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坦索罗辛控释胶囊|Flomax CR(Controlled Release Tamsulosin Capsules)

2011-12-20 19:31:30  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:442  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Flomax CR(Controlled Release Tamsulosin Capsules) 中文药名: 坦索罗辛控释胶囊 生产厂家: Boehringer Ingelheim 药品名称和成分 【通用名称】盐酸坦洛新【英 文 名】Tamsulosin Hydr ...

英文药名: Flomax CR(Controlled Release Tamsulosin Capsules)

中文药名: 坦索罗辛控释胶囊

生产厂家: Boehringer Ingelheim


【英 文 名】Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Sustained-release Capsules
【成 份】盐酸坦洛新


成人每日 1 次,每次 0.2mg ,饭后口服。根据年龄、症状的不同可适当增减。



1.本品主要针对尿道、膀胱颈及前列腺平滑肌,并无缩小前列腺体积之作用,如前列腺体积过大,梗阻症状明显时,要与 5 α 原酶抑制剂同时服用,待 3-6 个月前列腺体积明显缩小后,再根据症状决定服药与否。


0.4mg *30 控释胶囊
0.4mg *30 MR 胶囊


Flomax CR General Information
Flomax CR is a medication used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate by relaxing the muscle of the prostate and the opening of the bladder. Flomax CR does not, however, shrink the prostate or treat the underlying cause.

How does Flomax CR work?
Two common side effects of an enlarged bladder are an inability to fully empty the bladder and a weak urine stream. Flomax CR is a drug known as tamsulosin that works by relaxing the muscles of the prostate and the bladder, allowing urine to flow better and relieving the discomfort of a full bladder. Because Flomax CR only treats the symptoms of an enlarged prostate it's important to keep in mind that surgery may still be needed if the prostate does not stop growing. Despite this, Flomax CR is a safe and non-invasive way to treat an enlarged prostate if surgery is not required.

When/How is Flomax CR taken/used/applied?
Flomax CR should be taken daily at the same time each day. Flomax controlled-release tablets should never be crushed or chewed; instead the medication must be swallowed whole. If a dose is missed do not take a double dose. Flomax CR can be safely taken with or without food.

Side Effects of Flomax CR
As with most medications, Flomax CR can cause a number of side effects. Many of these side effects go away over time or can be treated seperately. The more common side effects include an abnormal ejaculation, diarrhea, back pains and head aches, dizziness, a stuffy or runny nose and body weakness. Less common side effects include decreased sexual performance, drowsiness, nausea, sleeplessness and faintness. Serious but rare side effects include chest pains and priapism. If these rare side effects occur a doctor should be contacted as soon as possible to avoid possible medical problems. It's possible to experience side effects other than those listed. Any troublesome or painful side effects of Flomax CR should be discussed with a doctor.

Other Brand Names for Flomax CR:

Safety Information:
Flomax CR should not be taken by everyone. Women, children and those sensitive to tamsulosin should avoid taking this medication. In addition, a number of other drugs may interact with tamsulosin. These medications include the following: blood pressure-lowering medications like enalapril, doxazosin, ccimetidine, prazosin, warfarin and terazosin. If you are taking any of these medications it's important to speak with a doctor about possible interactions. Your doctor may recommend you discontinue use of one medication, change to another, change how you take both medications or do nothing. Individuals with a history of prostate cancer, priapism or orthostatic hypotension should also speak with their doctor before beginning Flomax CR.

Tablet/pill 0.4mg daily

Visual Description:
Flomax CR is available in tablet form only at 0.4mg strength. Tablets are small and coated and must be swallowed whole.

About Flomax CR
What Flomax CR is used for
Your doctor has prescribed FLOMAX CR because you have lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with a medical condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH.

What Flomax CR does
FLOMAX CR acts by relaxing muscles in the prostate and bladder neck at the site of obstruction, resulting in improved urine flow, and reduced BPH symptoms.

BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland. BPH is the most common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in elderly males. After age 50, most men develop enlarged prostates. The prostate is located below the bladder. As the prostate enlarges, it may slowly restrict the flow of urine. This can lead to symptoms such as:

frequent sleep interruption caused by a need to urinate;

having a weak urinary stream;

a sensation of not emptying your bladder completely after you finish urinating;

pushing or straining to begin urination;

stopping and starting again several times when urinating;

urinating again less than 2 hours after you finish urinating;

finding it difficult to postpone urination.

