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2011-11-28 23:41:10  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1296  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:日前,美国FDA批准新型抗癌药-Jevtana(cabazitaxel)注射液上市,用于治疗男性前列腺癌,Jevtana被推荐在使用常用晚期前列腺癌药物多烯紫杉醇,无效甚至病情加重时,首选的用于治疗晚期、抗激素型前列腺 ...




Sanofi Aventis

Pharmacological Class:

Antineoplastic (taxane ­antimicrotubule agent).

Active Ingredient(s):

Cabazitaxel 60mg/1.5mL; soln for IV infusion after dilution; contains polysorbate 80, diluent contains ethanol.


In combination with prednisone, ­hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer ­previously treated with a docetaxel-containing regimen.


Cabazitaxel is a semisynthetic taxane antineoplastic agent prepared from an ­extract of yew needles. Cabazitaxel is a ­microtubule inhibitor that binds to tubulin and promotes its assembly into microtubules while simultaneously inhibiting disassembly. This leads to the stabilization of microtubules, which results in the inhibition of mitotic and interphase cellular functions. It has been shown to have activity in tumor models that were insensitive to docetaxel chemotherapy as well as in those that were docetaxel-sensitive.

Cabazitaxel is extensively metabolized by the ­liver, and it is not recommended for use in patients with impaired hepatic function due to a probable increase in cabazitaxel levels and toxicity.

Clinical Trials:

Cabazitaxel was compared to mitoxantrone in a multicenter, randomized, open-label study in 755 patients with hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer previously treated with a docetaxel-containing regimen. Patients were randomized to receive either cabazitaxel (25mg/m2 every 3 weeks for up to 10 cycles with prednisone 10mg daily) or mitoxantrone (12mg/m2 every 3 weeks for up to 10 cycles with prednisone 10mg daily). Patients with hepatic impairment, hypertension, and certain cardiac conditions were excluded from the trial.

In an intent-to-treat analysis, the median survival time for the cabazitaxel group was 15.1 months, compared to 12.7 months for mitoxantrone; 61.9% of the patients in the cabazitaxel group died by the 30th month, compared to 74% in the mitoxantrone arm. The investigator-assessed tumor response was higher in the cabazitaxel group (14.4%) compared to the mitoxantrone group (4.4%).

Legal Classification:



Pretreat with IV antihistamine, cortico­steroid, and H2 blocker 30 min before each dose (see literature) and with antiemetic (IV or oral as needed). 25mg/m2 by IV infusion over 1 hour ­every 3 weeks, with oral prednisone 10mg/day during treatment. Do not treat if neutrophil count ≤1,500 cells/mm3. Prolonged grade ≥3 neutropenia (>1 week), febrile neutropenia, grade ≥3 diarrhea: delay treatment and/or reduce dose to 20mg/m2 (see literature). Discontinue if reactions persist ­after dosing at 20mg/m2.


Not recommended.


Baseline neutrophil count ≤1,500cells/mm3. Allergy to polysorbate 80.


Do CBC weekly in 1st cycle and ­before each subsequent cycle. Increased risk of neutropenia complications; consider G-CSF prophylaxis. Hepatic impairment: not recommended. Severe renal impairment (CrCl <30mL/min) or ESRD. Elderly (increased susceptibility to adverse reactions); monitor closely. Pregnancy (Cat.D; avoid). Nursing mothers: not recommended.


Avoid strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, clarithromycin, atazanavir, nefazodone, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, voriconazole) (may potentiate cabazitaxel); caution with moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors. Avoid strong CYP3A4 inducers (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampin, phenobarbital) (may antagonize cabazitaxel). Avoid St. John’s Wort.

Adverse Reaction(s):

Bone marrow suppression (esp. neutropenia, anemia, leukopenia, thrombo­cytopenia), febrile neutropenia, GI upset (esp. ­diarrhea, may be fatal), renal failure, fatigue, ­constipation, asthenia, abdominal pain, hematuria, back pain, anorexia, peripheral neuropathy, pyrexia, dyspnea, dysgeusia, cough, arthralgia, ­alopecia, hypersensitivity reactions (eg, rash, hypotension, bronchospasm).

How Supplied:

Kit (single-use vial + diluent)—1

Last Updated:


JEVTANA套装 60毫克/1.5毫升/瓶 SDV+1瓶稀释液/套





根据FDA的优先评审方案(其为可能会提供重大进展的药物或在无足够治疗时提供的一种治疗而提供的快速的6个月评审),Jevtana得到了优先评审。 Jevtana的获准日期早于其原计划的目标日期2010年9月30日。

“这种疾病患者的治疗选择很少,”FDA的药物评价和研究中心的肿瘤药物产品办公室主任Richard Pazdur博士说。“美国FDA能够在11个星期内对Jevtana进行评审和批准,这加快了这一药物对前列腺癌男性供应。”




药物名称:Jevtana (cabazitaxel)


JEVTANA®(cabazitaxel) Injection
JEVTANA (cabazitaxel) Injection, a treatment for hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer.

JEVTANA is a prescription anti-cancer medicine used with the steroid medicine prednisone. JEVTANA is used to treat people with prostate cancer that has worsened (progressed) after treatment with other anti-cancer medicines, including docetaxel

Important Safety Information
Read this Patient Information before you start receiving JEVTANA and each time before you receive your infusion. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment.

