L-Methylfolate(L-甲基叶酸)抗抑郁药物, 用于有低血浆或低红细胞叶酸的患者的膳食治疗。它也可以用来医生确定的其他条件。它是医疗食品。提供叶酸。
【原产地英文商品名】CEREFOLIN NAC TABLET (600/2/5.6)mg/tab 90tabs/bottle 【原产地英文药品名】ACETYLCYSTEINE/MECOBALAMIN/L-METHYLFOLATE 【中文参考商品译名】CEREFOLIN NAC片剂 (600/2/5.6)毫克/片 90片/瓶 【中文参考药品译名】乙酰半胱氨酸/甲钴胺/L-甲基叶酸 【生产厂家中文参考译名】PamLab, L.L.C. 【生产厂家英文名】PamLab, L.L.C.
CerefolinNAC® is an innovative, therapeutic approach addressing homocysteine and oxidative stress linked to progressive memory loss. Case studies have shown oral supplementation with NAC, in addition to folate and vitamin B12 therapy, may reduce the effects of oxidative stress and improve cognitive function in patients with memory deficit.
CerefolinNAC® Ingredients 5.6 mg L-methylfolate which is a biologically form of folic acid. 2 mg Methylcobalamin which is vitamin B12. 600 mg N-Acetylcysteine is a form of glutathione which is an antioxidant.
Cerefolin NAC Cost Cerefolin NAC is sold by prescription only. Prices vary depending on the method used to pay for it. The cost of the doctor's visit should also be included in cost calculations.
Does Cerefolin NAC Work? The benefit of using Cerefolin NAC is the topic of several medical studies. These studies indicate that people suffering from mental memory issues need to increase their folic acid intake. Cerefolin NAC contains ingredients that do that. Some of these studies show that people who are using this supplement think faster and their mental reaction time is faster than it was before taking Cerefolin NAC. Mental skills did improve meaning that these people mental abilities were compared to people who were anywhere from 2 to 5 years younger and they mentally functioned at that level of awareness. The brain supplement Constant Focus can be purchased without a prescription and no doctor's visit is necessary. The effectiveness that Constant Focus has demonstrated on people suffering from forgetfulness, lack of focus and confusion has been documented in review after review. Constant Focus is a brain supplement that works and does enhance the quality of life for those who think old age is state where you are measured in past terms rather than in present awareness. Constant Focus brings the past back into the present, as well as making the present clearer and easier to manage. |