英文药名: Phenytek(Extended Release Phenytoin Capsules)
中文药名: 苯妥英钠缓释胶囊,大仑丁
生产品牌药厂家: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.
药品名称: 大仑丁, 苯妥英钠, 奇非宁, 大伦丁, 二苯乙内酰脲, 二苯乙内酰胺钠 英文名: Sodium Phenytoin, Antisacer, Diphenylhydantoin, Dilantin, Phenytek 药品简介
迈兰(Mylan)公司一日1次的大剂量苯妥英钠控释胶囊(商品名:Phenytek),用于治疗癫痫。剂量规格: 200mg/粒,300mg/粒。美国FDA确定此产品与辉瑞公司派克-戴维斯分公司生产的苯妥英钠普通制剂(商品名为Dilantin Kapseals)多次给药呈生物利用等效性。 Phenytek是以专利技术制成的苯妥英钠一日1次控释胶囊,提高了疗效而且服药方便,新制剂患者一日只需服1 粒胶囊即可。此独特的释药系统可缓解患者顺应性差这个问题。 适应症
1.抗癫痫作用:主要用于防治癫痫大发作和精神运动性发作。 2.治疗三叉神经痛和坐骨神经痛:有一定疗效,可减少发作次数或减轻疼痛,或使疼痛消失。 3.抗心律失常:为一较好的抗心律失常药,可用于治疗室上性或室性早搏、室性心动过速,尤适用于强心甙中毒时的室性心动过速,室上性心动过速亦可用。 4.降压作用:可降低轻症高血压病人的血压,其疗效与利尿剂、心得安、甲基多巴、利血平等相似。 注意事项
1.本品不良反应小,长期服药后常见眩晕、头痛、恶心、呕吐、厌食、皮疹等反应。有时有牙龈增生(儿童多见,并用钙盐可减轻),偶有共济失调、白细胞减少、神经性震颤,严重时有视力障碍及精神错乱、紫癜等。 2.久服不可骤停,否则可使癫痫发作加剧,或引起癫痫持续状态。 3.静注时不宜过快,过快易致房室传导阻滞,血管性虚脱、心动过缓和呼吸抑制。 4.本品可加速维生素D代谢,小儿长期服用易引起软骨病,可加用维生素D预防。也可引起淋巴结肿大,甚至恶性变,此时应停药。 5.常见有巨细胞性贫血,可能是由于本品有抗叶酸作用所致,发生时可加用叶酸和维生素B12。偶见有白细胞减少,再生障碍性贫血罕见,故长期使用应定期检查血象。 6.妊娠期服用本品偶致畸胎,故孕妇禁用。 7.肝脏疾患或先天性肝微粒体酶缺乏时,血中苯妥英钠浓度升高,与肝微粒体酶诱导剂苯巴比妥、山胺咪嗪、叶酸合用,或口服吸收不良时,血药浓度可降低。故应注重调整剂量。
Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) are anticonvulsant medication used to treat seizures. Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.
Phenytoin is a medication that has been used to control seizures since 1938. Millions of people have safely taken phenytoin and extended phenytoin sodium. Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) has proven to be safe and effective for many. In fact, Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) is still one of the first medications that doctors or healthcare professionals prescribe to control certain types of seizures.
PHENYTEK 300 mg Capsules contain the active ingredient extended phenytoin sodium.
Each Phenytek 300 mg Capsule contains three "mini-tabs" of extended phenytoin sodium that are specially designed to release medication in stages as the capsule and its contents become wet.
Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) is contraindicated in those patients with a history of hypersensitivity to phenytoin or other hydantoins. Some people also develop a skin rash.If these side effects occur, be sure to report them immediately to your doctor or healthcare professional.
Bioequivalence studies are tests designed to measure how fast and how much of a drug is absorbed by the body over a period of time. If two drugs with the same active ingredient are absorbed the same way and to the same extent, they are considered bioequivalent (for example brand and generic drugs are bioequivalent) which means the Food and Drug Administration considers them to be interchangeable for their approved uses.
Studies such as these have compared one PHENYTEK 300 mg Capsule to three 100 mg Dilantin Kapseals. These studies have concluded that the products are virtually identical, which indicates that the two drugs are absorbed the same way and are therefore bioequivalent.
A certain amount of extended phenytoin sodium must be maintained in your blood at all times to make certain the drug works as it should. To keep Phenytek (Extended Relese Phenytoin) at that recommended level, you should take your medication every day as prescribed by your doctor. If you don't take all of your Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) every day, blood levels of extended phenytoin sodium may drop and seizures may occur.
A dosing regimen, such as one capsule once a day instead of three capsules once a day, may make it more convenient to take your Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) as directed. Be sure to let your doctor know if there is any reason why you cannot take your Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) as directed (for example, if you are having surgery).
Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) can be taken with or without food. Unlike with some other drugs, food does not interfere with the absorption of Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin).
The most common adverse reactions or side effects encountered with Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) are the same as those with Dilantin Kapseals or generic extended phenytoin sodium capsules. They include nystagmus (rolling eye movements), ataxia (poor coordination of movements), slurred speech, decreased coordination and mental confusion. Some people also develop a skin rash. If these Phenytek side effects occur, be sure to report them immediately to your doctor or healthcare professional.
You should also be aware that some people who take Dilantin Kapseals or generic extended phenytoin sodium capsules experience overgrowth of their gums and excessive hair growth, including facial hair in women. If these effects occur during therapy with Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin), good dental care, including vigorous brushing, can minimize gum overgrowth and the use of various cosmetic treatments can remove unwanted hair. (Vaniqa Cream).
Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin) should not be used by patients who have had an allergic response to Phenytek Capsules (Extended Relese Phenytoin), its active ingredient phenytoin, or related medicines called hydantoins.
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