INDICATIONS AND USAGE SAMSCA is a selective vasopressin V2-receptor antagonist indicated for the treatment of clinically significant hypervolemic and euvolemic hyponatremia [serum sodium < 125 mEq/L or less marked hyponatremia that is symptomatic and has resisted correction with fluid restriction], including patients with heart failure, cirrhosis, and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH).
Important Limitations: • Patients requiring intervention to raise serum sodium urgently to prevent or to treat serious neurological
symptoms should not be treated with SAMSCA. • It has not been established that SAMSCA provides a symptomatic benefit to patients.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION • SAMSCA should be initiated and re-initiated in a hospital. • The recommended starting dose is 15 mg once daily. Dosage may be increased at intervals ≥24 hr to 30 mg once daily, and to a maximum of 60 mg once daily as needed to raise serum sodium. Monitor serum sodium and volume status.
DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS • Tablets: 15 mg and 30 mg
CONTRAINDICATIONS • Do not administer to patients requiring urgent intervention to raise serum sodium acutely. • Do not use in patients who are unable to sense or to respond appropriately to thirst. • Do not use in patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia. • Do not use with strong CYP 3A inhibitors. • Do not administer to patients who are anuric as no benefit is expected.
WARNINGS/PRECAUTIONS • Monitor serum sodium and neurologic status as serious neurologic sequelae can result from over rapid correction of sodium. • Because of the potential increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis, use in patients with cirrhosis only when the need to treat outweighs this risk. • Dehydration and hypovolemia may require intervention. • Avoid use with hypertonic saline. • Avoid use with CYP 3A inducers and moderate CYP 3A inhibitors. • Consider dose reduction if co-administered with P-gp inhibitors. • Monitor serum potassium in patients with potassium > 5 mEq/L or on drugs known to increase potassium.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Most common adverse reactions (≥ 5% placebo) are thirst, dry mouth, asthenia, constipation, pollakiuria or polyuria, and hyperglycemia.

美国FDA于2009年5月19日批准了日本大冢制药(Otsuka Pharm)的新分子化合药——托伐普坦片(Tolvaptan Tablets,商品名:Samsca)用于治疗高容或等容性低钠血症伴心力衰竭、肝硬化、抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征。
英文名】tolvaptan Tablet 【化学名】N-[4-[(5R)-7-氯-5-羟基-2,3,4,5-四氢-1-苯并氮杂卓-1-甲酰基]-3-甲基苯基]-2-甲基苯甲酰胺。 【分子式】C26H25ClN2O3 【分子量】448.94 【主要成分】托伐普坦 【性状】白色片剂。
*FDA批准托伐普坦片治疗低钠血症 FDA 已经批准托伐普坦片(tolvaptan,Samsca)治疗低钠血症,本品是唯一获准治疗该症的口服型选择性加压素拮抗剂。Samsca在美国地区的销售由Otsuka美国分公司负责。 FDA 新药审评中心心血管与肾病产品的主任Norman Stockbridge 医学博士对外发表声明时称:随着Samsca的获准,医生对治疗低钠血症又多了一种新的选择,本品被用来治疗由充血性心衰、肝硬化以及抗利尿激素分泌不足综合征导致的低钠血症。当血浆中钠离子浓度降低时,为了保持细胞内外的钠离子浓度平衡,细胞外的液体就会进入细胞内,这样细胞就会肿胀。当脑细胞肿胀时,就会导致各种低钠血的症状出现。包括头昏、虚弱、头痛、恶心、意识错乱以及意识减缩和惊厥发生。严重的低钠血症会导致昏迷和死亡, 目前Samsca在重度低血钠患者中还无相应的研究。 Samsca 可以升高血浆中钠离子浓度, 帮助多余的水分从尿液排出。在临床研究中,本品与安慰剂相比,明显升高了患者血浆中的钠离子浓度。本品的黑框警告为患者必须在血钠浓度密切的监控的医院里服用。因为血钠浓度如果升高的过快将导致严重的渗透性脱髓鞘综合征出现。
FDA已经批准托伐普坦片(tolvaptan,Samsca)治疗低钠血症,本品是唯一获准治疗该症的口服型选择性加压素拮抗剂。 托伐普坦片可用来治疗由充血性心衰、肝硬化以及抗利尿激素分泌不足综合征导致的低钠血症。FDA新药审评中心心血管与肾病产品的主任NormanStockbridge医学博士对外发表声明时称:随着托伐普坦片的获准,医生对治疗低钠血症又多了一种新的选择,当血浆中钠离子浓度降低时,为了保持细胞内外的钠离子浓度平衡,细胞外的液体就会进入细胞内,这样细胞就会肿胀。当脑细胞肿胀时,就会导致各种低钠血的症状出现。包括头昏、虚弱、头痛、恶心、意识错乱以及意识减缩和惊厥发生。严重的低钠血症会导致昏迷和死亡,目前托伐普坦片在重度低血钠患者中还无相应的研究。 托伐普坦片可以升高血浆中钠离子浓度,帮助多余的水分从尿液排出。在临床研究中,本品与安慰剂相比,明显升高了患者血浆中的钠离子浓度。托伐普坦片的黑框警告为患者必须在血钠浓度密切的监控的医院里服用。因为血钠浓度如果升高的过快将导致严重的渗透性脱髓鞘综合征出现。 托伐普坦是由Otsuka公司开发非肽类AVP2受体拮抗剂,仅需一日1次口服。近年来报道的多项针对本品用于CHF治疗的临床随机对照研究均提示,口服托伐普坦能明显减轻患者体重和水肿,且不破坏血电解质平衡,并能有效升高CHF患者并发的低血钠。托伐普坦耐受性好,治疗中不必限制水的摄入。常见不良反应为口干、渴感、晕眩、恶心、低血压等。
英文药名: Samsca (Tolvaptan Tablets)
中文药名: 托伐普坦片
生产厂家: Otsuka America Pharma Inc. |