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2011-10-05 00:05:17  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:213  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Dilantin 125 (Phenytoin acid form Suspension) 中文药名: 苯妥英钠125mg(苯妥酸口服悬浮液) 生产品牌药厂家: Pfizer 药品名称 别名: 大仑丁, 苯妥英钠,奇非宁, 大伦丁, 二苯乙内酰脲, ...

英文药名: Dilantin 125 (Phenytoin acid form Suspension)

中文药名: 苯妥英钠125mg(苯妥酸口服悬浮液)

生产品牌药厂家: Pfizer


别名: 大仑丁, 苯妥英钠,奇非宁, 大伦丁, 二苯乙内酰脲, 二苯乙内酰胺钠
外文名: Sodium Phenytoin, Antisacer, Diphenylhydantoin, Dilantin
【苯妥英钠】(dilantin) 亦称“大仑丁”。学名“5,5-二苯乙内酰脲钠”。分子量274.25。白色粉末,无臭、味苦,微有吸湿性,在空气中逐渐吸收二氧化碳而析出苯妥英。熔点290-299℃。易溶于水,水溶液呈碱性。抗癫癇及抗心律失常药。

1. 动物实验证明,本品对超强电休克、惊厥的强直相有选择性对抗作用,而对阵挛相无效或反而加剧,故其对癫癎大发作有良效,而对失神性发作无效。其抗癫癎作用机制尚未阐明,一般认为,增加细胞钠离子外流,减少钠离子内流,而使神经细胞膜稳定,提高兴奋阈,减少病灶高频放电的扩散。
2. 另外本品缩短动作电位间期及有效不应期,还可抑制钙离子内流,降低心肌自律性,抑制交感中枢,对心房、心室的异位节律点有抑制作用,提高房颤与室颤阈值。
3. 其稳定细胞膜作用及降低突触传递作用,而具抗神经痛及骨骼肌松弛作用。
4. 本品可抑制皮肤成纤维细胞合成(或)分泌胶原酶。还可加速维生素D代谢,可引起淋巴结肿大,有抗叶酸作用,对造血系统有抑制作用,可引起过敏反应,有酶诱导作用,静脉用药可扩张周围血管。

口服吸收较慢,85~90%由小肠吸收,吸收率个体差异大,受食物影响。新生儿吸收甚差。口服生物利用度约为79%,分布于细胞内外液,细胞内可能多于细胞外,表观分布容积为0.6L/kg。血浆蛋白结合率为88~92%,主要与白蛋白结合, 在脑组织内蛋白结合可能还高。口服后4~12小时血药浓度达峰值。主要在肝脏代谢,代谢物无药理活性,其中主要为羟基苯妥英(约占50~70%),此代谢存在遗传多态性和人种差异。存在肠肝循环,主要经肾排泄,碱性尿排泄较快。T1/2为7~42小时,长期服用苯妥英钠的患者,T1/2 可为15~95小时,甚至更长。应用一定剂量药物后肝代谢(羟化)能力达饱和,此时即使增加很小剂量,血药浓度非线性急剧增加,有中毒危险,要监测血药浓度。有效血药浓度为10~20mg/L,每日口服300 mg,7~10日可达稳态浓度。血药浓度超过20mg/L时易产生毒性反应,出现眼球震颤;超过30mg/L时,出现共济失调;超过40mg/L时往往出现严重毒性作用。能通过胎盘,能分泌入乳汁。

也可用于治疗三叉神经痛,隐性营养不良性大疱性表皮松解(recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa),发作性舞蹈手足徐动症,发作性控制障碍(包括发怒、焦虑和失眠的兴奋过度等的行为障碍疾患),肌强直症及三环类抗抑郁药过量时心脏传导障碍等。

成人常用量:每日250~300mg,开始时100 mg,每日二次, 1~3周内增加至250~300 mg,分三次口服,极量一次300mg,一日500mg。由于个体差异及饱合药动学特点,用药需个体化。应用达到控制发作和血药浓度达稳态后,可改用长效(控释)制剂,一次顿服。如发作频繁,可按体重12~15 mg/kg,分2~3次服用,每6小时一次,第二天开始给予100mg(或按体重1.5~2mg/kg ),每日3次直到调整至恰当剂量为止。
小儿常用量:开始每日5mg/kg,分2~3次服用,按需调整,以每日不超过250 mg为度。维持量为4~8 mg/kg或按体表面积250 mg/m2,分2~3次服用,如有条件可进行血药浓度监测。
成人常用:100~300 mg,一次服或分2~3次服用,或第一日10~15mg/kg,第2~4日7.5~10mg/kg,维持量2~6mg/kg。
小儿常用量:开始按体重5 mg/kg,分2~3 次口服,根据病情调整每日量不超过300mg,维持量4~8 mg/ kg,或按体表面积250mg/m2,分2~3次口服。
开始每日2~3 mg/kg分2次服用,在2~3周内,增加到患者能够耐受的用量,血药浓度至少达8μg/ml。一般每日100~300 mg。

