英文药名:GHRP KAKEN 100 Injection(Pralmorelin Hydrochloride)
治疗类别名称 生长激素缺乏症诊断试剂 批准上市时间:2005年2月 商標名 GHRP KAKEN 100 Injection 一般名 Pralmorelin Hydrochloride(プラルモレリン塩酸塩) 化学名 D-Alanyl-3-(2-naphthyl)-D-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-tryptophyl-D-phenylalanyl-L-lysinamide dihydrochloride 分子式 C45H55N9O6・2HCl 分子量 890.90 構造式

性状 它是一种白色结晶粉末。 易溶于甲酸,微溶于水,甲醇,乙醇(99.5)微溶,在乙酸(100)极微溶,并在乙腈中几乎不溶。 它是吸湿性的。通过光分解。 药效药理 1. 生长激素促分泌素作用 (1) 非麻醉大鼠和狗,通过静脉内施用戊巴比妥麻醉的大鼠,这表明依赖于剂量的生长激素(GH)分泌促进作用。 (2) 脑下垂体移除,由下丘脑弓状核销毁和正中隆起破坏,生长激素分泌促进由静脉内给药动作衰减。 (3) 在叶细胞之前大鼠垂体原代培养系统(体外),显示出浓度依赖性的GH分泌促进效果。 2. 作用机序 该药物被认为是成长附着到促分泌素(GHS)受体,通过下丘脑的动作,以促进从脑垂体的主要GH分泌。 适应病症 生长激素缺乏症的诊断价值 用法用量 以原处方资料为准 包装规格 1瓶/100μg(附:生理盐水10毫升)
 制造厂商 科研制药有限公司 完整处方资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/7223407D1027_1_06/ Kaken to launch “GHRP Kaken 100 Injection” for Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; President: Shiro Inui) announced today its plan to launch "GHRP Kaken 100 Injection" for diagnosis of GH (Growth Hormone) Deficiency on February 25, 2005. Pralmorelin Hydrochloride is an active ingredient of "GHRP Kaken 100 Injection" and was discovered as a GH releasing hexapeptide by Dr. C. Y. Bowers at Tulane University (New Orleans, LA, USA). Kaken has collaborated with Tulane and commenced its clinical studies in Japan in 1995. It was recently approved by demonstrating high efficacy on diagnosing the ability of GH secretion with securing safety. This product is a world first agent to check the GH secreting ability by stimulating GH Secretagogue Receptors (GHS-R) and has high precision/reproduction characteristics. Also it requires shorter time in completion than the other existing diagnostics. http://www.kaken.co.jp/english/en_release/index.html