近日,美国FDA批准其新药Imvexxy(estradiol vaginal inserts 中文名:雌二醇阴道插入物),用于治疗中度至重度性交疼痛(与性活动有关的阴道疼痛),这是由于绝经引起的外阴和阴道萎缩(VVA)症状。值得一提的是,Imvexxy是其治疗类别中唯一一款可提供4微克和10微克剂量的产品,4微克是目前可用阴道雌二醇的最低批准剂量。 VVA是绝经期泌尿生殖系统综合征(GSM)的一部分,生殖器症状有干燥、灼烧和刺激,性症状有润滑减少、不适和疼痛,泌尿系统症状有尿急、排尿困难和反复发作的尿路感染。 批准日期:2018年7月3日 公司:TherapeuticsMD IMVEXXY(雌二醇 estradiol)阴道插入物 最初的美国批准:1975年 警告: 子宫内膜癌,心血管疾病疾病,乳腺癌和可能的痴呆症 查看完整的盒装警告的完整处方信息。 雌激素单独治疗 使用无反对雌激素的青春期妇女患子宫内膜癌的风险增加。 单独使用雌激素治疗不应用于预防心血管疾病或痴呆。 妇女健康倡议(WHI)雌激素单独亚研究 报告中风和深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的风险增加 WHI记忆研究(WHIMS)WHI单独的雌激素辅助研究报告,65岁及以上的绝经后妇女患痴呆症的风险增加, 雌激素加孕激素疗法 雌激素加孕激素治疗不应用于预防心血管疾病或痴呆。 WHI雌激素加孕激素亚组研究报告中风,DVT,肺栓塞(PE)和心肌梗塞(MI)风险增加 WHI雌激素加孕激素亚组研究报告风险增加浸润性乳腺癌 WHIMS雌激素加孕激素辅助研究显示,65岁及以上的绝经后妇女患痴呆症的风险增加。 作用机制 内源性雌激素主要负责雌性生殖系统的发育和维持以及第二性征。虽然雌激素在代谢转换的动态平衡中循环,但雌二醇是主要的细胞内人体雌激素,并且比其代谢产物,雌酮和雌激素更有效。 雌三醇,在受体水平。 正常骑自行车的成年女性中雌激素的主要来源是卵巢卵泡,每天分泌70至500微克雌二醇,具体取决于月经周期的阶段。后更年期,大多数内源性雌激素是由肾上腺皮质分泌的雄烯二酮转化为外周组织中的雌酮而产生的。因此,雌酮和硫酸盐共轭形式,雌酮硫酸盐,是绝经后妇女中最丰富的循环雌激素。 雌激素通过与雌激素反应性组织中的核受体结合起作用。迄今为止,已鉴定出两种雌激素受体。它们在组织与组织之间的比例不同。 循环雌激素通过负反馈机制调节促性腺激素,黄体生成素(LH)和FSH的垂体分泌。雌激素起到降低血压的作用在绝经后妇女中观察到这些激素的水平。 适应症和用法 IMVEXXY是一种雌激素,用于治疗由于绝经导致的中度至脑膜炎,外阴和阴道萎缩的症状。 剂量和给药 IMVEXXY应该阴道内给药: 每天1个阴道插入物,持续2周,然后每周插入1次(例如,周一和周四)。 剂量形式和强度 IMVEXXY阴道插入物含有4 mcg或10mcg雌二醇。 禁忌症 •未确诊的异常生殖器出血 •已知,疑似或有乳腺癌病史 •已知或怀疑雌激素依赖性肿瘤 •有源DVT,PE或这些条件的历史记录 •活动性动脉血栓栓塞性疾病(例如,中风和心肌梗死),这些病症的病史 •用IMVEXXY已知过敏反应或血管神经性水肿 •已知的肝功能损害或疾病 •已知的蛋白质C,蛋白质S或抗凝血酶缺乏症,或其他知识嗜血性疾病 警告和注意事项 •雌激素会增加胆囊疾病的风险 •如果出现严重的高钙血症,视力丧失,严重高甘油三酯血症或胆汁淤积性黄疸,则停用雌激素。 •监测女性甲状腺替代激素治疗中的甲状腺功能。 不良反应 在单次,前瞻性,随机,安慰剂对照,双盲试验中,与IMVEXXY(发生率≥3%)和安慰剂相比最常见的不良反应是头痛。 要报告疑似不良反应,请致电1-888-228-0150联系TherapeuticsMD,Inc。或致电1-800-FDA-1088或www.fda.gov/medwatch联系FDA。 药物相互作用 CYP3A4的诱导剂和抑制剂可能影响雌激素药物代谢并降低或增加雌激素血浆浓度。 用于特定人群 •老年人使用:在妇女健康倡议的妇女健康倡议记忆辅助研究中报告了65岁以上妇女患痴呆症的风险增加。 如何提供/存储和处理 如何提供 IMVEXXY(雌二醇阴道插入物)是小的,浅粉红色,泪状的插入物,用于手动进入阴道。 插入物含有4微克或10微克雌二醇。 每个插入物都是印记的 在一侧的白色墨水中,“04”或“10”对应于插入物的剂量强度。 IMVEXXY(雌二醇阴道插入物),4mcg和10mcg,以不透明的穿透式泳池提供,包装在纸箱中,包含18个用于初学者包装的插入物或8个插入物 用于维护包。 IMVEXXY 4mcg 8插入NDC 50261-104-08 IMVEXXY 10mcg 8插入NDC 50261-110-08
 IMVEXXY 4mcg 18插入NDC 50261-104-18 IMVEXXY 10mcg 18插入NDC 50261-110-18
 请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 套餐不具备儿童防护能力。 存储和处理 储存温度为20°C至25°C(68°F至77°F) Imvexxy(Estradiol Vaginal Inserts) IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION SHOW MORE WARNING: ENDOMETRIAL CANCER, CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS, BREAST CANCER AND PROBABLE DEMENTIA See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning. Estrogen-Alone Therapy •There is an increased risk of endometrial cancer in a woman with a uterus who uses unopposed estrogens •Estrogen-alone therapy should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia •The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) estrogen-alone substudy reported increased risks of stroke and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) •The