本品副作用小,常见齿龈增生,儿童发生率高,应加强口腔卫生和按摩齿龈。长期服用后或血药浓度达30μg/ml可能引起恶心,呕吐甚至胃炎,饭后服用可减轻。神经系统不良反应与剂量相关,常见眩晕、头痛,严重时可引起眼球震颤、共济失调、语言不清和意识模糊,调整剂量或停药可消失; 较少见的神经系统不良反应有头晕、失眠、一过性神经质、颤搐、舞蹈症、肌张力不全、震颤、扑翼样震颤等。可影响造血系统,致粒细胞和血小板减少,罕见再障;常见巨幼红细胞性贫血,可用叶酸加维生素B12防治。可引起过敏反应,常见皮疹伴高烧,罕见严重皮肤反应,如剥脱性皮炎,多形糜烂性红斑,系统性红斑狼疮和致死性肝坏死、淋巴系统何杰金病等。




小儿由于分布容积与消除半衰期随年龄而变化,因此应经常作血药浓度测定。 新生儿或婴儿期对本品的药动学较特殊,临床对中毒症状评定有困难,一般不首先采用。学龄前儿童肝脏代谢强,需多次监测血药浓度以决定用药次数和用量。


1. 长期应用对乙酰氨基酚患者应用本品可增加肝脏中毒的危险,并且疗效降低。
2. 为肝酶诱导剂,与皮质激素、洋地黄类(包括地高辛)、口服避孕药、环孢素、雌激素、左旋多巴、奎尼丁、土霉素或三环抗抑郁药合用时,可降低这些药物的效应。
3. 长期饮酒可降低本品的浓度和疗效,但服药同时大量饮酒可增加血药浓度;与氯霉素、异烟肼、保泰松、磺胺类合用可能降低本品代谢使血药浓度增加,增加本品的毒性;与抗凝剂合用,开始增加抗凝效应,持续应用则降低。
4. 与含镁、铝或碳酸钙等合用时可能降低本品的生物利用度,两者应相隔2~3小时服用。
5. 与降糖药或胰岛素合用时,因本品可使血糖升高,需调整后两者用量。
6. 原则上用多巴胺的患者,不宜用本品。
7. 本品与利多卡因或心得安合用时可能加强心脏的抑制作用。
8. 虽然本品消耗体内叶酸,但增加叶酸反可降低本品浓度和作用。
9. 苯巴比妥或扑米酮对本品的影响,变化很大,应经常监测血药浓度;与丙戊酸类合用有蛋白结合竞争作用,应经常监测血药浓度,调整本品用量。
10. 与卡马西平合用,后者血浓降低。如合并用大量抗精神病药或三环类抗抑郁药可能癫痫发作,需调整本品用量。


苯妥英钠胶囊/片 30mg, 100mg;
苯妥英钠125(苯妥酸悬浮液) 125mg/5ml;
苯妥英钠30(苯妥酸儿科悬浮液) 30mg/5ml;

Generic Name: phenytoin
Dosage Form: oral suspension
(Phenytoin Oral Suspension, USP)
Dilantin-125 Description
Dilantin (phenytoin) is related to the barbiturates in chemical structure, but has a five-membered ring. The chemical name is 5,5-diphenyl-2,4 imidazolidinedione, having the following structural formula:

Each 5 ml of suspension contains 125 mg of phenytoin, USP; alcohol, USP (maximum content not greater than 0.6 percent); banana flavor; carboxymethylcellulose sodium, USP; citric acid, anhydrous, USP; glycerin, USP; magnesium aluminum silicate, NF; orange oil concentrate; polysorbate 40, NF; purified water, USP; sodium benzoate, NF; sucrose, NF; vanillin, NF; and FD&C yellow No. 6.

Dilantin-125 - Clinical Pharmacology

Phenytoin is an antiepileptic drug which can be useful in the treatment of epilepsy. The primary site of action appears to be the motor cortex where spread of seizure activity is inhibited. Possibly by promoting sodium efflux from neurons, phenytoin tends to stabilize the threshold against hyperexcitability caused by excessive stimulation or environmental changes capable of reducing membrane sodium gradient. This includes the reduction of posttetanic potentiation at synapses. Loss of posttetanic potentiation prevents cortical seizure foci from detonating adjacent cortical areas. Phenytoin reduces the maximal activity of brain stem centers responsible for the tonic phase of tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures.

The plasma half-life in man after oral administration of phenytoin averages 22 hours, with a range of 7 to 42 hours. Steady-state therapeutic levels are achieved at least 7 to 10 days (5–7 half-lives) after initiation of therapy with recommended doses of 300 mg/day.

When serum level determinations are necessary, they should be obtained at least 5–7 half-lives after treatment initiation, dosage change, or addition or subtraction of another drug to the regimen so that equilibrium or steady-state will have been achieved. Trough levels provide information about clinically effective serum level range and confirm patient compliance and are obtained just prior to the patient's next scheduled dose. Peak levels indicate an individual's threshold for emergence of dose-related side effects and are obtained at the time of expected peak concentration. For Dilantin-125 Suspension, peak levels occur 1½–3 hours after administration.

Optimum control without clinical signs of toxicity occurs more often with serum levels between 10 and 20 mcg/mL, although some mild cases of tonic-clonic (grand mal) epilepsy may be controlled with lower serum levels of phenytoin.