When Flomax CR should not be used
You should not use FLOMAX CR if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to tamsulosin or any of the other ingredients in FLOMAX CR. Hypersensitivity may present as sudden local swelling of the soft tissues of the body (e.g. the throat or tongue), difficult breathing and/or itching and rash (angioedema).

What the medicinal ingredient is
Tamsulosin Hydrochloride

What the important nonmedicinal ingredients for Flomax CR are
Hypromellose, iron oxide yellow E172, macrogol 7 000 000, macrogol 8000, magnesium stearate.

What dosage forms Flomax CR comes in
Controlled-release Tablets. Each tablet contains 0.4 mg tamsulosin hydrochloride.

Warnings and Precautions
Rarely, fainting can occur during the use of FLOMAX CR, as with other medicinal products of this type. At the first signs of dizziness or weakness you should sit or lie down until they have disappeared.

FLOMAX CR should not be used in women or children.

BEFORE you use FLOMAX CR talk to your doctor or pharmacist:

if you suffer from severe liver problems;

if you suffer from fainting due to reduced blood pressure when changing posture (going to sit or stand up);

if you have kidney problems;

if you have previously taken FLOMAX and became unwell;

if you are going to drive, operate machinery or perform hazardous tasks.

You must see your doctor regularly. While taking FLOMAX CR, you must have regular checkups. Follow your doctor’s advice about when to have these checkups.

If you are undergoing eye surgery because of cloudiness of the lens (cataract) please inform your eye specialist that you are using or have used FLOMAX. The specialist can then take appropriate precautions with respect to medication and surgical techniques to be used. Ask your doctor whether or not you should temporarily stop taking this medicine when undergoing eye surgery because of a cloudy lens.

Interactions with Flomax CR
Taking FLOMAX CR with other medicines from the same class (alpha1-adrenoceptor blockers) may cause an unwanted decrease in blood pressure.

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken cimetidine or any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Proper Use of Flomax CR
Usual dose
Follow your doctor’s advice about how to take FLOMAX CR. You should take one tablet (0.4 mg) once daily at the same time each day with or without food.

Do not crush or chew FLOMAX CR tablets. These tablets are specially formulated to control the delivery of tamsulosin hydrochloride to the blood stream.

Do not share FLOMAX CR with anyone else; it is prescribed only for you.

If you interrupt your treatment for several days or more, resume treatment after consulting with your physician.

Taking too many FLOMAX CR tablets may lead to an unwanted decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate, with feelings of faintness. Contact your doctor immediately if you have taken too much FLOMAX CR.

Missed dose
You may take your daily FLOMAX CR tablet later the same day if you have forgotten to take it as recommended. If you have missed a day, just continue to take your daily tablet as prescribed. Never take a double dose to make up for the forgotten tablet.

Side Effects for Flomax CR and What to Do About Them
Like all prescription drugs, FLOMAX CR may cause side effects. Side effects due to FLOMAX CR may include:

Common (1-10%): Dizziness, particularly when getting up from a seated or lying position.

Some men may experience dizziness or fainting caused by a decrease in blood pressure after taking FLOMAX CR. Although these symptoms are unlikely, you should avoid driving or hazardous tasks for 12 hours after the initial dose.

Uncommon (0.1-1%): Headache, palpitations (a feeling of rapid beating of the heart that may be more forceful), reduced blood pressure e.g. when getting up quickly from a seated or lying position sometimes associated with dizziness; runny or blocked nose (rhinitis), diarrhea, feeling sick and vomiting, constipation, weakness (asthenia), rashes, itching and hives (urticaria), abnormal ejaculation. The latter means that semen does not leave the body via the urethra, but instead goes into the bladder. This phenomenon is harmless.

Rare (0.01-0.1%): Rarely, fainting can occur during the use of FLOMAX CR, as with other medicinal products of this type. At the first signs of dizziness or weakness you should sit or lie down until they have disappeared.

Sudden local swelling of the soft tissues of the body (e.g. the throat or tongue), difficulty breathing and/or itching and rash, often as an allergic reaction (angioedema). If you suspect such symptoms, call your doctor or go to an Emergency Room as soon as possible.

Very rare (<0.01%): Priapism (painful prolonged unwanted erection for which immediate medical treatment is required).

There have been reports that FLOMAX Capsules and similar medications have caused prolonged, painful erection of the penis, which is unrelieved by sexual intercourse or masturbation. This condition, if untreated, can lead to permanent inability to have an erection. If you suspect such symptoms, call your doctor or go to an Emergency Room as soon as possible.


坦洛新胶囊|Flomax (Tamsulosin Capsules)



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