英文药名: Bricanyl(Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler)
中文药名: 博利康尼(硫酸特布他林都保)
生产厂家: AstraZeneca
【别名】 博利康尼;喘康速;间羟舒喘灵;间羟舒喘宁;间羟嗽必妥;间羟异丁肾;叔丁喘宁;特布他林; 间羟叔丁肾上腺素;硫酸特布他林 【外文名】Terbutaline ,Bricanyl, Bricasol 【性状】 常用其磷酸盐,为白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无臭,味苦。熔点255℃(分解)。易溶于水,略溶于甲醇、乙醇。不溶于乙醚、丙酮、氯仿 药理作用
为选择性β2受体激动剂,其支气管扩张作用与沙丁氨醇相近。于哮喘患者,本品2.5mg的平喘作用与25mg麻黄碱相当。动物或人的离体实验证明,其对心脏β1受体的作用极小,其对心脏的兴奋作用仅及异丙肾上腺素的1/100。但其临床应用时,特别是大量或注射给药仍有明显心血管系统副作用,这除与它直接激动心脏β1受体有关外,尚与其激动血管平滑肌β2受体,舒张血管,血流量增加,通过压力感受器反射的兴奋心脏有关。 适应症
1.用于支气管哮喘、哮喘型支气管炎和慢性阻塞性肺部疾患时的支气管痉挛。 2.连续静滴本品可激动子宫平滑肌β2受体,抑制自发性子宫收缩和催产素引起的子宫收缩,预防早产。同样原理亦可用于胎儿窒息。 用法用量
口服:成人每次2.5~5mg,1日3次。小儿酌减。 喷雾吸入:1~2揿/次,3~4次/日。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱!
规格 片剂:每片5mg。 气雾剂,200喷/瓶,0.25mg,0.5mg/喷。
对本品过敏者禁用。 注意事项
1.少数病例有手指震颤、头痛、心悸及胃肠道障碍、口服5mg时,手指震颤发生率可达20%-33%。 2.甲状腺功能亢进、冠心病、高血压、糖尿病患者慎用. 3.大剂量应用可使有癫痫病史的患者发生酮症酸中毒. 4.长期应用可产生耐受牲,疗效降低. 5.β2受体激动剂可能会引起低钾血症。当与黄嘌呤衍生物、类固醇、利尿药合用及缺氧都可能增加低钾血症的发生,因此,在这种情况下需监测血清钾的浓度。 孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药
1.对人或动物未见致畸作用,但建议在怀孕的前三个月内慎用。 2.特布他林可随乳汁分泌,但在治疗剂量时不会对乳儿产生不良影响。 3.因可松弛子宫平滑肌,所以可抑制孕妇的子宫活动能力及分娩,应慎用。 药物相互作用
1.并用其他肾上腺素受体激动剂可使疗效增加。但不良反应也可能加重。 2.并用茶碱类药可增加疗效,但心悸等不良反应也可能加重。 3.非选择性?受体阻滞剂(包括滴眼剂)可部分或全部抑制该药的作用。 4.β2受体激动剂可能会引起低钾血症,同时使用黄嘌呤衍生物、类固醇和利尿剂会加重这种作用,见【注意事项】。 药物过量
1.可能的症状和体征:头痛、焦虑、震颤、强直性肌肉痉挛、心悸和心律不齐。有时可能会产生血压下降。 2.化验室检查:有时会产生高血糖和乳酸过多症状、β2受体激动剂可能因促进钾的重新分布而导致低钾血症。 3.药物过量的治疗:通常无需治疗、如果怀疑服用大量的硫酸特布他林,可考虑采取下列措施: 活性炭灌胃冲洗、检测酸碱平衡、血糖和电解质。监测心率、心律和血压、纠正代谢异常.建议用心脏选择性的β受体阻滞剂(如美托洛尔)来治疗心律失常所引起的血流动力学异常改变。但应慎用β受体阻滞剂,因其可能会诱导支气管阻塞、如β2受体介导的外周血管阻力减小导致血压阴显下降,则应给予扩容剂。
Bricanyl® turbuhaler Manufacturer: AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) contains terbutaline sulfate. Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) is used to relieve symptoms of asthma as well as bronchospasm associated with bronchitis and emphysema. Use of Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) is not recommended in the following situations: allergy to terbutaline or any component of the preparation cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) associated with tachycardia (rapid heart rate) When using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate), caution recommended in the following situations: hyperthyroidism high blood pressure diabetes cardiovascular disorders seizures (history) elderly heart disease sensitivity to sympathomimetics (drugs that stimulate the central nervous system) If you are using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) and would like immediate relief of symptoms, the usual dose of Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) for adults and children 6 years of age or older is 1 inhalation (0.5 mg) when required. If adequate relief was not achieved then a second inhalation of the Bricanyl Turbuhaler may be taken after 5 minutes has passed. More than 6 inhalations should not be required in a 24 hour period of using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate). Side Effects associated with Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate): Bricanyl Turbuhaler contains terbutaline sulfate. Often, Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) users who take their medication Bricanyl properly never experience unwanted side effects of Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate). The severity and duration of these Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) side effects are dependant on many factors including duration of therapy, dose, and individual response. Possible unwanted effects of using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate)can include: nervousness slight palpitations (awareness of heart beat) tremor headache drowsiness Uncommon side effects of Bricanyl Turbuhaler: increased heart rate dizziness nausea muscle cramps trouble sleeping weakness flushing Rare: restlessness irritability vertigo (whirling sensation) unusual taste angina (chest discomfort) Many of these unwanted side effects of Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate), especially the most common ones, may disappear with continued use. Bricanyl Turbuhaler (Terbutaline Sulphate) is not usually recommended for children under 6 years old. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bricanyl
Bricanyl is comes to a family of drugs which is known as bronchodilator drugs, a medication that opens the bronchial tubes. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is most commonly used for the treatment, prevention and relief of bronchial spasms in asthma. Bricanyl comes in the category of drugs that called terbutaline sulfate. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate works by relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing. Bricanyl is being manufactured by Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals and are available in Turbuhaler.
