疗效果和安全性,造福患者健康。Descovy今年2月份获得欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极推荐,有望在2-3月内在欧盟获批。这次迅速收获美国方面放行也充分证明了TAF抗HIV的效果。去年11月份,FDA批准了吉利德的首个TAF为基础的抗HIV药物Genvoya,这是一种包含elvitegravir、cobicistat、emtricitabine和tenofovir alafenamide的四合一复方药物。今年3月份,吉利德的第二个以TAF为基础的抗HIV药Odefsey获FDA批准。Descovy是第三个以TAF为基础的抗HIV药物。
FDA Approves Descovy, an Updated Version of Truvada -- But Not for PrEP
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week approved Descovy, Gilead Sciences' latest combination pill containing emtricitabine and an updated version of tenofovir. The new tenofovir alafenamide, or TAF, is easier on the kidneys and bones than its predecessor, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF).
Descovy offers a new option for antiretroviral treatment, but it was not approved for HIV prevention -- and it is not yet clear whether it will work as well for PrEP as Truvada, which contains TDF and emtricitabine. Daily Truvada remains the only FDA-approved PrEP regimen.
"Emtricitabine and TAF is not known to work for PrEP, and may work poorly because of low penetration of the drug into rectal and vaginal tissues," Robert Grant, M.D., from the UCSF Gladstone Institutes and San Francisco AIDS Foundation told BETA. "Emtricitabine and TDF is quite safe for PrEP and is known to work when used."