部份中文碳酸氢钠处方资料(仅供参考) 【药品名称】 通用名:碳酸氢钠注射液 英文名:Sodium Bicarbonate Injection 汉语拼音:Tansuanqingna Zhusheye 本品主要成分及其化学名称:碳酸氢钠 其结构式为:NaHCO3 分子式:NaHCO3 分子量:84.01 【性状】 本品为无色澄明液体。 【药理毒理】 ①.治疗代谢性酸中毒,本品使血浆内碳酸根浓度升高,中和氢离子,从而纠正酸中毒; ②.碱化尿液,由于尿液中碳酸根浓度增加后pH值升高,使尿酸、磺胺类药物与血红蛋白等不易在尿中形成结晶或聚集; ③.制酸,口服能迅速中和或缓冲胃酸,而不直接影响胃酸分泌。因而胃内pH迅速升高缓解高胃酸引起的症状。 【药代动力学】 本品经静脉滴注后直接进入血液循环。血中碳酸氢钠经肾小球滤过,进入尿液排出。部分碳酸氢根离子与尿液中氢离子结合生成碳酸,再分解成二氧化碳和水。 前者可弥散进入肾小管细胞,与胞内水结合,生成碳酸,解离后的碳酸氢根离子被重吸收进入血循环。血中碳酸氢根离子与血中氢离子结合生成碳酸,进而分解成二氧化碳和水,前者经肺呼出。 【适应症】 (1)冶疗化谢性酸中毒:治疗轻至中度化谢性酸中毒,以口服为宜。重度化谢性酸中毒则应静脉滴注,如严重肾脏病 、循环衰竭、心肺复苏、体外循环及严重的原发性乳酸性酸中毒、糖尿病 酮症酸中毒等。 (2)碱化尿液:用于尿酸性肾结石的预防,减少磺胺灯药物的肾毒性,及急性溶血防止血红蛋白沉积在肾小管。 (3)作为制酸药,治疗胃酸过多引起的症状。 (4)静脉滴注对某些药物中毒有非特异性的治疗作用,如巴比妥类、水杨酸类药物及甲醇等中毒。但本品禁用于吞食强酸中毒时的洗胃,因本品与强酸反应产生大量二氧化碳,导致急性胃扩张甚至胃破裂。 【用法用量】 代谢性酸中毒,静脉滴注,所需剂量按下式计算:补碱量(mmol)=(-2.3-实际测得的BE值)×0.25×体重(kg),或补碱量(mmol)=正常的CO2CP-实际测得的CO2CP(mmol)×0.25×体重(kg)。除非体内丢失碳酸氢盐,一般先给计算剂量的1/3~1/2,4~8小时内滴注完毕。 心肺复苏抢救时,首次1mmol/kg,以后根据血气分析结果调整用量(每1g碳酸氢钠相当于12mmol碳酸氢根)。 静脉用药还应注意下列问题: ①静脉应用的浓度范围为1.5%(等渗)至8.4%; ②应从小剂量开始,根据血中pH值、碳酸氢根浓度变化决定追加剂量; ③短时间 大量静脉输注可致严重碱中毒、低钾血症、低钙血症。当用量超过每分钟10ml高渗溶液时可导致高钠血症、脑脊液压力下降甚至颅内出血,此新生儿及2岁以下小儿更易发生。故以5%溶液输注时,速度不能超过每分钟8 mmol钠。但在心肺复苏时因存在致命的酸中毒,应快速静脉输注。 碱化尿液, 成人 :口服首次4g,以后每4小时1~2g。静脉滴注,2~5mmol/kg,4~8小时内滴注完毕。 小儿:口服,每日按体重1~10mmol/kg。 【不良反应】 (1)大量注射时可出现心律失常、肌肉痉挛、疼痛、异常疲倦虚弱等,主要由于代谢性碱中毒引起低钾血症所致。 (2)剂量偏大或存在肾功能不全时,可出现水肿、精神症状、肌肉疼痛或抽搐、呼吸减慢、口内异味、异常疲倦虚弱等。主要由代谢性碱中毒所致。 (3)长期应用时可引起尿频、尿急、持续性头痛、食欲减退、恶心呕吐、异常疲倦虚弱等。 【禁忌症】 【注意事项】 (1)对诊断的干扰:对胃酸分泌试验或血、尿pH测定结果有明显影响。 (2)下列情况慎用: ①少尿或无尿,因能增加钠负荷; ②钠潴留并有水肿时,如肝硬化、充血性心力衰竭、肾功能不全、妊娠高血压综合征; ③原发性高血压, 因钠负荷增加可能加重病情。 (3)下列情况不作静脉内用药: ①代谢性或呼吸性碱中毒; ②因呕吐或持续胃肠负压吸引导致大量氯丢失,而极有可能发生代谢性碱中毒; ③低钙血症时,因本品引起碱中毒可加重低钙血症表现。 【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】 (1)长期或大量应用可致代谢性碱中毒,并且钠负荷过高引起水肿等,孕妇应慎用。 (2)本品可经乳汁分泌,但对婴儿的影响尚无有关资料。 【儿童用药】 治疗酸中毒,参考成人剂量。心肺复苏抢救时,首次静注按体重1mmol/kg,以后根据血气分析结果调整用量。 【老年患者用药】 【药物相互作用】 (1)合用肾上腺皮质激素(尤其是具有较强盐皮质激素作用者)、促肾上腺皮质激素、雄激素时,易发生高钠血症和水肿。 (2)与苯丙胺、奎尼丁合用,后两者经肾排泄减少,易出现毒性作用。 (3)与抗凝药如华法林和M胆碱酯酶药等合用,后者吸收减少。 (4)与含钙药物、乳及乳制品合用,可致乳-碱综合征。 (5)与西咪替丁、雷尼替丁等H2受体拮抗剂合用,,后者的吸收减少。 (6)与排钾利尿药合用,增加发生低氯性碱中毒的危险性。 (7)本品可使尿液碱化,影响肾对麻黄碱的排泄,故合用时麻黄碱剂量应减小 (8)钠负荷增加使肾脏排泄锂增多,故与锂制剂合用时,锂制剂的用量应酌情调整。 (9)碱化尿液能抑制乌洛托品转化成甲醛,从而抑制后者治疗作用,故不主张两药合用。 (10)本品碱化尿液可增加肾脏对水杨酸制剂的排泄。 【包装规格】 50毫升容器 250毫升容器 500毫升容器 【生产厂家】Claris Lifesciences Limited