In most patients maintained at a steady dosage, stable phenytoin serum levels are achieved. There may be wide interpatient variability in phenytoin serum levels with equivalent dosages. Patients with unusually low levels may be noncompliant or hypermetabolizers of phenytoin. Unusually high levels result from liver disease, congenital enzyme deficiency, or drug interactions which result in metabolic interference. The patient with large variations in phenytoin plasma levels, despite standard doses, presents a difficult clinical problem. Serum level determinations in such patients may be particularly helpful. As phenytoin is highly protein bound, free phenytoin levels may be altered in patients whose protein binding characteristics differ from normal.

Most of the drug is excreted in the bile as inactive metabolites which are then reabsorbed from the intestinal tract and excreted in the urine. Urinary excretion of phenytoin and its metabolites occurs partly with glomerular filtration but, more importantly, by tubular secretion. Because phenytoin is hydroxylated in the liver by an enzyme system which is saturable at high plasma levels, small incremental doses may increase the half-life and produce very substantial increases in serum levels, when these are in the upper range. The steady-state level may be disproportionately increased, with resultant intoxication, from an increase in dosage of 10% or more.

Indications and Usage for Dilantin-125

Dilantin (phenytoin) is indicated for the control of tonic-clonic (grand mal) and psychomotor (temporal lobe) seizures.

Phenytoin serum level determinations may be necessary for optimal dosage adjustments (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION and CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY sections).


Dilantin is contraindicated in those patients with a history of hypersensitivity to phenytoin or its inactive ingredients or other hydantoins.


Effects of Abrupt Withdrawal

Abrupt withdrawal of phenytoin in epileptic patients may precipitate status epilepticus. When in the judgment of the clinician the need for dosage reduction, discontinuation, or substitution of alternative anticonvulsant medication arises, this should be done gradually. In the event of an allergic or hypersensitivity reaction, more rapid substitution of alternative therapy may be necessary. In this case, alternative therapy should be an anticonvulsant not belonging to the hydantoin chemical class.

Suicidal Behavior and Ideation

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), including Dilantin, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior in patients taking these drugs for any indication. Patients treated with any AED for any indication should be monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or any unusual changes in mood or behavior.

Pooled analyses of 199 placebo-controlled clinical trials (mono- and adjunctive therapy) of 11 different AEDs showed that patients randomized to one of the AEDs had approximately twice the risk (adjusted Relative Risk 1.8, 95% CI:1.2, 2.7) of suicidal thinking or behavior compared to patients randomized to placebo. In these trials, which had a median treatment duration of 12 weeks, the estimated incidence rate of suicidal behavior or ideation among 27,863 AED-treated patients was 0.43%, compared to 0.24% among 16,029 placebo-treated patients, representing an increase of approximately one case of suicidal thinking or behavior for every 530 patients treated. There were four suicides in drug-treated patients in the trials and none in placebo-treated patients, but the number is too small to allow any conclusion about drug effect on suicide.

The increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with AEDs was observed as early as one week after starting drug treatment with AEDs and persisted for the duration of treatment assessed. Because most trials included in the analysis did not extend beyond 24 weeks, the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior beyond 24 weeks could not be assessed.

The risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior was generally consistent among drugs in the data analyzed. The finding of increased risk with AEDs of varying mechanisms of action and across a range of indications suggests that the risk applies to all AEDs used for any indication. The risk did not vary substantially by age (5–100 years) in the clinical trials analyzed.

Table 1 shows absolute and relative risk by indication for all evaluated AEDs.

Table 1 Risk by indication for antiepileptic drugs in the pooled analysis
Indication Placebo Patients with Events Per 1000 Patients Drug Patients with Events Per 1000 Patients Relative Risk: Incidence of Events in Drug Patients/Incidence in Placebo Patients Risk Difference: Additional Drug Patients with Events Per 1000 Patients
Epilepsy 1.0 3.4 3.5 2.4
Psychiatric 5.7 8.5 1.5 2.9
Other 1.0 1.8 1.9 0.9
Total 2.4 4.3 1.8 1.9

The relative risk for suicidal thoughts or behavior was higher in clinical trials for epilepsy than in clinical trials for psychiatric or other conditions, but the absolute risk differences were similar for the epilepsy and psychiatric indications.

Anyone considering prescribing Dilantin or any other AED must balance the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with the risk of untreated illness. Epilepsy and many other illnesses for which AEDs are prescribed are themselves associated with morbidity and mortality and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Should suicidal thoughts and behavior emerge during treatment, the prescriber needs to consider whether the emergence of these symptoms in any given patient may be related to the illness being treated.

Patients, their caregivers, and families should be informed that AEDs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior and should be advised of the need to be alert for the emergence or worsening of the signs and symptoms of depression, any unusual changes in mood or behavior, or the emergence of suicidal thoughts, behavior, or thoughts about self-harm. Behaviors of concern should be reported immediately to healthcare providers.


