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2005-10-31 16:56:25  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新药网天津分站  浏览次数:524  文字大小:【】【】【

Cetrotide(思哲凯) 的有效成份为cetrorelix,以醋酸盐的形式存在,为白色粉未,配有注射用水作为溶媒。有两种规格可供选择:0.25mg和3mg

Cetrotide是一种促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)拮抗剂。GnRH与垂体细胞膜上的受体结合,刺激黄体生成素(LH)及促卵泡成熟激素(FSH) 释放。Cetrotide与内源性GnRH竞争垂体细胞上的受体,从而抑制内源性LH及FSH的释放。Cetrotide 的抑制作用在注射后即时产生,没有刺激作用。在女性,Cetrotide 的作用是推迟LH峰的出现,从而控制排卵。    
Cetrotide的作用是剂量依赖性的,Cetrotide3mg 可维持4天的药效,第4天的抑制作用约为70%。每24小时注射一次Cetrotide0.25mg可以使抑制作用持续。动物试验及人体试验均显示,停止注射Cetrotide后,内源性的LH及FSH的分泌可迅速恢复。



在促排卵的第七天(相当于开始促性腺素治疗后132-144小时)给Cetrotide 3mg,如果卵泡发育不同步,则在注射Cetrotide后的96小时开始每天注射0.25mg Cetrotide直至诱发排卵。


About Cetrotide 0.25mg/0.5ml

Cetrotide O.25 MG is an injectable hormone used to prevent premature ovulation in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) such as IVF. During the treatment of ovarian stimulation, premature ovulation is undesired as it causes eggs that are unwanted for fertilization. Cetrotide O.25 MG/0.5ML is prescribed by physicians to the premature ovulation. Actually it does not affect ovulation directly, it affects the cause of ovulation. Cetrotide 0.25mg blocks GnRH hence stops unwanted premature ovulation.

Effectiveness of Cetrotide 0.25mg

Its effectiveness was determined in five clinical trials taking two dose regimens first one was a single dose per treatment cycle and second was multiple doses for complete treatment cycle. For first regimen Cetrotide 3mg was established as minimal effective dose and for other Cetrotide 0.25mg found minimal effective dose. Trials also found that the extent and duration of LH inhibition depends on dose. It has some side effects so be careful while taking Cetrotide and don't take any symptom of side effect lightly and contact your physician immediately. Symptoms include like allergy, headache, abdominal pain etc. Don't take it without physician's prescription. It should not be used by pregnant or might be pregnant individuals. Vast information about Cetrotide 0.25 is available on the Internet.



Cetrotide Information

A treatment trial with Cetrorelix (also commonly known as Cetrotide) is able to effectively block the actions of the GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone (a substance that naturally occurs in the human organism, and that is supposed to control the release of LH, the luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for the induction of ovulation).

Cetrotide Indications

A therapy with this medical product is widely prescribed to female patients who are currently under a strictly controlled ovarian stimulation, and who need to prevent experiencing premature ovulation. If you want to know in what way a therapy with Cetrotide will help you, seek the professional assistance of your personal physician.

Cetrotide Warnings

Pregnant females must not be allowed to start using Cetrotide on a regular basis, as this medication is a category X FDA medical product. Female patients who are suffering from any renal medical problems (clinical illnesses) must not start using this medication. For their condition, physicians should consider alternative therapy options.

Individuals who have experienced allergic reactions to hormones (especially to sex hormones) or to any hormonal based remedies (Goserelin, Zoladex, Naferelin, Synarel, Lupron, Antagon, and so on) must not be permitted to start a treatment trial with this clinical remedy (Cetrotide).

Cetrotide Intake Guidelines

All individuals should employ their doses of this medical product according to their physician’s instructions. A nurse or a pharmacist may provide the patient with further information regarding her current or future treatment trial with Cetrotide, if such information is necessary.

Although we recommend all patients to be administered their doses of this medicine in a special medical setting (a hospital), one can choose to administer her regular doses of Cetrotide at home, with no help from a health care specialist. In such cases, it is vital that the individual understands to the full extent all the physician’s instructions regarding the proper administration procedure.