 SODIUM BICARBONATE - sodium bicarbonate injection, solution Claris Lifesciences Limited Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP FOR CORRECTION OF METABOLIC ACIDOSIS AND OTHER CONDITIONS REQUIRING SYSTEMIC ALKALINIZATION LVP GLASS CONTAINER Rx only
Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic, hypertonic solution of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in water for injection for administration by the intravenous route as an electrolyte replenisher and systemic alkalizer.
The solution is offered in concentration of 8.4%. See HOW SUPPLIED section for content and characteristics. Solution in LVP Container has 0.9 mg/mL of edetate disodium anhydrous added as a stabilizer.
The solution contains no bacteriostat, antimicrobial agent or added buffer and is intended only for use as single-dose injection. When smaller doses are required, the unused portion should be discarded with the entire unit.
Sodium bicarbonate, 84 mg is equal to one milliequivalent each of Na+ and HCO3-. Sodium Bicarbonate, USP is chemically designated NaHCO3, a white crystalline powder soluble in water.
Water for Injection, USP is chemically designated H2O.
Intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy increases plasma bicarbonate, buffers excess hydrogen ion concentration, raises blood pH and reverses the clinical manifestations of acidosis.
Sodium bicarbonate in water dissociates to provide sodium (Na+) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions. Sodium (Na+) is the principal cation of the extracellular fluid and plays a large part in the therapy of fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Bicarbonate (HCO3-) is a normal constituent of body fluids and the normal plasma level ranges from 24 to 31 mEq/liter. Plasma concentration is regulated by the kidney through acidification of the urine when there is a deficit or by alkalinization of the urine when there is an excess. Bicarbonate anion is considered "labile" since at a proper concentration of hydrogen ion (H+) it may be converted to carbonic acid (H2CO3) and thence to its volatile form carbon dioxide (CO2) excreted by the lung.
