近日,美国食品药品管理局FDA批准Dymista(盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松)用于治疗年龄≥12岁的季节性过敏性鼻炎(SAR)患者。Dymista是一种喷鼻剂,含有1种H1受体拮抗剂和1种皮质激素。用法为每次对两侧鼻孔各喷1下,每日给药2次。 批准日期:2012年5月2日 公司:Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc DYMISTA(盐酸氮卓斯汀/丙酸氟替卡松[azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate])鼻腔喷雾,用于鼻内使用 美国初步批准:2012年 近期主要变化 适应症和用法,过敏性鼻炎:2/2015 作用机制 DYMISTA:DYMISTA含有盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松;因此,下面针对各个组件描述的动作机制适用于DYMISTA。这些药物代表两种不同类型的药物(组胺H1-受体拮抗剂和合成皮质类固醇)。 盐酸氮卓斯汀:盐酸氮卓斯汀,2,3-二氮杂萘酮衍生物,在分离的组织,动物模型和人中显示出组胺H 1受体拮抗剂活性。在DYMISTA中的盐酸氮卓斯汀作为外消旋混合物施用,在体外研究中在对映异构体之间没有注意到药理学活性的差异。主要代谢物desmethylazelastine也具有H1受体拮抗剂活性。 丙酸氟替卡松:丙酸氟替卡松是一种具有抗炎活性的合成的三氟化皮质类固醇。对涉及结合和基因表达的克隆的人类糖皮质激素受体系统的体外剂量反应研究分别在1.25和0.17nM浓度下提供50%反应。在这些测定中,丙酸氟替卡松比地塞米松的效力高3倍至5倍。来自McKenzie血管收缩试验的数据也支持其有效的糖皮质激素活性。这些发现的临床相关性是未知的。 丙酸氟替卡松影响过敏性鼻炎症状的确切机制尚不清楚。皮质类固醇已显示对涉及炎症的多种细胞类型(例如肥大细胞,嗜酸性粒细胞,嗜中性粒细胞,巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞)和介质(例如组胺,类二十烷酸,白三烯和细胞因子)具有广泛的作用。 适应症和用法 DYMISTA含有H1受体拮抗剂和皮质类固醇,并且被指出用于缓解6岁及以上患者的季节性过敏性鼻炎的症状,其需要用盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松治疗以缓解症状。 剂量和给药 推荐剂量:每鼻孔1次喷雾,每日两次 仅供鼻内使用。 在初次使用前和未使用14天或以上时使用。 剂量形式和强度 DYMISTA:鼻腔喷雾悬浮液在每0.137mL喷雾中递送137mcg盐酸氮卓斯汀和50mcg丙酸氟替卡松(137mcg/50mcg)。 禁忌症 没有。 警告和注意事项 嗜眠:避免进行需要完全精神警觉的危险职业,例如在服用DYMISTA时驾驶或操作机器。 避免同时使用酒精或其他中枢神经系统(CNS)抑制剂与DYMISTA,因为进一步降低的警觉性和CNS性能的损害可能发生。 鼻出血,鼻溃疡,鼻中隔穿孔,伤口愈合受损,白色念珠菌感染。定期监测患者对鼻粘膜有不良影响的迹象。避免使用近期鼻腔溃疡,鼻腔手术或鼻外伤的患者。 青光眼或后囊下白内障:密切观察患者的视力变化或具有增加的眼内压,青光眼和/或白内障的病史。 现有结核病的潜在恶化;真菌,细菌,病毒或寄生虫感染;或眼部单纯疱疹。在易感患者中水痘或麻疹的严重甚至致命的过程。在上述患者中要小心,因为这些感染恶化的可能性。 高血压和肾上腺抑制与非常高的剂量或在常规剂量在易感个人。如果发生此类更改,请慢慢停止DYMISTA。 潜在的减少儿童生长速度。在接受DYMISTA的儿科患者中常规监测生长。 不良反应 最常见的不良反应(≥2%发生率)是:dysgeusia,鼻出血和头痛。 药物相互作用 细胞色素P450(CYP)3A4的强效抑制剂:可能增加丙酸氟替卡松的血液水平。 Ritanovir:不推荐联合给药。 其他有效的CYP3A4抑制剂,如酮康唑:谨慎使用共同给药。 在特定人群中使用 怀孕:根据动物数据,可能导致胎儿伤害。 供应/存储和处理 DYMISTA鼻喷雾剂(NDC 0037-0245-23)作为配备有计量剂量喷雾泵单元的琥珀色玻璃瓶提供。喷雾泵单元包括具有白色鼻部适配器和透明塑料防尘罩的鼻喷雾泵。每个瓶子的净填充重量为23g,并且在灌注后将递送120次计量喷雾[见剂量和给药]。在引发[见剂量和给药]之后,每次喷雾递送作为细雾的0.137mL的悬浮液体积,包含137mcg盐酸氮卓斯汀和50mcg丙酸氟替卡松(137mcg/50mcg)。在使用初始启动前和使用120次喷雾后,即使瓶子不是完全空的,在每次喷雾中的正确量的药物也不能保证。在使用120次药物喷雾后,应丢弃瓶子。 在瓶标签和纸箱上印有有效期“EXP”之后,不应使用DYMISTA。 存储 在控制室温20°- 25°C(68°-77°F)下,将防尘帽直立存放。[参见USP控制温度]防光。不要存放在冰箱或冰箱中。
 完整使作资料附件:https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=4c557ec4-c4cf-11df-851a-0800200c9a66 Dymista Nasal Spray, suspension (azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate) General Information Dymista (azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate) is a novel formulation of azelastine hydrochloride, an antihistamine, and fluticasone propionate, a corticosteroid. Dymista is specifically indicated for the relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) in patients 12 years of age and older who require treatment with both azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate for symptomatic relief. Dymista is supplied as a sprayed suspension designed for intranasal administration. The recommended dose of Dymista is one spray per nostril twice daily. Spray should be primed once prior to administration if not used in 14 days. Clinical Results FDA Approval The FDA approval of Dymista was based on the results of one long term safety study and the results of a set of three shorter-term safety studies in adults 12 years of age or older. Two Week Trials This series of 3 double-blind placebo-controlled studies enrolled 3411 adults with SAR for a duration of two weeks. Subjects were treated twice daily with 1 spray per nostril of Dymista Nasal Spray, azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray, fluticasone propionate nasal spray, or placebo. The azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal sprays utilize the same administration vehicle and device as Dymista and are not commercially marketed. Adverse reactions in the Dymista, azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate spray treatment groups were 16%, 15% and 13%, respectively. Adverse reactions were reported in 12% of subjects in the placebo group. In both the placebo group and Dymista group, 1% of subjects discontinued use due to adverse reactions. Twelve Month Trial This open-label study enrolled 611 adults with perennial allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis who were grouped 2:1 to receive one spray of Dymista per nostril twice daily or two sprays of fluticasone propionate nasal spray per nostril once daily. Overall adverse reactions were 47% in the Dymista treatment arm and 44% in the fluticasone propionate treatment arm. In both groups, 3% of subjects discontinued treatment due to adverse reactions. Mechanism of Action Dymista contains azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate, individual drugs which represent two different classes of drugs and exhibit different mechanisms of action. Azelastine hydrochloride is a a phthalazinone derivative histamine H1-receptor antagonist that demonstrates no difference in function as a racemic mixture in Dymista. The major metabolite, desmethylazelastine, also possesses H1-receptor antagonist activity. Fluticasone propionate is a synthetic trifluorinated corticosteroid that exhibits anti-inflammatory activity. The precise mechanism of action is not known. Corticosteroids have been shown to have a wide range of anti-inflammatory effects on multiple cell types and mediators.