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NEUTROGIN Injection(重组格司亭注射剂)

2016-03-03 08:20:17  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:1  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名:NEUTROGIN Injection(Lenograstim(Genetical Recombination)) 中文药名:重组格司亭注射剂 生产厂家:中外制药治疗类别名称重组人G-CSF制剂商標名 NEUTROGIN一般名レノグラスチム(遺伝子 ...

英文药名:NEUTROGIN Injection(Lenograstim(Genetical Recombination))




レノグラスチム(遺伝子組換え)(Lenograstim(Genetical Recombination))(JAN)
*本 質
推荐剂量如下: 癌症化疗,5μg ~10μg/kg,皮下注射,1次/日,于化疗停药1日后开始使用,持续使用7~10日。停药后至少间隔48h后方进行下一疗程的抗癌化疗。
艾滋病(AIDS),1μg/kg,皮下注射,1次/日,如与叠氮胸苷(AZT)或AZT、(-干扰素合用,本品用量为每日1μg ~3μg/kg;如与更昔洛韦合用,每日3μg ~5μg/kg,皮下注射,1次/日。2~4日见效后,每隔3~5日调整1次剂量。
癌症化疗: 5-10μg/kg体重,1次/日皮下注射。在化疗停止1日后使用,持续7-10天。
骨髓移殖: 5μg/kg体重/日,静脉点滴4-6hr,自骨髓移植后次日开始,持续使用不超过30天,或至连续3天中性粒细胞绝对值超过1x109/L。
骨髓异常增生综合征/再生障碍性贫血: 3μg/kg体重,1次/日,一般需2-4日才能观察到白细胞增高的最初效应。以后应根据白细胞计数情况调节剂量。
艾滋病: 单独使用1μg/kg体重,1次/日,皮下注射。与AZT或AZT/α干扰素合用,1-3μg/kg体重,与甘昔洛韦合用3-5μg/kg体重,1次/日,皮下注射。一般需2~4天才能观察到白细胞计数上升的最初效应。
50μg:  1瓶   10瓶

100μG: 1瓶   10瓶

250μg: 1瓶   10瓶

NEUTROGIN Injection 50 mcg(ノイトロジン注50μg)
Brand name : NEUTROGIN Injection 50 mcg
 Active ingredient: Lenograstim (genetical recombination)
 Dosage form: injection
 Print on wrapping:
NEUTROGIN Injection 250 mcg(ノイトロジン注250μg) 
Brand name : NEUTROGIN Injection 250 mcg
 Active ingredient: Lenograstim (genetical recombination)
 Dosage form: injection
 Print on wrapping:
NEUTROGIN injection 100 mcg(ノイトロジン注100μg)
Brand name : NEUTROGIN Injection 250 mcg
 Active ingredient: Lenograstim (genetical recombination)
 Dosage form: injection
 Print on wrapping:
Effects of this medicine
This medicine helps neutrophils to increase by accelerating the proliferation of the cells (precursor cells) which will grow into neutrophils (leukocytes) in bone marrow.
It is usually used to treat mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells into peripheral blood, acceleration of the increase in the neutrophil count in hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, cancer chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, neutropenia in myelodysplastic syndrome, neutropenia in aplastic anaemia, congenital or idiopathic neutropenia, neutropenia that precludes treatment for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, neutropenia in immunosuppressive therapy (in kidney transplantation).
Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist
•If you have previously experienced any allergic reactions (itch, rash, etc.) to any medicines.
If you have: myeloid leukemia (in case that blast cells are present in blood, in case that blast cells in bone marrow do not decrease), allergic predisposition, liver dysfunction, renal dysfunction, cardiac dysfunction, pulmonary dysfunction.
•If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
•If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.)
Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine)
•Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is <<to be written by a healthcare professional>>
•In general, inject intravenously or subcutaneously once or twice a day. It may be injected with intravenous infusion.
While being injected, dosage is adjusted by periodic blood test.
•The treatment period with this medicine depends on your response to the treatment.
•Before using this medicine, you may take a test to confirm presence or absence of allergy.
•When physicians confirm that patients are able to reliably self-administer after advanced instruction is provided regarding administration procedures at medical institution, self-administration may be conducted. You should be thoroughly instructed regarding preparative procedures, administrative procedures, not to reuse needles or syringes, and their safe disposal methods. Strictly follow the instructions. Do not stop administration or not adjust the dosage by self-judgment.
Precautions while taking this medicine
•If anaphylaxis (lassitude, lightheadedness, decreased consciousness, impaired mind/judgment, glow, swelling around the eye/lip, hoarseness, breathlessness, shortness of breath, palpitation, urticaria and so on ) or infectious symptoms (fever, chill) occur, contact with a doctor immediately.
•When effects of this medicine appear and leukocytes are being produced in bone marrow, ostalgia (especially, breast and hip bones and so on) may occur. If pain is persisting, consult with a doctor.
Possible adverse reactions to this medicine
The most commonly reported adverse reactions include fever, back pain, headache, ostalgia, rash, chest pain and general malaise. If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor or pharmacist.
The symptoms described below are rarely seen as initial symptoms of the adverse reactions indicated in brackets. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor immediately.
•cold sweat, dizziness, faint consciousness, impaired mind/judgment, pale face, shortness of breath  [shock]
•shortness of breath, breathlessness, fever, dry cough  [interstitial pneumonia]
•blue lips, rapid breathing with difficulty, blue nails on limb  [acute respiratory distress syndrome]
•abdominal (left upper abdomen) pain  [splenic rupture]
•general edema, sudden weight gain, shortness of breath, breathing difficulty, increased pulse rate, lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting  [capillary leak syndrome]
The above symptoms do not describe all the adverse reactions to this medicine. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any symptoms of concern other than those listed above.
Storage conditions and other information
•If any symptoms suspected adverse reactions appear at the time of self-injection, consult with your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
If you feel you are not able to continue self-injections, consult with your doctor immediately.
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Injection
Revised: 6/2014
The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse reactions (risks) as well as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse reactions and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand their medication and cooperate with the treatment.





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