Normally a ratio of 1:20 (carbonic acid: bicarbonate) is present in the extracellular fluid. In a healthy adult with normal kidney function, practically all the glomerular filtered bicarbonate ion is reabsorbed; less than 1% is excreted in the urine.
Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis which may occur in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is further indicated in the treatment of certain drug intoxications, including barbiturates (where dissociation of the barbiturate-protein complex is desired), in poisoning by salicylates or methyl alcohol and in hemolytic reactions requiring alkalinization of the urine to diminish nephrotoxicity of blood pigments. Sodium bicarbonate also is indicated in severe diarrhea, which is often accompanied by a significant loss of bicarbonate.
Treatment of metabolic acidosis should, if possible, be superimposed on measures designed to control the basic cause of the acidosis - e.g., insulin in uncomplicated diabetes, blood volume restoration in shock. But since an appreciable time interval may elapse before all of the ancillary effects are brought about, bicarbonate therapy is indicated to minimize risks inherent to the acidosis itself.
Vigorous bicarbonate therapy is required in any form of metabolic acidosis where a rapid increase in plasma total CO2 content is crucial -e.g., cardiac arrest, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, and in severe primary lactic acidosis or severe diabetic acidosis.
Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is contraindicated in patients who are losing chloride by vomiting or from continuous gastrointestinal suction, and in patients receiving diuretics known to produce a hypochloremic alkalosis.
Solutions containing sodium ions should be used with great care, if at all, in patients with congestive heart failure, severe renal insufficiency and in clinical states in which there exists edema with sodium retention.
In patients with diminished renal function, administration of solutions containing sodium ions may result in sodium retention.
The intravenous administration of these solutions can cause fluid and/or solute overloading resulting in dilution of serum electrolyte concentrations, overhydration, congested states or pulmonary edema.
Extravascular infiltration should be avoided, see ADVERSE REACTIONS.
The potentially large loads of sodium given with bicarbonate require that caution be exercised in the use of sodium bicarbonate in patients with congestive heart failure or other edematous or sodium-retaining states, as well as in patients with oliguria or anuria. See table in HOW SUPPLIED section for amount of sodium present in solution.
Caution must be exercised in the administration of parenteral fluids, especially those containing sodium ions, to patients receiving corticosteroids or corticotropin.
Potassium depletion may predispose to metabolic alkalosis and coexistent hypocalcemia may be associated with carpopedal spasm as the plasma pH rises. These dangers can be minimized if such electrolyte imbalances are appropriately treated prior to or concomitantly with bicarbonate infusion.
Rapid injection (10 mL/min) of hypertonic Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP, solutions into neonates and children under two years of age may produce hypernatremia, a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure and possible intracranial hemorrhage. The rate of administration in such patients should therefore be limited to no more than 8 mEq/kg/day. A 4.2% solution may be preferred for such slow administration. In emergencies such as cardiac arrest, the risk of rapid infusion must be weighed against the potential for fatality due to acidosis.
Additives may be incompatible; norepinephrine and dobutamine are incompatible with sodium bicarbonate solution.
The addition of sodium bicarbonate to parenteral solutions containing calcium should be avoided, except where compatibility has been previously established. Precipitation or haze may result from sodium bicarbonate-calcium admixtures. NOTE: Do not use the injection if it contains precipitate.
Additives may be incompatible. Consult with pharmacist, if available. When introducing additives, use aseptic technique, mix thoroughly and do not store.
Laboratory Tests
The aim of all bicarbonate therapy is to produce a substantial correction of the low total CO2 content and blood pH, but the risks of overdosage and alkalosis should be avoided. Hence, repeated fractional doses and periodic monitoring by appropriate laboratory tests are recommended to minimize the possibility of overdosage.
Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with sodium bicarbonate. It is also not known whether sodium bicarbonate can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Sodium bicarbonate should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.
