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Stalevo®(carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone)

2010-06-05 02:42:08  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:726  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 左旋多巴、卡比多巴、恩托卡朋三者的复方制剂stalevo最近已经在国外上市,用于治疗帕金森病的剂末效应,即一种长期用帕金森病药物后的药效衰退现象。该药现在有三种规格,即stalevo 50(左旋多巴/卡比多 ...

左旋多巴、卡比多巴、恩托卡朋三者的复方制剂stalevo最近已经在国外上市,用于治疗帕金森病的剂末效应,即一种长期用帕金森病药物后的药效衰退现象。该药现在有三种规格,即stalevo 50(左旋多巴/卡比多巴/恩托卡朋 50/12.5/200mg),stalevo100(左旋多巴/卡比多巴/恩托卡朋100/25/200mg),stalevo 150(左旋多巴/卡比多巴/恩托卡朋150/37.5/200mg)。stalevo的优势在于服用方便,尤其需要服用很多药物且吞咽有困难的帕金森病患者。大多数服用左旋多巴、卡比多巴标准片加恩托卡朋的患者可以直接切换到相对应的stalevo上去。对于服用左旋多巴、卡比多巴标准片但没有服用恩托卡朋的患者,应用stalevo即相当于增加了恩托卡朋。 

Drug Descriptionfont sizeAAAStalevo® 50
Stalevo® 75
Stalevo® 100
Stalevo® 125
Stalevo® 150
Stalevo® 200
(carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone) Tablets

Stalevo®(carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone)

Why is Stalevo prescribed?

Stalevo is used to help relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including tremors, muscle stiffness and rigidity, slowness of movement, and poor balance or coordination.

Stalevo contains a combination of three drugs, carbidopa, levodopa, and entacapone. The drug that actually relieves the symptoms of Parkinson's is levodopa. Carbidopa and entacapone both keep the body from breaking down levodopa too quickly, thus allowing the drug's effects to last longer. Keep in mind that Stalevo is not a cure for Parkinson's disease; it merely helps keep the symptoms under control.

Most important fact about Stalevo

You should never take Stalevo with certain antidepressants known as monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, such as phenelzine and tranylcypromine. Combining Stalevo with these drugs could cause serious—and possibly life-threatening—side effects. This type of antidepressant should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before beginning therapy with Stalevo.

However, Stalevo may be combined with the drug selegiline, which is a different type of MAO inhibitor that is often prescribed for Parkinson's disease. Always check with your doctor before taking any type of MAO inhibitor.

How should you take Stalevo?

Stalevo may be taken with or without food. Never chew, crush, or break the tablets. Do not change the prescribed dosing regimen or add any Parkinson's medications without first consulting your doctor.

  • If you miss a dose...
    If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the one you missed and go back to your regular schedule. Do not take two doses at once.
  • Storage instructions...
    Store at room temperature.

What side effects may occur?

Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe to continue using Stalevo.

  • Side effects may include:
    Abdominal pain, back pain, confusion, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, hallucinations, involuntary movements or tremor, nausea (especially at the start of therapy), slow movements or difficulty making voluntary movements, uncontrollable twitching or jerking, vomiting, urine discoloration

Why should Stalevo not be prescribed?

You should not use Stalevo if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any of its components: carbidopa, levodopa, entacapone.

Do not take Stalevo if you have glaucoma. You must also avoid the drug if you have any suspicious, undiagnosed skin lesion or mole, or a history of melanoma.

Special warnings about Stalevo

Stalevo may cause or exacerbate depression, hallucinations, psychosis, or suicidal thoughts. If you develop any of these symptoms, tell your doctor right away. Also make sure the doctor knows if you have a history of mental or emotional problems.

Stalevo can make some medical conditions worse. Be sure your doctor knows if you have any of the following:
Endocrine (glandular) disorder
Glaucoma (high pressure in the eye)
Heart or lung disease (severe)
History of heart attack or irregular heartbeat
History of peptic ulcer
Kidney disorder
Liver disorder
Undiagnosed skin lesions

Muscle rigidity, high temperature, rapid heartbeat or breathing, sweating, blood pressure changes, involuntary twitching or jerking movements, and mental changes may occur when Stalevo is reduced suddenly or discontinued. If you stop taking this medicine abruptly, your doctor should monitor your condition carefully.