There have been a number of reports suggesting a relationship between phenytoin and the development of lymphadenopathy (local or generalized) including benign lymph node hyperplasia, pseudolymphoma, lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease. Although a cause and effect relationship has not been established, the occurrence of lymphadenopathy indicates the need to differentiate such a condition from other types of lymph node pathology. Lymph node involvement may occur with or without symptoms and signs resembling serum sickness, e.g., fever, rash, and liver involvement.

In all cases of lymphadenopathy, follow-up observation for an extended period is indicated and every effort should be made to achieve seizure control using alternative antiepileptic drugs.

Effects of Alcohol Use on Phenytoin Serum Levels

Acute alcoholic intake may increase phenytoin serum levels, while chronic alcoholic use may decrease serum levels.

Exacerbation of Porphyria

In view of isolated reports associating phenytoin with exacerbation of porphyria, caution should be exercised in using this medication in patients suffering from this disease.

Usage in Pregnancy


Risks to Mother. An increase in seizure frequency may occur during pregnancy because of altered phenytoin pharmacokinetics. Periodic measurement of plasma phenytoin concentrations may be valuable in the management of pregnant women as a guide to appropriate adjustment of dosage (see PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests). However, postpartum restoration of the original dosage will probably be indicated.
Risks to the Fetus. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking the drug, the patient should be apprised of the potential harm to the fetus.

Prenatal exposure to phenytoin may increase the risks for congenital malformations and other adverse developmental outcomes. Increased frequencies of major malformations (such as orofacial clefts and cardiac defects), minor anomalies (dysmorphic facial features, nail and digit hypoplasia), growth abnormalities (including microcephaly), and mental deficiency have been reported among children born to epileptic women who took phenytoin alone or in combination with other antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. There have also been several reported cases of malignancies, including neuroblastoma, in children whose mothers received phenytoin during pregnancy. The overall incidence of malformations for children of epileptic women treated with antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin and/or others) during pregnancy is about 10%, or two- to three-fold that in the general population. However, the relative contributions of antiepileptic drugs and other factors associated with epilepsy to this increased risk are uncertain and in most cases it has not been possible to attribute specific developmental abnormalities to particular antiepileptic drugs.

Patients should consult with their physicians to weigh the risks and benefits of phenytoin during pregnancy.
Postpartum Period. A potentially life-threatening bleeding disorder related to decreased levels of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors may occur in newborns exposed to phenytoin in utero. This drug-induced condition can be prevented with vitamin K administration to the mother before delivery and to the neonate after birth.


Increased resorption and malformation rates have been reported following administration of phenytoin doses of 75 mg/kg or higher (approximately 120% of the maximum human loading dose or higher on a mg/m2 basis) to pregnant rabbits.

Skin reactions

Dilantin can cause rare, serious skin adverse events such as exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which can be fatal. Although serious skin reactions may occur without warning, patients should be alert for the signs and symptoms of skin rash and blisters, fever, or other signs hypersensitivity such as itching, and should seek medical advice from their physician immediately when observing any indicative signs or symptoms. The physician should advise the patient to discontinue treatment if the rash appears (see WARNINGS section regarding drug discontinuation). If the rash is of a milder type (measles-like or scarlatiniform), therapy may be resumed after the rash has completely disappeared. If the rash recurs upon reinstitution of therapy, further Dilantin medication is contraindicated. Published literature has suggested that there may be an increased, although still rare, risk of hypersensitivity reactions, including skin rash, SJS, TEN, hepatotoxicity, and Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome in black patients.

Studies in patients of Chinese ancestry have found a strong association between the risk of developing SJS/TEN and the presence of HLA-B*1502, an inherited allelic variant of the HLA B gene, in patients using another anticonvulsive drug. Limited evidence suggests that HLA-B*1502 may be a risk factor for the development of SJS/TEN in patients of Asian ancestry taking drugs associated with SJS/TEN, including phenytoin. Consideration should be given to avoiding use of drugs associated with SJS/TEN, including Dilantin, in HLA-B*1502 positive patients when alternative therapies are otherwise equally available.

Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome

Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome (AHS) is a rare drug induced, multiorgan syndrome which is potentially fatal and occurs in some patients taking anticonvulsant medication. It is characterized by fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, and other multiorgan pathologies, often hepatic. The mechanism is unknown. The interval between first drug exposure and symptoms is usually 2–4 weeks but has been reported in individuals receiving anticonvulsants for 3 or more months. Although up to 1 in 5 patients on Dilantin may develop cutaneous eruptions, only a small proportion will progress to AHS.

Patients at higher risk for developing AHS include black patients, patients who have a family history of or who have experienced this syndrome in the past, and immuno-suppressed patients. The syndrome is more severe in previously sensitized individuals. If a patient is diagnosed with AHS, discontinue the Dilantin and provide appropriate supportive measures.



The liver is the chief site of biotransformation of phenytoin; patients with impaired liver function, elderly patients, or those who are gravely ill may show early signs of toxicity.

A small percentage of individuals who have been treated with phenytoin have been shown to metabolize the drug slowly. Slow metabolism may be due to limited enzyme availability and lack of induction; it appears to be genetically determined.

