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2012-03-03 20:46:16  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1694  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 2011年11月4日,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)和杨森制药公司宣布Xarelto(利伐沙班)已获准用于非瓣膜性房颤(AF)患者以降低其卒中和全身性栓塞的风险。Xarelto是一种口服抗凝药,每天用药1次,无需进行常规的 ...



Xarelto的这项新适应证获准是基于一项关键性、全球性、双盲、3期试验,试验名为“利伐沙班每日1次口服用药直接抑制Ⅹa因子与维生素K拮抗作用预防房颤患者发生卒中和栓塞效果之比较”(ROCKET AF)。在该研究中,对非瓣膜性房颤患者每日给予1次利伐沙班有效降低了卒中和全身性栓塞的风险,其大出血发生率可与华法林相媲美。就最令人担忧的出血类型而言,比如血液流入重要器官及致死性出血,利伐沙班治疗组的事件较少;而对于可引起输液和胃肠道出血的出血类型,利伐沙班治疗组的发生率较高。ROCKET AF试验的具体细节发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine)。

与其他抗凝药一样,Xarelto也可引起出血,严重时也可能会导致死亡。出血是ROCKET AF试验中接受Xarelto治疗的患者报告最多的不良事件。Xarelto的说明书中有一个须向患者澄清的黑框警告,即在咨询医务人员之前不得停药,否则会增加卒中风险。

Xarelto的用量及用法为20 mg,每日1次,与晚餐同服,而对于有中重度肾损害的患者则采用15 mg、每日1次的用药方案。

Xarelto(利伐沙班rivaroxaban)批准日期:2011年7月1日;公司:杨森Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


10 mg口服,每天1次

片:10 mg



最常见不良反应 (>5%)是出血。

为报道怀疑不良反应,联系Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.电话1-800-526-7736或FDA电话1-800-FDA-1088或www.fda.gov/medwatch.


(2)肾受损:避免在有严重受损(CrCl <30 mL/min)患者中使用。在中度受损(CrCl 30至<50 mL/min)慎用
(3)肝受损:避免在有中度(Child-Pugh B)或严重(Child-Pugh C)肝受损患者或伴有凝血病有任何程度肝病患者中使用。

XARELTO(利伐沙班)10 mg片是 圆形,淡红色,双凸膜衣片标志有一个指向下的三角形在一侧上面一个“10”,和另侧一个“Xa”。被供应在包装内列出:
NDC 50458-580-30瓶含30片
NDC 50458-580-10 泡包装含100片(10泡卡各含10片)
贮存在25°C(77° F)或室温;外出时允许至15°-30° C (59°-86° F)[见USP控制室温]。



Xarelto (rivaroxaban) is the first oral factor Xa inhibitor approved for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE), which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), following knee or hip replacement surgery. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, more than 800,000 Americans undergo knee or hip replacement surgery each year, and these procedures are associated with an increased risk for blood clots that form in a deep vein, usually in the leg.

If all or part of a DVT detaches, it can travel to the lungs and become a PE, where it may impact the flow of oxygenated blood and lead to potentially life-threatening consequences. The American College of Chest Physicians recommends the use of anticoagulants immediately following major orthopedic replacement surgery and extends its use post-discharge, as DVT and PE are the leading causes of rehospitalizations following joint replacement surgery.

In November 2011, Xarelto also gained FDA approval to reduce the risk of stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). AF increases the risk of stroke approximately 4 to 5 times across all age groups and is the cause of 15% of all strokes. The American College of Chest Physicians recommends long-term anticoagulation in most patients with AF.

Mechanism of Action

Xarelto is an oral, highly selective direct factor Xa inhibitor that blocks the active site of factor Xa without the need of a cofactor for activity. Inhibition of factor Xa interrupts both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of the blood coagulation cascade, thus inhibiting both thrombin formation and the development of thrombi.

