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Potentially Inappropriate Drugs for the Elderly (Beers List)

2009-09-25 21:50:10  作者:新特药房  来源:新特药网  浏览次数:60  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: POTENTIALLY INAPPROPRIATE DRUGS FOR ELDERLY (BEERS LIST)* ALPRAZOLAM (use lowest effective dose) AMIODARONE (may cause arrhythmias; questionable efficacy in older adul ...

ALPRAZOLAM (use lowest effective dose)

AMIODARONE (may cause arrhythmias; questionable efficacy in older adults)

AMITRIPTYLINE (anticholinergic effects and sedation)

AMPHETAMINES (may cause dependence, hypertension, angina, MI, CNS stimulation)

ANOREXIC AGENTS (may cause dependence, hypertension, angina, and MI)

BARBITURATES, except phenobarbital or for seizures (highly addictive, cause more adverse effects in elderly than most other hypnotic/sedatives)

BELLADONNA ALKALOIDS (anticholinergic effects and questionable effectiveness; avoid its use, esp. long-term)

BISACODYL (bowel dysfunction with long-term use; may be appropriate with opiate analgesics)

CARISOPRODOL (poorly tolerated due to anticholinergic effects and possibly less effective at tolerated doses)

CASCARA SAGRADA (bowel dysfunction with long-term use; may be appropriate with opiate analgesics)

CHLORAZEPATE (prolonged sedation; short-acting benzodiazepines are preferred)

CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE (prolonged sedation; short-acting benzodiazepines are preferred)

CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE-AMITRIPTYLINE (anti-cholinergic effects and prolonged sedation; short-acting benzodiazepines preferred)

CHLORPHENIRAMINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)

CHLORPROPAMIDE (may cause prolonged hypoglycemia and/or SIADH)

CHLORZOXAZONE (poorly tolerated by elderly due to anticholinergic effects and possibly less effective at tolerated doses)

Cimetidine (may cause confusion, other CNS adverse effects)

CLIDINIUM-CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE (anticholinergic effects, prolonged sedation; shortacting benzodiazepines preferred) clidinium is of questionable effectiveness; avoid its use, esp. long-term)

Clonidine (may cause orthostatic hypotension, adverse CNS effects)

Cyclandelate (uncertain efficacy at doses studied)

CYCLOBENZAPRINE (poorly tolerated by elderly due to anticholinergic effects and possibly less effective at tolerated doses)

CYPROHEPTADINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)

DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)

DIAZEPAM (prolonged sedation; short-acting benzodiazepines preferred)

DICYCLOMINE (causes anticholinergic effects and is of questionable effectiveness; avoid its use, esp. long-term)

Digoxin (increased risk of toxic effects with decreased renal function; use low doses except when treating atrial arrhythmias)

DIPHENHYDRAMINE (causes anticholinergic effects and sedation; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions; should be used only at lowest effective dose if used for allergic reactions; should not be used as a hypnotic)

Dipyridamole, short-acting (may cause ortho-static hypotension)

DISOPYRAMIDE (may cause heart failure and anticholinergic effects; avoid its use)

Doxazosin (hypotension, dry mouth, urinary problems)

DOXEPIN (anticholinergic effects and sedation)

Ergot mesyloids (uncertain efficacy at doses studied)

Estrogens only, oral forms (carcinogenicity and lack of cardioprotective effect in older women)

Ethacrynic acid (may cause hypertension, fluid/electrolyte imbalances; use safer alternatives)

Ferrous sulfate (doses over 325mg/day are not reliably absorbed but may cause constipation)

FLUOXETINE, daily use forms (may cause excessive CNS stimulation, agitation, sleep disturbances; use safer alternatives)

FLURAZEPAM (prolonged sedation may result in falls/fractures; medium or short-acting benzodiazepines preferred)

GUANADREL (orthostatic hypotension)

GUANETHIDINE (orthostatic hypotension)

HALAZEPAM (prolonged sedation; shortacting benzodiazepines preferred)

HYDROXYZINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)

HYOSCYAMINE (causes anticholinergic effects and is of questionable effectiveness; avoid its use, esp. long-term)

INDOMETHACIN (causes the most CNS side effects among NSAIDs)

Isoxsurpine (uncertain efficacy)

KETOROLAC (avoid immediate and longterm use in elderly, because they may have asymptomatic pathological GI conditions)

LORAZEPAM (use lowest effective dose)

MEPERIDINE (may cause confusion; is of questionable efficacy at commonly used oral doses)

MEPROBAMATE (very addicting and sedating; slow withdrawal needed after prolonged use)

MESORIDAZINE (CNS and extrapyramidal adverse effects)

METAXALONE (poorly tolerated by elderly due to anticholinergic effects; possibly less effective at tolerated doses)

METHOCARBAMOL (poorly tolerated by elderly due to anticholinergic effects; possibly less effective at tolerated doses)

METHYLDOPA and METHYLDOPA-HCTZ (may cause bradycardia and worsen depression in elderly)

METHYLTESTOSTERONE (may cause prostatic hypertrophy, cardiac problems)

MINERAL OIL (potential for aspiration and other adverse effects; use safer alternatives)

NAPROXEN (avoid long-term, full-dose use due to potential to cause GI bleed, renal failure, high BP, heart failure)

NEOLOID (bowel dysfunction with long-term use; may be appropriate with opiate analgesics)

NIFEDIPINE, short acting (may cause hypotension, constipation)

NITROFURANTOIN (may cause renal impairment; use safer alternatives)

ORPHENADRINE (sedation, anticholinergic effects; use safer alternatives)

OXAPROZIN (avoid long-term, full-dose use due to potential to cause GI bleed, renal failure, high BP, heart failure)

OXAZEPAM (use lowest effective dose)

OXYBUTYNIN (poorly tolerated by elderly due to anticholinergic effects; possibly less effective at tolerated doses; do not consider extended-release form)

PENTAZOCINE (may cause more CNS adverse effects than other narcotics)

PERPHENAZINE-AMITRIPTYLINE (anticholinergic effects, sedation)

PIROXICAM (avoid long-term, full-dose use due to potential to cause GI bleed, renal failure, high BP, heart failure)

PROMETHAZINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)

PROPANTHELINE (causes anticholinergic effects and is of questionable effectiveness; avoid its use, esp. long-term)

Propoxyphene and combination products (risks may outweigh benefits)

QUAZEPAM (prolonged sedation; short-acting benzodiazepines preferred)

RESERPINE (may cause depression, impotence, sedation, and orthostatic hypotension at doses over 0.25mg)

TEMAZEPAM (use lowest effective dose)

THIORIDAZINE (greater potential for CNS and extrapyramidal adverse effects)

THYROID, DESSICATED (possible cardiac effects; use safer alternatives)

TICLOPIDINE (aspirin, or other alternative drugs, may be preferable due to efficacy and safety)

TRIAZOLAM (use lowest effective dose)

TRIMETHOBENZAMIDE (less effective, and may cause extrapyramidal symptoms)

TRIPELENNAMINE (causes anticholinergic effects; non-anticholinergic antihistamines preferred for treating allergic reactions)


Adapted from: Updating the Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. Results of a US Consensus Panel of Experts. (Table 1). Fick, DM, et. al. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:2716-2724.
*Listings in ALL CAPS denotes “high severity”


Drugs Approved by the FDA



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· MRI检出:阿利吉仑增加斑...
· 美修改吗替麦考酚酯说明...
· FDA更新来那度胺发生新恶...
· FDA警告:西地那非禁用于...
· 美国FDA再次警告艾塞那肽...
· FDA发布达伐吡啶致 癫痫...
· 日本增加干扰素使用禁忌
· FDA:来那度胺增加新发恶...
· FDA建议谨慎合用甲氨蝶呤...
· FDA发布芬戈莫德安全通告