Phenytoin should be discontinued if a skin rash appears (see WARNINGS section regarding drug discontinuation). If the rash is exfoliative, purpuric, or bullous or if lupus erythematosus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or toxic epidermal necrolysis is suspected, use of this drug should not be resumed and alternative therapy should be considered. (See ADVERSE REACTIONS section.) If the rash is of a milder type (measles-like or scarlatiniform), therapy may be resumed after the rash has completely disappeared. If the rash recurs upon reinstitution of therapy, further phenytoin medication is contraindicated.

Published literature has suggested that there may be an increased, although still rare, risk of hypersensitivity reactions, including skin rash, SJS, TEN, hepatotoxicity, and Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome in black patients. (See WARNINGS section).

Phenytoin and other hydantoins are contraindicated in patients who have experienced phenytoin hypersensitivity (see CONTRAINDICATIONS). Additionally, caution should be exercised if using structurally similar (e.g., barbiturates, succinimides, oxazolidinediones and other related compounds) in these same patients. Hyperglycemia, resulting from the drug's inhibitory effects on insulin release, has been reported. Phenytoin may also raise the serum glucose level in diabetic patients.

Phenytoin and other anticonvulsants that have been shown to induce the CYP450 enzyme are thought to affect bone mineral metabolism indirectly by increasing the metabolism of Vitamin D3. This may lead to Vitamin D deficiency and heightened risk of osteomalacia, bone fractures, osteoporosis, hypocalcemia, and hypophosphatemia in chronically treated epileptic patients

Phenytoin is not indicated for seizures due to hypoglycemic or other metabolic causes. Appropriate diagnostic procedures should be performed as indicated.

Phenytoin is not effective for absence (petit mal) seizures. If tonic-clonic (grand mal) and absence (petit mal) seizures are present, combined drug therapy is needed.

Serum levels of phenytoin sustained above the optimal range may produce confusional states referred to as "delirium," "psychosis," or "encephalopathy," or rarely irreversible cerebellar dysfunction. Accordingly, at the first sign of acute toxicity, plasma levels are recommended. Dose reduction of phenytoin therapy is indicated if plasma levels are excessive; if symptoms persist, termination is recommended. (See WARNINGS section.)

Information for Patients

Inform patients of the availability of a Medication Guide, and instruct them to read the Medication Guide prior to taking Dilantin. Instruct patients to take Dilantin only as prescribed.

Patients taking phenytoin should be advised of the importance of adhering strictly to the prescribed dosage regimen, and of informing the physician of any clinical condition in which it is not possible to take the drug orally as prescribed, e.g., surgery, etc.

Patients should be instructed to use an accurately calibrated measuring device when using this medication to ensure accurate dosing.

Patients should also be cautioned on the use of other drugs or alcoholic beverages without first seeking the physician's advice.

Patients should be instructed to call their physician if skin rash develops.

The importance of good dental hygiene should be stressed in order to minimize the development of gingival hyperplasia and its complications.

Patients, their caregivers, and families should be counseled that AEDs, including Dilantin, may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior and should be advised of the need to be alert for the emergence or worsening of symptoms of depression, any unusual changes in mood or behavior, or the emergence of suicidal thoughts, behavior, or thoughts about self-harm. Behaviors of concern should be reported immediately to healthcare providers.

Patients should be encouraged to enroll in the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) Pregnancy Registry if they become pregnant. This registry is collecting information about the safety of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. To enroll, patients can call the toll free number 1-888-233-2334 (see PRECAUTIONS: Pregnancy section).

Laboratory Tests

Phenytoin serum level determinations may be necessary to achieve optimal dosage adjustments.

Drug Interactions

There are many drugs which may increase or decrease phenytoin levels or which phenytoin may affect. Serum level determinations for phenytoin are especially helpful when possible drug interactions are suspected. The most commonly occurring drug interactions are:

  1. Drugs which may increase phenytoin serum levels include: acute alcohol intake, amiodarone, chloramphenicol, chlordiazepoxide, cimetidine, diazepam, dicumarol, disulfiram, estrogens, ethosuximide, fluoxetine, fluorouracil, fluvoxamine, H2-antagonists, halothane, isoniazid, methylphenidate, omeprazole, phenothiazines, phenylbutazone, salicylates, sertraline, succinimides, sulfonamides, ticlopidine, tolbutamide, trazodone.
  2. Drugs which may decrease phenytoin levels include: carbamazepine, chronic alcohol abuse, reserpine, and sucralfate. Moban® brand of molindone hydrochloride contains calcium ions which interfere with the absorption of phenytoin. Ingestion times of phenytoin and antacid preparations containing calcium should be staggered in patients with low serum phenytoin levels to prevent absorption problems.
  3. Drugs which may either increase or decrease phenytoin serum levels include: phenobarbital, sodium valproate, and valproic acid. Similarly, the effect of phenytoin on phenobarbital, teniposide, valproic acid, and sodium valproate serum levels is unpredictable.
  4. Although not a true drug interaction, tricyclic antidepressants may precipitate seizures in susceptible patients and phenytoin dosage may need to be adjusted.
  5. Drugs whose efficacy is impaired by phenytoin include: azoles, corticosteroids, coumarin anticoagulants, digitoxin, doxycycline, estrogens, furosemide, oral contraceptives, paroxetine, quinidine, rifampin, sertraline, teniposide, theophylline, vitamin D.