Overly aggressive therapy with Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP can result in a metabolic alkalosis (associated with muscular twitchings, irritability and tetany) and hypernatremia.
Inadvertent extravasation of intravenously administered hypertonic solutions of sodium bicarbonate have been reported to cause chemical cellulitis because of their alkalinity, with tissue necrosis, ulceration or sloughing at the site of infiltration. Prompt elevation of the part, warmth and local injection of lidocaine or hyaluronidase are recommended to prevent sloughing of extravasated I.V. infusions.
Should alkalosis result, the bicarbonate should be stopped and the patient managed according to the degree of alkalosis present. 0.9% sodium chloride injection intravenous may be given; potassium chloride also may be indicated if there is hypokalemia. Severe alkalosis may be accompanied by hyperirritability or tetany and these symptoms may be controlled by calcium gluconate. An acidifying agent such as ammonium chloride may also be indicated in severe alkalosis. See WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS.
Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is administered by the intravenous route.
In cardiac arrest, a rapid intravenous dose of 50 to 100 mL (44.6 to 100 mEq) may be given initially and continued at the rate of 50 mL (44.6 to 50 mEq) every 5 to 10 minutes if necessary (as indicated by arterial pH and blood gas monitoring) to reverse the acidosis. Caution should be observed in emergencies where very rapid infusion of large quantities of bicarbonate is indicated. Bicarbonate solutions are hypertonic and may produce an undesirable rise in plasma sodium concentration in the process of correcting the metabolic acidosis. In cardiac arrest, however, the risks from acidosis exceed those of hypernatremia.
In infants (up to two years of age), a 4.2% solution is recommended for intravenous administration at a dose not to exceed 8 mEq/Kg/day. Slow administration rates and the 4.2% solution are recommended in neonates, to guard against the possibility of producing hypernatremia, decreasing cerebrospinal fluid pressure and inducing intracranial hemorrhage.
In less urgent forms of metabolic acidosis, Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP may be added to other intravenous fluids. The amount of bicarbonate to be given to older children and adults over a four-to-eight-hour period is approximately 2 to 5 mEq/kg of body weight - depending upon the severity of the acidosis as judged by the lowering of total CO2 content, blood pH and clinical condition of the patient. In metabolic acidosis associated with shock, therapy should be monitored by measuring blood gases, plasma osmolarity, arterial blood lactate, hemodynamics and cardiac rhythm. Bicarbonate therapy should always be planned in a stepwise fashion since the degree of response from a given dose is not precisely predictable. Initially an infusion of 2 to 5 mEq/kg body weight over a period of 4 to 8 hours will produce a measurable improvement in the abnormal acid-base status of the blood. The next step of therapy is dependent upon the clinical response of the patient. If severe symptoms have abated, then the frequency of administration and the size of the dose may be reduced.
In general, it is unwise to attempt full correction of a low total CO2 content during the first 24 hours of therapy, since this may be accompanied by an unrecognized alkalosis because of the delay in the readjustment of ventilation to normal. Owing to this lag, the achievement of total CO2 content of about 20 mEq/liter at the end of the first day of therapy will usually be associated with a normal blood pH. Further modification of the acidosis to completely normal values usually occurs in the presence of normal kidney function when and if the cause of the acidosis can be controlled. Values for total CO2 which are brought to normal or above normal within the first day of therapy are very likely to be associated with grossly alkaline values for blood pH, with ensuing undesired side effects.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit. See PRECAUTIONS.
Do not use unless solution is clear and the container or seal is intact. Discard unused portion.
Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is supplied in the following dosage forms:
Dosage Form NDC code
Conc %
mg/mL NaHCO3
mEq/mL (Na+)
mEq/mL (HCO3-)
mEq/ Container size
LVP Glass Container 250 mL NDC 36000-027-12
250/ 250 mL
8.0 (7.0-8.5)
LVP Glass Container 500 mL NDC 36000-026-12
500/ 500 mL
8.0 (7.0-8.5)
| Storage: Store at controlled room temperature 15°to 30°C (59°to 86°F).

