英文药名: Aristospan(Triamcinolone Hexacetonide Vial)
中文药名: 曲安西龙注射剂
生产厂家:Sandoz Inc 药品名称 曲安西龙,去炎松,氟羟氢化泼尼松,氟羟强的松龙 英文名 Triamcinolone,Fluoxyprednisolone,Triamcortisone,ADCORTYL,ARISTOCORT,LEDERCORT 药理及应用 抗炎作用较氢化可的松、泼尼松均强。水钠潴留作用则较稍微。口服易吸收。适用于类风湿性关节炎、其它结缔组织疾病、支气管哮喘、过敏性皮炎、神经性皮炎、湿疹等,尤适用于对皮质激素禁忌的伴有高血压或浮肿的关节炎。仅用于口服。其双醋酸酯除口服外,尚可采用肌注、皮下注射或关节腔内注射,以缓解局部炎症。注射作用缓慢而持久,一般可维持疗效达2~3周以上。 用法用量 (1)口服: 开始时1次4mg,1日2~4次。维持量为1次1~4mg,1日1~2次,通常1日不超过8mg。如为其双醋酸酯,1日量10~20mg,3~4次分服。2~3日后逐渐酌减用量。 (2)肌注:每1~4周1次40~80mg。 (3)皮下注射: 1次5~20mg。 (4)关节腔内注射: 每1~7周1次5~40mg。 注重事项 (1)可引起厌食、眩晕、头痛、嗜眠等,但一般不至引起浮肿、高血压、满月脸等反应。 (2)长期使用或用量较大时可致胃溃疡,血糖升高、骨质疏松、肌肉萎缩、肾上腺功能减退以及诱发感染等,结核病、消化性溃疡、糖尿病等患者及孕妇慎用。 包装规格[美国产品] ARISTOSPAN VL 20MG/ML SAN 1ML TRIAMCINOLONE HEXACETONIDE SANDOZ 00781-3085-71
完整说明书附件:https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?dictionary=on&id=128842 Aristospan Injection 20mg(Triamcinolone Hexacetonide Injectable Suspension) ARISTOSPAN INTRA-ARTICULAR Rx Generic Name and Formulations: Triamcinolone hexacetonide 20mg/mL; susp for intra-articular inj; contains benzyl alcohol. Company: Sandoz Indications for ARISTOSPAN INTRA-ARTICULAR: Adjunctive therapy for short-term administration in acute gouty arthritis, acute and subacute bursitis, acute nonspecific tenosynovitis, epicondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, synovitis of osteoarthritis. Adult: Individualize. Average intra-articular dose: 2–20mg. Large joints: 10–20mg. Small joints: 2–6mg. Usual frequency of injection into a single joint is every 3–4 weeks. Children: See full labeling. Contraindications: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (IM preparations). Warnings/Precautions: Not for treatment of traumatic brain injury. Not for epidural use; serious neurologic events may occur. Concomitant systemic fungal infections, active ocular herpes simplex, cerebral malaria, live vaccines: not recommended. Latent or active amebiasis. Strongyloides infestation. Tuberculosis. If exposed to chickenpox or measles, consider prophylactic passive immune therapy. Recent MI. CHF. Hypertension. Renal insufficiency. Peptic ulcers. Diverticulitis. Intestinal anastomoses. Ulcerative colitis. Cirrhosis. Unstable or infected joints. Postmenopausal women (osteoporosis risk). Hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Supplement with additional steroids in physiologic stress. Emotional instability. Psychotic tendencies. Myasthenia gravis. Avoid abrupt cessation. Monitor thyroid, weight, growth, fluid, electrolyte balance and intraocular pressure (w. therapy >6 weeks). Infants (Gasping Syndrome). Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers. Interactions: Potentiated by CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, macrolides), cyclosporine, estrogens. Antagonized by CYP3A4 inducers (eg, barbiturates, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampin), cholestyramine. May potentiate cyclosporine (seizure risk). May antagonize anticoagulants (monitor), isoniazid. Increased risk of arrhythmias with digitalis. May need to adjust dose of antidiabetic agents. Increased GI effects with aspirin, other NSAIDs. Monitor for hypokalemia with potassium-depleting drugs (eg, amphotericin B, diuretics). Concomitant neuromuscular blocking agents; increased risk of myopathy. Withdraw anticholinesterase agents at least 24hrs before initiating corticosteroid therapy. Aminoglutethimide may lead to loss of corticosteroid-induced adrenal suppression. May suppress reactions to skin tests. Pharmacological Class: Glucocorticoid. Adverse Reactions: HPA axis suppression, masks infection, increased susceptibility to infection, glaucoma, cataracts, secondary infections, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypernatremia, hypertension, psychic disorders, myopathy, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer, dermal atrophy, increased intracranial pressure, carbohydrate and glucose intolerance, inj site reactions; Kaposi's sarcoma, anaphylactoid reactions. How Supplied: Vial—1mL, 5mL