Clinical Trials

Pivotal data from the RECORD (Regulation of Coagulation in Orthopedic Surgery to Prevent Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism) Phase III trials compared the efficacy and safety of Xarelto 10 mg/day with subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg/day for prevention of VTE after total hip or knee arthroplasty. RECORD1 and RECORD2 involved hip replacement and RECORD3 and RECORD4 involved knee replacement surgeries. These studies, which enrolled more than 12,000 patients, showed that Xarelto had noninferior and possibly superior efficacy compared with enoxaparin. In RECORD1, 1.1% of patients who received Xarelto had a VTE compared with 3.9% of those who received enoxaparin.

In RECORD2, 2.0% of those treated with Xarelto had VTE compared with 8.4% of those who received enoxaparin. RECORD3 proved noninferiority, whereas RECORD4 demonstrated that Xarelto was significantly more effective in reducing the occurrence of VTE than enoxaparin. In regard to safety, the risk of bleeding was greater in patients receiving Xarelto than enoxaparin.

ROCKET AF (The Rivaboxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Compared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation) provided pivotal data to support FDA approval for the stroke prevention in nonvalvular AF indication. The study enrolled 14,264 patients with nonvalvular AF who were at a moderate-to-high risk for stroke. It compared Xarelto 20 mg/day for patients with normal kidney function and Xarelto 15 mg/day for patients with a creatinine clearance (CrCl) less than 50 mL/min to adjusted-dose warfarin.

Xarelto was shown to be noninferior to warfarin; stroke or systemic embolism occurred in 1.7% of those who received Xarelto compared with 2.2% of those who received warfarin. Overall rates of major and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding were similar between groups.


The dosing of Xarelto for postoperative thromboprophylaxis is 10 mg orally once daily for 12 to 14 days for knee replacement and 35 days for hip replacement. The initial dose should be taken at least 6 to 10 hours after surgery once hemostasis has been established. For prevention of stroke in patients with nonvalvular AF, the dosing is 20 mg orally once daily with the evening meal. If CrCl is less than 50 mL/min, the dose must be reduced to 15 mg orally once daily.

Contraindications, Warnings, And Precautions3,4

Common side effects of Xarelto include bleeding (5%), wound secretion (2.8%), extremity pain (1.7%), muscle spasms (1.2%), pruritis (2.1%) and blister formation (1.4%). Caution should be used when spinal/epidural anesthesia or puncture is being employed, in conditions with increased risk of hemorrhage or with concomitant use of drugs affecting hemostasis, and in pregnant women.

Discontinuing Xarelto in patients with nonvalvular AF increases the risk for thrombotic events; administration of another anticoagulant is recommended if Xarelto must be discontinued. In patients with renal impairment, Xarelto should be avoided in treating thromboprophylaxis or nonvalvular AF stroke prophylaxis if CrCl is less than 30 mL/min or 15 mL/min, respectively. PT
Xarelto: two new indications for oral anticoagulant
The direct oral factor Xa inhibitor, rivaroxaban (Xarelto), has been approved for two new indications.
Xarelto 15mg and 20mg tablets should be taken with food

In addition to the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) following hip or knee replacement, Xarelto (rivaroxaban) is now licensed for:

prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) and one or more risk factors (including congestive heart failure, hypertension, ≥75 years of age, diabetes mellitus and prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack);
treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and prevention of recurrent DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE) following an acute DVT.
Stroke prevention in AF

Rivaroxaban (20mg once daily) was compared with dose-adjusted warfarin (target INR 2.5, range 2.0–3.0) in the pivotal randomised double-blind ROCKET AF study (n=14,264). The primary efficacy endpoint (a composite of stroke and systemic embolism) occurred in 188 patients taking rivaroxaban (1.7% per year) compared with 241 in the warfarin group (2.2% per year); hazard ratio (HR) 0.79 from the per-protocol analysis (95% CI, 0.66–0.96; p<0.001 for non-inferiority). Patients with renal impairment (CrCl 30–49ml/min; n=2950) were given a lower dose of rivaroxaban (15mg once daily) and in a subgroup analysis displayed a similar treatment effect to that found in the overall trial.