Cetrotide has been designed for sub-dermal administration. Before you prepare your dose of this medicine, you should thoroughly wash your hands. You must never reuse your syringes and / or needles. You should dispose of all your equipment and of any unused medicine in an appropriate way. Ask your pharmacist for further guidelines.

Cetrotide Dosage

Medical experience has proven that not all individuals will receive the same dosage of Cetrotide, as this is known to depend on the patient’s age, general health condition, severity of the disorder, and so on. In this chapter you will find the average doses of Cetrorelix (the ones which are most commonly employed by health care specialists). However, you should acquire your Cetrotide dosage from your personal health care provider.

Females who are being treated with the injectable form of this medicine in order to deal with infertility should be administered 3 mg of Cetrotide as a sub-dermal injection. For further information, read the medicine’s leaflet.

Cetrotide Overdose

If this medicine (Cetrotide) is administered under the direct supervision of an authorized health care provider, over-dosage with this medical product is unlikely to occur. However, as some patients may choose to receive their injections at home, they end up administrating their doses of Cetrorelix themselves. In such cases, over-dosage may occur, especially if the patient has not fully understood how to administer her doses or how to measure them in an accurate manner.

If you suspect that you are suffering from an overdose with Cetrotide, you should immediately notify your personal physician and see in what way this has affected you therapy. You should receive the adequate medical attention as soon as possible; for this reason, we recommend all individuals to contact the nearest emergency room.

Cetrotide Missed Dose

As this medical product is commonly administered at a special medical setting, missed doses of Cetrotide are unlikely to occur, unless you miss one of your scheduled appointments with your personal physician. In such circumstances, it is important to contact your health care provider and establish a new appointment in which you will have to discuss the next steps of your therapy with this drug.

Cetrotide Side Effects

If you develop any signs of an allergic reaction during your therapy with this drug, it is vital to immediately cease your intake of this medication. Studies have shown that about 3.5 % of all the females who had been treated with this medical product developed OHSS (the abbreviation stands for ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome). The common clinical manifestations that are associated with this medical condition include: swelling of the limbs, weight gain, diarrhea, and breath shortness, severe pain located in the pelvic area, vomiting or nausea. The presence of this disorder (OHSS) can have fatal consequences.

Other adverse reactions have also been reported due to a therapy with Cetrotide. You should alert your personal physician as soon as possible if you develop swelling, itching, bruising or redness at the site of the injection, headaches or nausea. These are not all the clinical manifestations that may be associated with an intense therapy with Cetrotide.

Cetrotide Drug Reactions

We cannot provide you with any professional information regarding the most common clinical products that may harmfully interact with your therapy with Cetrotide. It is very important to seek the professional advice of your health care specialist before you use another clinical remedy during your treatment trial with this drug. Your pharmacist can give you a list of the most common medications that can harmfully interact with your treatment with Cetrotide.


Cetrotide® (注射用的cetrorelix acetate)是新一代促性腺荷爾蒙釋放激素(GnRH)拮抗劑,用以避免卵巢在進行輔助生育技術(ART)之前於接受刺激後提早排卵。
促性腺荷爾蒙釋放激素(GnRH)由大腦製造,可控制黃體激素(LH)的分泌,讓卵子順利成熟,從而排卵。過早排卵可能降低ART的效果,同時可能導致併發症(如卵子與胚胎品質不佳或不成熟,增加流產的可能性。) Cetrotide®是新一代GnRH拮抗劑,可對抗GnRH,避免垂體腺製造LH。病患使用可避免LH過早暴增導致提早排卵。


诺雷德(醋酸戈舍瑞林长效注射剂)-治疗前列腺癌 乳腺癌 子宫内膜异位症



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· 生长激素注射剂|Saizen(...
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· SOL-MELCORT for inject...
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· Somatuline for s.c. In...



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· Norditropin Simplexx I...