英文药名: Trusopt(Dorzolamide Ophthalmic Solution) 中文药名: 舒净露(多佐胺滴眼液) 品牌药生产厂家: Merck Frosst 作用机制 本品是碳酸酐酶抑制剂(Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor,CAI)。碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase,CA)是催化CO2+H2O=H++HCO3-化学反应的酶HCO3-和Na+结合形成碳酸氢钠,碳酸氢钠增多,可使睫状血管系统的渗透压增加,从而吸收水分增多,眼压增高。CA有7种类型,与眼有关的同工酶是CA-I,CA-II和CA-Ⅳ,人体的CA-I,CA-Ⅳ存在于角膜内皮、晶状体中,CA-II存在于睫状突和视网膜中。CA的活性可被CAI抑制。多佐胺是一种CAI,强效抑制CA-Ⅱ,可作用于眼部的CA位点,使HCO3-生成减少,房水内渗透压下降,房水生成减少,眼压下降。多佐胺还可使眼内血管扩张,对眼灌注有积极的影响。 按常规用法,即本品每8h l滴(30μl),或每日总剂量4mg,8d后红细胞内的药物浓度可达20~25umol/L,与CA-II在红细胞中的浓度相似。该浓度可持续18个月。其血浆浓度为0.034umol/L,或为红细胞浓度的1/700。红细胞中也含有少量的N-去乙基代谢物(5umol/L),该代谢物可抑制CA-I的作用。在最初用药的8d内,尿中测不到药物及其代谢物的浓度,待稳态后,肾排泄1.3mg/d,代谢物中包括20%N-去乙基多佐胺。 青光眼是一类眼内压(intraocular pressure,IOP)过高,引起视神经损害的眼病。虽然仅仅眼压上升不能作为青光眼的诊断根据,但是眼压上升,是造成各种类型青光眼的危险因素,所以青光眼的治疗目标首先是使眼压下降。多佐胺(Dorzolamide,商品名:Trusopt,默克公司)是第一个获得FDA批准局部眼用碳酸酐酶抑制剂(carbonic anhydrase inhibitor,CAI),有较强的降IOP的作用。1994年在美国上市。 TRUSOPT (DORZOLAMIDE) CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITOR DIRECTIONS: Once the drops are in, lie back with your eyes closed for at least three minutes. Using your thumb and first finger, lightly push in on your nose where the two eye lids come together (See: Proper eye drop insertion). This will give you the maximum pressure lowering effect on your eyes with minimum side effects. HOW IT WORKS: Trusopt is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI). Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that is used by the body to produce aqueous (one of the fluids inside the eye). By inhibiting this enzyme the body produces less aqueous and therefore the pressure in the eye is reduced by 15 to 20 percent. For many years there has been a search for an eye drop form of oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors like Acetzolamide or diamox. This has now been achieved in the form of dorzolamide. Dorzolamide has proved a satisfactory eye pressure lowering drop by reducing the production of aqueous fluid. It is used twice daily in combination with a beta blocking drop, or three times daily on its own. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Although Trusopt is sulfa-based, it probably does not share "sulfa allergy" with sulfonamide antibacterials because of a significantly different chemical structure. No measurable amount of the drug is found in the blood plasma, so there is little or no impact on the kidney. One quarter of patients notice stinging and a bitter taste in their throat when taking Trusopt. Gentle eyelid closure and punctual pressure for three minutes after instillation tends to eliminate or minimize this (see instructions for: Proper eye drop insertion). Other side effects may include dry mouth, fatigue, headache, increased eye redness, stinging, burning and blurred vision. If headaches do occurs they tend to go away within a short period of time. ADVANTAGES: Trusopt has good pressure lowering ability. It causes little if any discomfort to the eyes or vision in most patients. Breast-feeding/ Pregnant: Trusopt passes into breast milk and may reduce the milk supply. The British National Formulary states "the amount is too small to be harmful to the baby" however, the manufacture of Dorzolamide (Trusopt) advises against use in pregnancy or during breast feeding. The use of these drugs must be discussed with your doctor’s. Examples of these drugs are: Diamox Tablets, Diamox SR Capsules, Daranide Tablets, Trusopt and Azopt Eye Drops. |