The open-label non-inferiority EINSTEIN DVT study (n=3449) investigated rivaroxaban in the treatment of acute symptomatic DVT. Patients were randomised to receive rivaroxaban 15mg twice daily for 3 weeks then 20mg once daily for 3, 6 or 12 months (n=1731), or subcutaneous enoxaparin plus warfarin or acenocoumarol (n=1718). Rivaroxaban was equally efficacious as the active control in reduction of recurrent VTE (36 events [2.1%] versus 51 events [3.0%], respectively; HR 0.68; 95% CI, 0.44–1.04; p<0.001 for non-inferiority).

The EINSTEIN-Extension trial (n=1197) investigated the efficacy of rivaroxaban (20mg once daily) against placebo in the prevention of VTE recurrence, following treatment for DVT or PE. Rivaroxaban displayed superior efficacy to placebo (8 events [1.3%] versus 42 [7.1%], respectively; HR 0.18; 95% CI, 0.09–0.39; p<0.001).


Rates of major and non-major clinically relevant bleeding were similar in the two arms of the ROCKET AF study, but fatal bleeding and rates of intracranial haemorrhage were less frequent with rivaroxaban. Additionally, similar rates of all-cause mortality and myocardial infarction were observed but major gastrointestinal bleeding was more common in the rivaroxaban group. In the EINSTEIN trial, similar rates of adverse events occurred in the two groups; however, in the EINSTEIN-Extension study, non-fatal major bleeding occurred in 4 patients in the rivaroxaban group but no patients in the placebo group (p=0.11).

New tablets

To support the new indications, Xarelto is now available as 15mg and 20mg tablets in addition to the existing 10mg tablets licensed for prevention of VTE following hip or knee replacement surgery.


欧盟近日正式批准Xarelto(利伐沙班,rivaroxaban)片剂用于预防臀或膝关节置换术患者发生静脉血栓,这是一种一天一次的一种新型的、一天一次的口服剂型直接凝血因子Xa 抑制剂,Bayer公司表示将很快在欧盟成员国上市该药。


在欧盟国家每年有150万的血栓堵塞事件发生,致死54.4万人。riv aroxaban之前已在加拿大获得批准,此外还在其它10个国家申请上市。


Xarelto Tablets(RIVAROXABAN) 利伐沙班片
Xarelto(rivaroxaban filmcoated tablets)
利伐沙班膜衣片|XARELTO(RIVAROXABAN tablets)
利伐沙班片Xarelto(Rivaroxaban Tablets)
利伐沙班片Xarelto(Rivaroxaban Tablets)
利伐沙班片|Xarelto(Rivaroxaban Tablets)



· 依度沙班片|Lixiana(ed...
· DuoPlavin(阿司匹林/氯...
· Argatroban Injection(...
· Plavix(Clopidogrel Bi...
· 替卡格雷片BRILIQUE(tic...
· DOBUPUM Injection syri...
· Prestalia(Perindopril ...
· Repatha(evolocumab)溶液...
· PRALUENT(alirocumab in...
· ENTRESTO tablets(奥帕...



· 依度沙班片|Lixiana(ed...
· DuoPlavin(阿司匹林/氯...
· Argatroban Injection(...
· Plavix(Clopidogrel Bi...
· 替卡格雷片BRILIQUE(tic...
· DOBUPUM Injection syri...
· Prestalia(Perindopril ...
· Repatha(evolocumab)溶液...
· PRALUENT(alirocumab in...
· ENTRESTO tablets(奥帕...



· Plavix(Clopidogrel Bi...
· Argatroban Injection(...
· DuoPlavin(阿司匹林/氯...
· 依度沙班片|Lixiana(ed...