Drug Enteral Feeding/Nutritional Preparations Interaction

Literature reports suggest that patients who have received enteral feeding preparations and/or related nutritional supplements have lower than expected phenytoin plasma levels. It is therefore suggested that phenytoin not be administered concomitantly with an enteral feeding preparation. More frequent serum phenytoin level monitoring may be necessary in these patients.

Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions

Phenytoin may decrease serum concentrations of T4. It may also produce lower than normal values for dexamethasone or metyrapone tests. Phenytoin may cause increased serum levels of glucose, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT).

Care should be taken when using immunoanalytical methods to measure plasma phenytoin concentrations.


See WARNINGS section for information on carcinogenesis.


Pregnancy Category D; See WARNINGS section.

To provide information regarding the effects of in utero exposure to Dilantin, physicians are advised to recommend that pregnant patients taking Dilantin enroll in the NAAED Pregnancy Registry. This can be done by calling the toll free number 1-888-233-2334, and must be done by patients themselves. Information on the registry can also be found at the website http://www.aedpregnancyregistry.org/.

Nursing Mothers

Infant breast feeding is not recommended for women taking this drug because phenytoin appears to be secreted in low concentrations in human milk.

Pediatric Use


Adverse Reactions

Body as a whole

Anaphylactoid reaction and anaphylaxis

Central Nervous System

The most common manifestations encountered with phenytoin therapy are referable to this system and are usually dose-related. These include nystagmus, ataxia, slurred speech, decreased coordination, and mental confusion. Dizziness, insomnia, transient nervousness, motor twitchings, paresthesias, somnolence, and headaches have also been observed. There have also been rare reports of phenytoin-induced dyskinesias, including chorea, dystonia, tremor and asterixis, similar to those induced by phenothiazine and other neuroleptic drugs.

A predominantly sensory peripheral polyneuropathy has been observed in patients receiving long-term phenytoin therapy.

Gastrointestinal System

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, toxic hepatitis and liver damage.

Integumentary System

Dermatological manifestations sometimes accompanied by fever have included scarlatiniform or morbilliform rashes. A morbilliform rash (measles-like) is the most common; other types of dermatitis are seen more rarely. Other more serious forms which may be fatal have included bullous, exfoliative or purpuric dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis (see PRECAUTIONS and WARNINGS section).

Hemopoietic System

Hemopoietic complications, some fatal, have occasionally been reported in association with administration of phenytoin. These have included thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, and pancytopenia with or without bone marrow suppression. While macrocytosis and megaloblastic anemia have occurred, these conditions usually respond to folic acid therapy. Lymphadenopathy including benign lymph node hyperplasia, pseudolymphoma, lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease have been reported (see WARNINGS section).

Connective Tissue System

Coarsening of the facial features, enlargement of the lips, gingival hyperplasia, hypertrichosis, and Peyronie's disease.


Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome (AHS)- (which may include, but is not limited to, symptoms such as arthralgias, eosinophilia, fever, liver dysfunction, lymphadenopathy or rash), systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa and immunoglobulin abnormalities (See WARNINGS section).

Musculoskeletal System

Bone fractures and osteomalacia have been associated with long-term (> 10 years) use of phenytoin by patients with chronic epilepsy. Osteoporosis and other disorders of bone metabolism such as hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and decreased levels of Vitamin D metabolites have also been reported.

Special Senses

Taste perversion


The lethal dose in pediatric patients is not known. The lethal dose in adults is estimated to be 2 to 5 grams. The initial symptoms are nystagmus, ataxia, and dysarthria. Other signs are tremor, hyperreflexia, lethargy, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting. The patient may become comatose and hypotensive. Death is due to respiratory and circulatory depression.

There are marked variations among individuals with respect to phenytoin plasma levels where toxicity may occur. Nystagmus, on lateral gaze, usually appears at 20 mcg/mL, ataxia at 30 mcg/mL; dysarthria and lethargy appear when the plasma concentration is over 40 mcg/mL, but as high a concentration as 50 mcg/mL has been reported without evidence of toxicity. As much as 25 times the therapeutic dose has been taken to result in a serum concentration over 100 mcg/mL with complete recovery.


Treatment is nonspecific since there is no known antidote.

The adequacy of the respiratory and circulatory systems should be carefully observed and appropriate supportive measures employed. Hemodialysis can be considered since phenytoin is not completely bound to plasma proteins. Total exchange transfusion has been used in the treatment of severe intoxication in pediatric patients.

In acute overdosage the possibility of other CNS depressants, including alcohol, should be borne in mind.


Serum concentrations should be monitored and care should be taken when switching a patient from the sodium salt to the free acid form. Dilantin® Kapseals® is formulated with the sodium salt of phenytoin. The free acid form of phenytoin is used in Dilantin-125 Suspension and Dilantin Infatabs. Because there is approximately an 8% increase in drug content with the free acid form over that of the sodium salt, dosage adjustments and serum level monitoring may be necessary when switching from a product formulated with the free acid to a product formulated with the sodium salt and vice versa.


