英文药名:Uritos(Imidafenacin Tablets)
生产厂家:杏林制药 药品介绍: 咪达那新是由日本小野药品工业株式会社与杏林制药联合开发的新型二苯基丁酰胺类抗胆碱药,具有高度膀胱选择性,用于治疗膀胱过度活动症引起的尿急、尿频及尿失禁。于2007年6月在日本上市。 适应症 膀胱过度活动症引起的尿急、尿频及尿失禁 用法及用量 成人口服每次1片,每日两次,早晚饭后各服一次;如果疗效不显著,可增加到每次2片,每日两次。 作用机制 咪达那新具有二苯基丁酰胺结构,是一种新型高效抗胆碱药物,它选择性作用于M3和M1受体,阻断胆碱对逼尿肌的收缩作用,可显著改善膀胱过度活动症所引起的尿急、尿频、尿禁等症状。咪达那新具有抑制膀胱平滑肌收缩和抑制乙酰胆碱游离双重作用,而且对膀胱的选择性强于唾液腺,对于脑组织中胆碱受体亲和力较低,因此中枢和外周不良反应较少。 剂型及规格 片剂,每片含0.1mg咪达那新 崩解片剂:每片0.1mg含有咪达那新的口腔内迅速崩解片剂
包装 ウリトス錠0.1mg PTP包装 :100錠(10錠×10)、500錠(10錠×50) バラ包装:500錠 ウリトスOD錠0.1mg PTP包装 :100錠(10錠×10)、500錠(10錠×50)
製造販売元 杏林製薬株式会社 原文资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2590013F1027_1_10/ The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse effects (risks) as well as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse effects and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand their medication and cooperate with the treatment. Brand name : URITOS Tablets 0.1mg Active ingredient: Imidafenacin Dosage form: pale red-pale red brown or pale reddish purple tablet, φ7.1mm, 3.5mm thick Print on wrapping: (face)ウリトス錠 0.1mg 過活動膀胱治療剤 KP-197 (reverse side)URITOS Tab. 0.1mg ウリトス錠 0.1mg 過活動膀胱治療剤 Kyorin Effects of this medicine With the antagonistic action of this medicine to muscarinic receptor of the bladder, it helps control overactive contraction of bladder smooth muscle which is uncontrollable by oneself, so to facilitate holding urine in the bladder. It is usually used to treat urinary urgency, frequent urination and urgency urinary incontinence due to overactive bladder. Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist If you ever experienced any allergic reaction (itch, rash etc.) to any medicine. If you are a patient with urinary retention, paralytic ileus (intestinal obstruction), decline of gastrointestinal motor ability/tension (includes gastric/bowel atony), glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, heart disease. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.) Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine) Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is to be written by a healthcare professional General dosage regimen: For adults, take 1 tablet (0.1mg of the active ingredient) at a time, twice a day after breakfast/supper. If the efficacy was not enough, increase dosage up to 2 tablets (0.2 mg of the active ingredient) at a time, twice a day. Strictly follow the instructions of your doctor/pharmacist. If you missed a dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. DO NOT take double doses to make up for the missed dose. If you took too much of the medicine (more than ordered), check with your doctor/pharmacist. Do not stop taking the medicine without the instructions of your doctor. Precautions while taking this medicine The medicine may cause disorders in vision adjustment (foggy/blurred vision), dizziness and drowsiness; do not drive a car, work at heights or operate dangerous machinery while you take the medicine. Possible adverse effects of this medicine Common side effects are reported as below. If any of them occurs, check with your doctor/pharmacist: dry mouth, thirsty mouth, constipation, residual urine, foggy vision, photophobia (sensitive to bright light), stomach and abdominal discomfort, drowsiness, headache, dysuria, itch, rash, etc. The symptoms described below are rarely seen as initial symptoms of the adverse effects indicated in brackets. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor immediately. nausea, eye pain with headache, failing eyesight[acute glaucoma] difficult to urinate, impossible to urinate[urinary retention] The above symptoms do not describe all the adverse reactions to this medicine. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any symptoms of concern other than those listed above. Storage conditions and other information Keep out the reach of children. Store away from direct sunlight, heat and moisture. Discard the remainder. Do not store them.