What are the most common problems for which Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is used?
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is used for the treatment, prevention and relief of bronchial spasms in asthma.
Some times Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is also used for the relief of the signs and symptoms of emphysema.
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is more useful for the treatment and prevention of bronchitis.
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is also more useful for the treatment and prevention of other lung disorders.
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is used for the treatment, prevention and relief of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is also used for the treatment, prevention and relieves of breathing difficulties due to a narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm) in other lung disorders.
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is also useful for the some other problems that defined by your doctor or pharmacist, such as arthritis.
How does Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate work?
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is comes to a family of drugs which is known as bronchodilator drugs, a medication that opens the bronchial tubes. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is most commonly used for the treatment, prevention and relief of bronchial spasms in asthma. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate works by relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate belongs to a group of medicines called short-acting beta 2 agonists. It works by acting on receptors in the lungs, called beta 2 receptors. Stimulation of these receptors causes the muscles in the airways to relax, and this allows the airways to open. In conditions where there is narrowing of the airways, such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis, it is difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. By opening the airways, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate makes it easier to breathe. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is most commonly taken using an inhaler device. Inhaling the medicine allows it to act directly in the lungs where it is needed most. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate when used as an inhaler is known as a reliever because it works very quickly to relieve asthma attacks or shortness of breath. Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate can also be used to open the airways shortly before exercising.
Is any prescription required to get Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate?
Yes, prescription is necessary, one most not to use Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate without prescription. Some times in such conditions Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is more harmful for health so, it is better to use Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate under doctor抯 guidance or according to your medical consultant.
Dosage of Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate?
Anybody should Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate always under doctor抯 guidance. Dosage of Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate should be individualized according to the requirements of each patient. Treatment should be initiated at the lowest recommended dose and increased gradually, noting carefully the clinical response and any evidence of intolerance. Take Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate exactly as directed.
What is the minimum duration for which Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate should be taken?
The duration of taking Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate is not constant; it depends according to the problem. Your doctor or consultant can describe you better about the time period for which duration Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate should be taken or until the medication is deemed effective. Your dose may need to be defined by your doctor or healthcare professional.
Are there any side effects of Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate?
Possible side effects that occurs during the uses of Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate:
Allergic reaction Chest discomfort Difficulty in breathing Dizziness Drowsiness Fast, fluttery heartbeat Flushed feeling Headache Increased heart rate Nausea Nervousness Pain at injection site Rapid heartbeat Sweating Tremors Vomiting Weakness Dry mouth Muscle cramps Inflamed blood vessels Slight palpitations Tremor Trouble sleeping Restlessness Irritability Vertigo Unusual taste Angina Under what circumstances Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate should not be used?
If you have an allergy to Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler or any other ingredients of this medicine, then should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of liver disease, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of kidney disease, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of diabetes, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of high blood pressure, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of Thyrotoxicosis, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the problem of seizures or convulsions, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to pregnancy or plan to becomepregnant,Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
If you have suffering to the breast-feeding, Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should not be used.
Under which storage conditions Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate should be kept?
Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler should be stored in cupboard at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Do not store Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate Turbuhaler in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Keep always Bricanyl/Terbutaline Sulphate medicine out of the reach of children.

包装规格: ·0.25mg 3 x 200 doses(揿) 喷雾吸入 ·0.5mg 1 x 200 doses(揿) 喷雾吸入 · 0.5mg 3 x 200 doses(揿) 喷雾吸入
