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2018-08-30 04:02:12  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:2  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:眼科术后新药:首个每日2次的新型纳米颗粒剂型眼部皮质类固醇疗法Inveltys(loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension 1%)获美国FDA批准即将上市。2018年8月24日,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准即将 ...
眼科术后新药:首个每日2次的新型纳米颗粒剂型眼部皮质类固醇疗法Inveltys(loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension 1%)获美国FDA批准即将上市。
2018年8月22日,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准即将上市的眼科新药INVELTYSTM(氯替泼诺眼用悬浮液 loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension,1%)用于治疗术后炎症和眼部手术后的疼痛。INVELTYS是第一个批准用于该适应症的每日两次(BID)眼部皮质类固醇。
  Kala Pharmaceuticals首席医疗官Kim Brazzell博士说:“每年大约有800万患者接受眼科手术。INVELTYS的批准为患者及其眼科护理专业人员提供了首次和唯一的BID眼部皮质类固醇治疗,该治疗已在临床试验中显示具有临床疗效,同时保持经证实的安全性,可提高依从性并减轻患者的负担。我们相信INVELTYS将成为眼保健专业人员治疗设备的重要补充。“
  “今天批准INVELTYS是眼科护理界的一个受欢迎的消息,因为它为眼科手术后炎症和疼痛的治疗提供了明确的进步。在一种新的纳米颗粒制剂中获得BID皮质类固醇,其安全性和疗效已得到证实,将对我的术后患者的管理产生积极影响,“眼科学教授,角膜和外科疾病处处长Terry Kim说道,杜克大学眼科中心。
  Kala还继续推进干眼病的KPI-121 0.25%。Kala已启动第三期3期临床试验,STRIDE 3(STRIDE-干眼症短期缓解),评估KPI-121 0.25%暂时缓解干眼症的症状和体征。Kala认为,对STRIDE 3设计的改变将提高其成功的可能性。公司预计将在2019年第四季度报告STRIDE 3的最高业绩.Kala还计划在2018年下半年提交KPI-121 0.25%的新药申请(NDA).NDA将包括来自三项临床试验研究了大约2,000名患者,包括一项2期试验和2项3期疗效和安全性试验(STRIDE 1和STRIDE 2)。
  INVELTYS(loteprednol etabonate)眼用悬浮液 1%是每日两次的皮质类固醇,用于治疗眼部手术后的炎症和疼痛。INVELTYS利用Kala专有的粘液穿透粒子(MPP)技术来增强对眼睛目标组织的渗透。在临床前研究中,与目前的LE产品相比,MPP技术增加了LE进入眼组织的能力。INVELTYS成功完成了两项3期临床试验,并在两项试验中均获得了两项主要疗效终点的统计学意义。在每项试验中,INVELTYS耐受性良好,未观察到与治疗相关的严重不良事件。INVELTYS于2018年8月22日获得FDA批准.Kala认为,由于其每日两次的给药方案,INVELTYS在治疗眼部手术后的炎症和疼痛方面具有良好的特征。
First approved August 22, 2018INVELTYS (loteprednol etabonate ophthalmic suspension 1%)
Brand name: Inveltys
Generic name: loteprednol etabonate
Dosage form: Ophthalmic Suspension
Company: Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Treatment for: Postoperative Ocular Inflammation
Inveltys (loteprednol etabonate) is a nanoparticle ocular corticosteroid formulation for the treatment of post-operative ocular inflammation and pain.
Dosage and Administration
Shake the bottle for one to two seconds before using.
Instill one to two drops of Inveltys into the affected eye twice daily beginning the day after surgery and continuing throughout the first 2 weeks of the post-operative period.
Do not to allow the dropper tip to touch any surface, as this may contaminate the suspension.
Consult a physician if pain, redness, or itching develops, or if inflammation becomes aggravated.
The preservative in Inveltys may be absorbed by soft contact lenses. Remove contact lenses prior to instillation of Inveltys. Contact lenses can be reinserted 15 minutes following administration of the drops.
Inveltys is contraindicated in most viral diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva including epithelial herpes simplex keratitis (dendritic keratitis), vaccinia, and varicella, and also in mycobacterial infection of the eye and fungal diseases of ocular structures.
Warnings and Precautions
Intraocular pressure (IOP) increase - prolonged use of corticosteroids may result in glaucoma with damage to the optic nerve, defects in visual acuity and fields of vision. If this product is used for 10 days or longer, IOP should be monitored.
Cataracts - Use of corticosteroids may result in posterior subcapsular cataract formation.
Delayed healing - Use of steroids after cataract surgery may delay healing and increase the incidence of bleb formation. In those diseases causing thinning of the cornea or sclera, perforations have been known to occur with the use of topical steroids. The initial prescription and renewal of the medication order should be made by a physician only after examination of the patient with the aid of magnification such as slit lamp biomicroscopy and, where appropriate, fluorescein staining.
Bacterial infections - Prolonged use of corticosteroids may suppress the host response and thus increase the hazard of secondary ocular infections. In acute purulent conditions, steroids may mask infection or enhance existing infection.
Viral infections - Use of a corticosteroid medication in the treatment of patients with a history of herpes simplex requires great caution. Use of ocular steroids may prolong the course and may exacerbate the severity of many viral infections of the eye (including herpes simplex).
Fungal Infections - Fungal infections of the cornea are particularly prone to develop coincidentally with long-term local steroid application. Fungus invasion must be considered in any persistent corneal ulceration where a steroid has been used or is in use.
Adverse Reactions
The most common adverse drug reactions were eye pain (1%) and posterior capsular opacification (1%). These reactions may have been the consequence of the surgical procedure.


依碳酸氯替泼诺滴眼液|Alrex(loteprednol etabonate Eye Drops)
氯替泼诺混悬滴眼液(露达舒 Lotemax)



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