Dosage should be individualized to provide maximum benefit. In some cases serum blood level determinations may be necessary for optimal dosage adjustments—the clinically effective serum level is usually 10–20 mcg/mL. With recommended dosage, a period of seven to ten days may be required to achieve steady-state blood levels with phenytoin and changes in dosage (increase or decrease) should not be carried out at intervals shorter than seven to ten days.

Adult Dose

Patients who have received no previous treatment may be started on one teaspoonful (5 mL) of Dilantin-125 Suspension three times daily, and the dose is then adjusted to suit individual requirements. An increase to five teaspoonfuls daily may be made, if necessary.

Pediatric Dose

Initially, 5 mg/kg/day in two or three equally divided doses, with subsequent dosage individualized to a maximum of 300 mg daily. A recommended daily maintenance dosage is usually 4 to 8 mg/kg. Children over 6 years and adolescents may require the minimum adult dose (300 mg/day).

How is Dilantin-125 Supplied

N 0071-2214-20—Dilantin-125® Suspension (phenytoin oral suspension, USP), 125 mg phenytoin/5 mL with a maximum alcohol content not greater than 0.6 percent, an orange suspension with an orange-vanilla flavor; available in 8-oz bottles.

Store at controlled room temperature 20°–25°C (68°–77°F). [See USP.] Protect from freezing and light.


April 2011


DILANTIN (Dī lan' tĭn)
(Phenytoin and Phenytoin sodium)

Oral Suspension, Tablets, Extended Oral Capsules

Read this Medication Guide before you start taking DILANTIN and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. If you have any questions about DILANTIN, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

What is the most important information I should know about DILANTIN?

Do not stop taking DILANTIN without first talking to your healthcare provider.

Stopping DILANTIN suddenly can cause serious problems.

DILANTIN can cause serious side effects including:

Like other antiepileptic drugs, DILANTIN may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people, about 1 in 500.

Call a healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms, especially if they are new, worse, or worry you:

  • thoughts about suicide or dying
  • attempts to commit suicide
  • new or worse depression
  • new or worse anxiety
  • feeling agitated or restless
  • panic attacks
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • new or worse irritability
  • acting aggressive, being angry, or violent
  • acting on dangerous impulses
  • an extreme increase activity and talking (mania)
  • other unusual changes in behavior or mood

How can I watch for early symptoms of suicidal thoughts and actions?

  • Pay attention to any changes, especially sudden changes, in mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings.
  • Keep all follow-up visits with your healthcare provider as scheduled.

Call your healthcare provider between visits as needed, especially if you are worried about symptoms.

Do not stop taking DILANTIN without first talking to a healthcare provider.

  • Stopping DILANTIN suddenly can cause serious problems. Stopping a seizure medicine suddenly in a patient who has epilepsy can cause seizures that will not stop (status epilepticus).

Suicidal thoughts or actions can be caused by things other than medicines. If you have suicidal thoughts or actions, your healthcare provider may check for other causes.

Dilantin may harm your unborn baby.
  • If you take DILANTIN during pregnancy, your baby is at risk for serious birth defects.
  • Birth defects may occur even in children born to women who are not taking any medicines and do not have other risk factors
  • If you take DILANTIN during pregnancy, your baby is also at risk for bleeding problems right after birth. Your healthcare provider may give you and your baby medicine to prevent this.
  • All women of child-bearing age should talk to their healthcare provider about using other possible treatments instead of DILANTIN. If the decision is made to use DILANTIN, you should use effective birth control (contraception) unless you are planning to become pregnant.
  • Tell your healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant while taking DILANTIN. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take DILANTIN while you are pregnant.
  • Pregnancy Registry: If you become pregnant while taking DILANTIN, talk to your healthcare provider about registering with the North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry. You can enroll in this registry by calling 1-888-233-2334. The purpose of this registry is to collect information about the safety of antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy.
Swollen glands (lymph nodes)
Allergic reactions or serious problems which may affect organs and other parts of your body like the liver or blood cells. You may or may not have a rash with these types of reactions. Symptoms include:
  • swelling of your face, eyes, lips, or tongue
  • trouble swallowing or breathing
  • a skin rash
  • hives
  • fever, swollen glands, or sore throat that do not go away or come and go
  • painful sores in the mouth or around your eyes
  • yellowing of your skin or eyes
  • unusual bruising or bleeding
  • severe fatigue or weakness
  • severe muscle pain
  • frequent infections or an infection that does not go away

Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the symptoms listed above.


DILANTIN is a prescription medicine used to treat tonic-clonic (grand mal), complex partial (psychomotor or temporal lobe) seizures, and to prevent and treat seizures that happen during or after brain surgery.

Who should not take DILANTIN?

Do not take DILANTIN if you:

  • are allergic to phenytoin or any of the ingredients in DILANTIN. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients in DILANTIN.
  • have had an allergic reaction to CEREBYX (fosphenytoin), PEGANONE (ethotoin), or MESANTOIN (mephenytoin).

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking DILANTIN?

