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氨基钾胶囊|Potaba(aminobenzoate potassium capsules)

2012-02-11 23:46:42  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:182  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Potaba(aminobenzoate potassium capsules) 中文药名: 氨基钾胶囊 生产厂家: Glenwood 药品简介 通用名称: 氨基苯甲酸钾 常用名称: 对氨苯甲酸钾, 对氨苯酸钾 英语名称: Aminobenzoate P ...

英文药名: Potaba(aminobenzoate potassium capsules)

中文药名: 氨基钾胶囊

生产厂家: Glenwood


通用名称: 氨基苯甲酸钾
常用名称: 对氨苯甲酸钾, 对氨苯酸钾
英语名称: Aminobenzoate Potassium Oral Packet, Potaba, Potassium Aminobenzoate
商品名称: 普特巴
药物类别: 皮肤科相关药物, 皮肤科用药/未分类的
Potaba通常用于治疗或预防晒伤症状。 Potaba通过吸收紫外线(UV)和可见太阳光线。保护皮肤来自太阳的有害影响。
Potaba有益治疗遭受纤维化症状的病人,其中皮肤状况及相关组织变紧和变得不太灵活的问题。这种疾病发生在皮肌炎,硬斑病,阴茎硬结病,硬皮病,硬皮病等。 Potaba也用于治疗炎症(非化脓性炎症),如皮肌炎,天疱疮,并且阴茎硬结病的某些类型等疾病。
可能的副作用:过敏反应, 焦虑, 寒战, 冷汗, 苍白皮肤, 睡意, 心跳快, 头痛, 神经紧张, 食欲不振, 恶心, 发烧, 皮疹, 喉咙痛等。

包装规格:500mg*250 胶囊

POTABA - aminobenzoate potassium capsules and tablets 
Aminobenzoate Potassium, USP

KEY FACTSPotaba® (Aminobenzoate Potassium, USP) is considered a member of the vitamin B complex. It has been suggested that the antifibrotic action of Potaba® is due to its mediation of increased oxygen uptake at the tissue level.

MAJOR USESPotaba® offers a means of treatment of serious and often chronic entities, such as scleroderma and Peyronie's Disease.

SAFETY INFORMATIONContraindicated in patients taking sulfonamides. Anorexia, nausea, fever and rash have occurred infrequently and subside with omission of the drug. Often, desensitization can be accomplished and treatment resumed.

FORMULA: POTABA is chemically pure potassium p-aminobenzoate.

DESCRIPTIONAminobenzoate Potassium, Potaba is available in the following forms: Capsules and Tablets. Each Capsule contains the following inactive ingredients: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid. Capsule Shell contains: Gelatin and Titanium Dioxide. The imprinting ink contains Titanium Dioxide. Each Tablet contains the following inactive ingredients: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, and Sodium Starch Glycolate.

INDICATIONSBased on a review of this drug by the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council and/or other information, FDA has classified the indications as follows:

“Possibly” effective: Potassium aminobenzoate is possibly effective in the treatment of scleroderma, dermatomyositis, morphea, linear scleroderma, pemphigus, and Peyronie's disease.

Final classification of the less-than-effective indications requires further investigation.

ADVANTAGES: POTABA offers a means of treatment of serious and often chronic entities involving fibrosis and nonsuppurative inflammation.

PHARMACOLOGYp-Aminobenzoate is considered a member of the vitamin B complex. Small amounts are found in cereal, eggs, milk and meats. Detectable amounts are normally present in human blood, spinal fluid, urine, and sweat. PABA is a component of several biologically important systems, and it participates in a number of fundamental biological processes.

It has been suggested that the antifibrosis action of POTABA is due to its mediation of increased oxygen uptake at the tissue level. Fibrosis is believed to occur from either too much serotonin or too little monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity over a period of time. Monoamine oxidase requires an adequate supply of oxygen to function properly. By increasing oxygen supply at the tissue level POTABA may enhance MAO activity and prevent or bring about regression of fibrosis.3

PEYRONIE'S DISEASE: 21 patients with Peyronie's disease were placed on POTABA therapy for periods ranging from 3 months to 2 years. Pain disappeared from 16 of 16 cases in which it had been present. There was objective improvement in penile deformity in 10 of 17 patients, and decrease in plaque size in 16 of 21. The authors suggest that this medication offers no hazard of further local injury as may result from other therapy. There were no significant untoward effects encountered on long term POTABA therapy.5,10

SCLERODERMA: Of 135 patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis treated with POTABA every patient but one has shown softening of the involved skin if treatment has been continued for 3 months or longer. The responses have been reported in a number of publications.9 The treatment program consists of systemic antifibrosis therapy with POTABA, physical therapy, including deep breathing exercises and dynamic traction splints where indicated, and bethanechol chloride for relief of dysphagia as well as small doses of reserpine for amelioration of Raynaud's phenomena. 1,3

DERMATOMYOSITIS: Five patients with scleroderma and 2 with dermatomyositis were treated with POTABA. There was striking clinical improvement in each patient. Doses of 15-20 grams per day were well tolerated, and patients were easily able to take these doses.6

MORPHEA and LINEAR SCLERODERMA: All 14 patients with localized forms of scleroderma placed on long-term Potaba treatment showed softening of the sclerotic component of their disorder. Treatment is particularly indicated in patients where persistent compressive sclerosis may contribute even greater disfigurement or functional embarrassment from secondary pressure atrophy.8,9

DOSAGE & ADMINISTRATIONThe average adult daily dose of POTABA is 12 grams, usually given in four to six divided doses. Tablets and capsules 0.5 grams are given at the rate of 4 tablets or capsules 6 times daily, or 6 given four times daily, usually with meals, and at bedtime with a snack. Tablets must be taken with an adequate amount of liquid to prevent gastrointestinal upset.

Children are given 1 gram of POTABA daily in divided doses for each 10 lbs. of body weight.

SIDE EFFECTS: Anorexia, nausea, fever and rash have occurred infrequently and subside with omission of the drug. Desensitization can be accomplished and treatment resumed.

USAGE IN PREGNANCY: Safety for use in pregnancy or during lactation has not been established.

PRECAUTIONSShould anorexia or nausea occur, therapy is interrupted until the patient is eating normally again. This permits prompt subsidence of symptoms and also avoids the possible development of hypoglycemia. Give cautiously to patients with renal disease. If hypersensitivity reaction should occur, Potaba should be stopped.

CONTRAINDICATIONSPOTABA should not be administered to patients taking sulfonamides.

HOW SUPPLIEDPOTABA Capsules 0.5 grams are supplied as number 0 white/white opaque hard gelatin capsules printed “Potaba 51” in black ink.

NDC-0516-0051-25 bottle of 250

NDC-0516-0051-10 bottle of 1000

POTABA Tablets 0.5 grams are supplied as white round tablets embossed “Potaba 54”.

NDC-0516-0054-01 bottle of 100

NDC-0516-0054-10 bottle of 1000


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