What is the most important information I should know about JEVTANA?
JEVTANA may cause serious side effects including:
1.Low white blood cells. Low white blood cells can cause you to get serious infections, and may lead to death. People who are 65 years or older may be more likely to have these problems. Your doctor:
•will do blood tests regularly to check your white blood cell counts during your treatment with JEVTANA.
•may lower your dose of JEVTANA, change how often you receive it, or stop JEVTANA until your doctor decides that you have enough white blood cells.
•may prescribe a medicine for you called G-CSF, to help prevent complications if your white blood cell count is too low.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms of infection while receiving JEVTANA:
•fever. Take your temperature often during treatment with JEVTANA.
•burning on urination
•muscle aches

Also, tell your doctor if you have any diarrhea during the time that your white blood cell count is low. Your doctor may prescribe treatment for you as needed.

2.Severe allergic reactions. Severe allergic reactions can happen within a few minutes after your infusion of JEVTANA starts, especially during the first and second infusions. Your doctor should prescribe medicines before each infusion to help prevent severe allergic reactions.

Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you have any of these symptoms of a severe allergic reaction during or soon after an infusion of JEVTANA:
•rash or itching
•skin redness
•feeling dizzy or faint
•breathing problems
•chest or throat tightness
•swelling of face

3.Gastrointestinal symptoms. Vomiting and diarrhea can happen when you take JEVTANA. Severe vomiting and diarrhea with JEVTANA can lead to loss of too much body fluid (dehydration), or too much of your body salts (electrolytes). Death has happened from having severe diarrhea and losing too much body fluid or body salts with JEVTANA. Tell your doctor if you have vomiting or diarrhea. Your doctor will prescribe medicines to prevent or treat vomiting and diarrhea, as needed with JEVTANA. Tell your doctor if your symptoms get worse or do not get better. You may need to go to the hospital for treatment.

4.Kidney failure. Kidney failure may happen with JEVTANA, because of severe infection, loss of too much body fluid (dehydration), and other reasons, which may lead to death. Your doctor will check you for this problem and treat you if needed. Tell your doctor if you develop:
•swelling of your face or body
•decrease in the amount of urine that your body makes each day.

What is JEVTANA?
JEVTANA is a prescription anti-cancer medicine used with the steroid medicine prednisone. JEVTANA is used to treat people with prostate cancer that has worsened (progressed) after treatment with other anti-cancer medicines, including docetaxel.

It is not known if JEVTANA is safe and works in children.

Who should not receive JEVTANA?
Do not receive JEVTANA if:
•your white blood cell (neutrophil count) is too low
•you have had a severe allergic reaction to cabazitaxel or other medicines that contain polysorbate 80. Ask your doctor if you are not sure.

What should I tell my doctor before receiving JEVTANA?
Before receiving JEVTANA, tell your doctor if you:
•had allergic reactions in the past
•have kidney or liver problems
•are over the age of 65
•have any other medical conditions
•if you are a female and:
◦are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. JEVTANA can harm your unborn baby. Talk to your doctor about the best way for you to prevent pregnancy while you are receiving JEVTANA.
◦are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if JEVTANA passes into your breast milk. You and your doctor should decide if you will take JEVTANA or breastfeed. You should not do both.

Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. JEVTANA can interact with many other medicines. Do not take any new medicines without asking your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you if it is safe to take the new medicine with JEVTANA.

How will I receive JEVTANA?
•JEVTANA will be given to you by an intravenous (IV) infusion into your vein.
•Your treatment will take about 1 hour.
•JEVTANA is usually given every 3 weeks. Your doctor will decide how often you will receive JEVTANA.
•Your doctor will also prescribe another medicine called prednisone, for you to take by mouth every day during treatment with JEVTANA. Your doctor will tell you how and when to take your prednisone.

It is important that you take prednisone exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you forget to take your prednisone, or do not take it on schedule, make sure to tell your doctor or nurse. Before each infusion of JEVTANA, you may receive other medicines to prevent or treat side effects.

What are the possible side effects of JEVTANA?
JEVTANA may cause serious side effects including:
•See “What is the most important information I should know about JEVTANA?”

Common side effects of JEVTANA include:
•Low red blood cell count (anemia). Your doctor will regularly check your red blood cell count. Symptoms of anemia include shortness of breath and tiredness.
•Low blood platelet count. Tell your doctor if you have any unusual bruising or bleeding.
•blood in the urine. Tell your doctor or nurse if you see blood in your urine.
•back pain
•decreased appetite
•shortness of breath
•stomach (abdominal) pain
•change in your sense of taste
•joint pain
•hair loss
•numbness, tingling, burning or decreased sensation in your hands or feet
Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.

These are not all the possible side effects of JEVTANA. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

General information about JEVTANA
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Patient Information leaflet.

This leaflet summarizes the most important information about JEVTANA. If you would like more information, talk with your doctor. You can ask your pharmacist or doctor for information about JEVTANA that is written for health professionals.





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· Removab(Catumaxomab)...
· 希罗达(卡培他滨片)Xe...
· ZOLINZA(vorinostat,伏...
· 聚乙二醇干扰素(SYLATRO...
· 苹果酸舒尼替尼胶囊|Sut...
· 地尼白介素-2(DENILEUK...
· GARDASIL(基因重组四价...
· Jakafi(Ruxolitinib)片
· 格拉司琼透皮贴片(gran...