Stalevo may lower blood pressure, causing symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, fainting, and sweating. Be careful about standing up too quickly, especially after lying down or sitting for a long time. Give yourself ample time to understand how Stalevo affects you before you attempt to drive a car or operate machinery.

Possible food and drug interactions when taking Stalevo

Stalevo should never be combined with certain MAO inhibitors such as the antidepressants phenelzine and tranylcypromine (see "Most important fact about Stalevo").

If Stalevo is taken with certain other drugs, the effects of either could be increased, decreased, or altered. It is especially important to consult your doctor before combining Stalevo with the following:
Asthma medications
Blood pressure medication
Epinephrine or norepinephrine
Major tranquilizers such as chlorpromazine
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Rifampin or rifampicin
Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline

Iron supplements or a high-protein diet may reduce the effectiveness of Stalevo.

Special information if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

The effects of Stalevo during pregnancy have not been studied. Notify your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Stalevo should only be used if the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks.

It is not known whether Stalevo appears in breast milk. Your doctor may recommend that you discontinue breastfeeding while you are taking Stalevo.

Recommended dosage for Stalevo


Your doctor will tailor your individual dosage carefully, depending on your response to previous therapy and symptoms. If you are already taking carbidopa/levodopa and entacapone as two separate medications, you will start a Stalevo regimen that matches what you were previously taking.

Stalevo may be taken up to eight times a day. It is available in three different strengths:

  • 12.5 milligrams carbidopa/50 milligrams levodopa/200 milligrams entacapone
  • 25 milligrams carbidopa/100 milligrams levodopa/ 200 milligrams entacapone
  • 37.5 milligrams carbidopa/150 milligrams levodopa/200 milligrams entacapone


An overdose of Stalevo can have potentially serious effects and may require hospitalization. If you suspect an overdose, seek medical treatment immediately.

  • Symptoms of overdose may include:
    Abdominal pain, loose stools, low blood pressure, mental disturbances (depression, psychosis, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts), rapid heartbeat



Rytary(Carbidopa and Levodopa Capsules)
RYTARY(carbidopa and levodopa)extended-release capsules
Duopa(Carbidopa and Levodopa Enteral Suspension)
复合左旋多巴&卡比多巴肠用凝胶|Duodopa(Levodopa/Carbidopa Gel)
苄丝肼左旋多巴控释胶囊|Prolopa CR(Benserazide/Levodopa Capsules)
复合卡比多巴左旋多巴奈韦拉平片|Stalevo(Carbidopa/Levodopa/Entacapone Tablets)
卡比多巴~左旋多巴缓释片|Sinemet CR(Carbidopa/Levodopa Sustained Release Tablets)
卡比多巴和左旋多巴片|Sinemet(Carbidopa/Levodopa Tablets)
苄丝肼左旋多巴分散片|Prolopa(benserazide/levodopa capsules)



· Madopar CR(多巴丝肼缓释...
· Levomet(盐酸左旋多巴甲...
· 艾斯贴片(卡巴拉汀透皮...
· Azilect(雷沙吉兰片,Ra...
· 多巴丝肼胶囊
· 翔通(单唾液酸四己糖神经...
· 米拉帕缓释片|MIRAPEX E...
· 罗匹尼罗缓释片|Requip ...
· 盐酸罗匹尼罗片|Requip ...
· 甲磺酸培高利特(PERGOL...



· Madopar CR(多巴丝肼缓释...
· Levomet(盐酸左旋多巴甲...
· 艾斯贴片(卡巴拉汀透皮...
· Azilect(雷沙吉兰片,Ra...
· 多巴丝肼胶囊
· 翔通(单唾液酸四己糖神经...
· 米拉帕缓释片|MIRAPEX E...
· 罗匹尼罗缓释片|Requip ...
· 盐酸罗匹尼罗片|Requip ...
· 甲磺酸培高利特(PERGOL...