Before you take DILANTIN, tell your healthcare provider if you:

  • Have or had liver disease
  • Have or had porphyria
  • Have or had diabetes
  • Have or have had depression, mood problems, or suicidal thoughts or behavior
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
    • If you become pregnant while taking DILANTIN, the level of DILANTIN in your blood may decrease, causing your seizures to become worse. Your healthcare provider may change your dose of DILANTIN.
  • Are breast feeding or plan to breastfeed. DILANTIN can pass into breast milk. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take DILANTIN or breastfeed. You should not do both.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Taking DILANTIN with certain other medicines can cause side effects or affect how well they work. Do not start or stop other medicines without talking to your healthcare provider.

Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

How should I take DILANTIN?

  • Take DILANTIN exactly as prescribed. Your healthcare provider will tell you how much DILANTIN to take.
  • Your healthcare provider may change your dose. Do not change your dose of DILANTIN without talking to your healthcare provider.
  • DILANTIN can cause overgrowth of your gums. Brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing a dentist regularly while taking DILANTIN can help prevent this.
  • If you take too much DILANTIN, call your healthcare provider or local Poison Control Center right away.
  • Do not stop taking DILANTIN without first talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping DILANTIN suddenly can cause serious problems.

What should I avoid while taking DILANTIN?

Do not drink alcohol while you take DILANTIN without first talking to your healthcare provider. Drinking alcohol while taking DILANTIN may change your blood levels of DILANTIN which can cause serious problems.

Do not drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how DILANTIN affects you. DILANTIN can slow your thinking and motor skills.

What are the possible side effects of DILANTIN?

See "What is the most important information I should know about DILANTIN?"

DILANTIN may cause other serious side effects including:

  • Softening of your bones (osteomalacia). This can cause broken bones.

Call your healthcare provider right away, if you have any of the symptoms listed above.

The most common side effects of DILANTIN include:

  • problems with walking and coordination
  • slurred speech
  • confusion
  • dizziness
  • trouble sleeping
  • nervousness
  • tremor
  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • rash

These are not all the possible side effects of DILANTIN. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

How should I store DILANTIN?

  • Store Dilantin-125 Suspension at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Protect from light. Do not freeze.
  • Store DILANTIN INFATABS at room temperature between 59°F to 86°F (15°C to 30°C).
  • Store DILANTIN Capsules at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) in tight, light-resistant containers. Protect from moisture.

Keep DILANTIN and all medicines out of the reach of children.

General information about DILANTIN

Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use DILANTIN for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give DILANTIN to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them.

This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about DILANTIN. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for information about DILANTIN that was written for healthcare professionals.

For more information about DILANTIN, visit http://www.pfizer.com or call 1-800-438-1985.

What are the ingredients in DILANTIN?

Oral Suspension

Active ingredient: phenytoin

Inactive ingredients: USP; alcohol, USP (maximum content not greater than 0.6 percent); banana flavor; carboxymethylcellulose sodium, USP; citric acid, anhydrous, USP; glycerin, USP; magnesium aluminum silicate, NF; orange oil concentrate; polysorbate 40, NF; purified water, USP; sodium benzoate, NF; sucrose, NF; vanillin, NF; and FD&C yellow No. 6.


Each tablet is a yellow triangular scored chewable tablet.

Active ingredient: 50 mg phenytoin

Inactive ingredients: D & C yellow No. 10, A1 lake, FD&C yellow No. 6, flavor, saccharin sodium, sucrose, talc, and other ingredients.

Extended Oral Capsule

Dilantin 100mg: Each capsule contains a white powder. The medium orange cap has "PD" imprinted in black ink and the white, opaque body has "DILANTIN" over "100 mg" printed in black ink.

Active ingredient: 100 mg phenytoin sodium

Inactive ingredients: lactose monohydrate, confectioner's sugar, talc, and magnesium stearate. The capsule body contains titanium dioxide and gelatin. The capsule cap contains FD&C red No. 28, FD&C yellow No. 6, and gelatin.

Dilantin 30mg: Each capsule contains a white powder. The small pale pink opaque cap has "PD" imprinted in black ink and the white, opaque body has "Dilantin 30 mg" printed in black ink.

Active ingredient: 30 mg phenytoin sodium

Inactive ingredients: lactose monohydrate, confectioner's sugar, talc, and magnesium stearate. The capsule shell cap and body contain Titanium Dioxide (cap and body); gelatin (cap and body); D&C yellow No. 10 (cap); FD&C red No. 3 (cap).

This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


January 2011


苯妥酸口服悬浮液|Dilantin 125(Phenytoin acid form Suspension)



· Inovelon(卢非酰胺片和...
· Vimpat(lacosamide film...
· VALERIN(Valproate Sod...
· URBANYL gélule(Clobaz...
· URBANYL Tablets(cloba...
· 普瑞巴林胶囊|LYRICA Ca...
· E Keppra Tablets(Leve...
· DEPACON(valproate sodi...
· 托吡酯10%颗粒|TOPINA F...



· Inovelon(卢非酰胺片和...
· Vimpat(lacosamide film...
· VALERIN(Valproate Sod...
· URBANYL gélule(Clobaz...
· URBANYL Tablets(cloba...
· 普瑞巴林胶囊|LYRICA Ca...
· E Keppra Tablets(Leve...
· DEPACON(valproate sodi...
· 托吡酯10%颗粒|TOPINA F...