WHI Memory Study (WHIMS) estrogen-alone ancillary study of WHI reported an increased risk of probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age and older Estrogen Plus Progestin Therapy •Estrogen plus progestin therapy should not be used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia •The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported increased risks of stroke, DVT, pulmonary embolism (PE) and myocardial infarction (MI) •The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported increased risks of invasive breast cancer •The WHIMS estrogen plus progestin ancillary study of WHI reported an increased risk of probable dementia in postmenopausal women 65 years of age and older CONTRAINDICATIONS •IMVEXXY™ is contraindicated in women with any of the following conditions: undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding; known, suspected, or history of breast cancer; known or suspected estrogen-dependent neoplasia; active DVT, PE, or history of these conditions; active arterial thromboembolic disease or a history of these conditions; known anaphylactic reaction or angioedema to IMVEXXY; known liver impairment or disease; known protein C, protein S, or antithrombin deficiency, or other known thrombophilic disorders. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS •IMVEXXY is intended only for vaginal administration. Systemic absorption may occur with the use of IMVEXXY. •The use of estrogen-alone and estrogen plus progestin therapy has been reported to result in an increase in abnormal mammograms requiring further evaluation. •The WHI estrogen plus progestin substudy reported a statistically non-significant increased risk of ovarian cancer. A meta-analysis of 17 prospective and 35 retrospective epidemiology studies found that women who used hormonal therapy for menopausal symptoms had an increased risk for ovarian cancer. The exact duration of hormone therapy use associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, however, is unknown. •Other warnings include: gallbladder disease; severe hypercalcemia, loss of vision, severe hypertriglyceridemia or cholestatic jaundice. •Estrogen therapy may cause an exacerbation of asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, migraine, porphyria, systemic lupus erythematosus, and hepatic hemangiomas and should be used with caution in women with these conditions. •Women on thyroid replacement therapy should have their thyroid function monitored. ADVERSE REACTIONS •The most common adverse reaction with IMVEXXY (incidence ≥ 3 percent) and greater than placebo was headache. Indication IMVEXXY™ (estradiol vaginal inserts) is an estrogen indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe dyspareunia, a symptom of vulvar and vaginal atrophy, due to menopause. file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/OB61W2PF/pi.pdf