抗HIV药物Invirase(沙喹那韦/ saquinavir)
罗氏的相关研究报告称,研究证明,2片500mg规格Invirase+100mg Norvir(利托那韦/ritonavir)的用药方案可以使Invirase的血药浓度达到和5片200mg规格Invirase+100mg Norvir的用药方案相似的水平。
【药代动力学】 吸收:口服约30%吸收,生物利用度:与食物同服约4%。 分布:98%与血浆蛋白结合。在组织中广泛分布。 代谢:通过CYP3A4快速代谢。 排泄:主要经粪便排泄。终末半衰期:约13.2小时。
【用法用量】 治疗HIV感染:成人:>16岁:1gbid,同时给予利托那韦100mgbid。或400mgbid,同时服用利托那位400mgbid。 职业暴露后预防HIV:成人:1gbid,同时给予利托那韦100mgbid,及其它抗逆转录病毒药物。应该尽快开始治疗,疗程:4周。
【不良反应】 恶心,呕吐和腹泻。味觉异常。腹痛,食欲减退,食欲增加,胀气,衰弱,疲乏,睡眠障碍,头痛,头晕,感觉异常,感觉减退,肌痛,关节痛,脱发,瘙痒和肾功能不全。肌炎和横纹肌溶解。脂肪代谢障碍,高血糖,引发糖尿病或糖尿病加重,过敏反应,血液病,大脚趾嵌甲和甲沟炎。月经不规则,经期延长和经量增多。急性偏执反应。性功能减退。 严重不良反应:过敏反应,斯-约二氏综合征,光敏感,肾结石,胰腺炎,出血,溶血性贫血,颅内出血和呼吸系统疾病。
【药物相互作用】 常与利托那韦、茚地那韦、奈非那韦、利福布丁、地拉韦啶、奈韦拉平、CYP3A4酶底物联合应用治疗HIV感染。与西地那非、核苷逆转录酶抑制剂、匹莫齐特合用,会导致重度心律失常、神经或其它毒性。降低雌激素的作用,需改用或增加其它避孕措施。增加地高辛和maraviroc的血浓度。降低美沙酮的血浓度。与氟康唑、雷尼替丁或埃索美拉唑合用,本药血浓度降低。 严重药物相互作用:与阿司咪唑、特非那定、麦角衍生物、西沙必利、咪达唑仑或三唑仑合用,会导致严重的副作用如心律失常。利福平与沙奎那韦或利托那韦合用,会引发严重肝毒性。与HMG-辅酶A还原酶抑制剂(经CYP3A4代谢)合用,发生肌病的风险增加。 对实验室检查结果的影响:导致实验室结果异常,如肝酶和胆红素升高,肌酸磷酸激酶和血脂升高。 与食物的相互作用:服食圣约翰草会导致本药血浓度降低,疗效减弱,增加发生耐药的风险。
General Description:
Invirase brand of saquinavir mesylate is an inhibitor of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease. Invirase is available as an opaque hard gelatin capsules for oral administration in a 200-mg strength Each capsule also contains the inactive ingredients lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone K30, sodium starch glycolate, talc and magnesium stearate.
Mechanism: Molecular Formula: C38H50N6O5 * CH4O3S Molecular Weight: 766.96, 670.86 See below for Molecular Structure:
HIV protease cleaves viral polyprotein precursors to generate functional proteins in HIV-infected cells. The cleavage of viral polyprotein precursors is essential for maturation of infectious virus. Saquinavir mesylate, henceforth referred to as saquinavir, is a synthetic peptide-like substrate analogue that inhibits the activity of HIV protease and prevents the cleavage of viral polyproteins.
Indications and usuage: Invirase in combination with other antiretroviral agents is indicated for the treatment of HIV infection. This indication is based on results from studies of surrogate marker responses and from clinical study that showed a reduction in both mortality and AIDS-defining clinical events for patients who recieved who recieved invirase in combination with other antiretroviral drugs compared to patients who received drugs alone.
The recommended dosage is three 200 mg capsules daily. Invirase should be taken within two hours of completing a meal. Lower dosages have shown little or no therapeutic effect.
Precautions: New cases of diabetes mellitus, worsening of pre-existing diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia have been reported during posmarketing surveillance in HIV infected patients recieving protease-inhibitor treatment. In some severe cases, diabetic ketacidosis has occured.
The safety profile of invirase in pediatric patients younger than 16 years has not been established.
Contraintradictions: Fortovase is contrainicated for patients with known hypersensitivity to saquinavir or its components. It should NOT be administered concomitantly with terfenadine, casapride, astmiazole, triazolam, midazolam, or ergot derivatives.
Potential Adverse Effects: The majority of adverse events were of mild intensity. The most frequently reported adverse events among patients receiving invirase were diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and nausea. |