FDA的装置和辐射卫生中体外诊断和辐射卫生中心办公室中对辐射卫生代理副主任Robert Ochs,Ph.D.说:“用今天的澄清,患者将已得到一种治疗选择,它提供更大准确性输送辐射治疗至乳癌而保存周围乳腺组织,”
对癌症患者放疗是一种重要治疗。所有癌症患者的约60 %将用放疗的某种形式治疗。在放疗期间,肿瘤细胞被杀死当它们的DNA被正在被吸收至它们的辐射损伤。而辐射治疗有杀死肿瘤细胞的潜能,它也可能损伤肿瘤周围的健康组织。
FDA授予GammaPod的澄清至Xcision Medical Systems,LLC
Administering an intense, short-duration course of treatment to a small volume in the breast brings a unique set of challenges. Traditional equipment designed for lengthy courses of 3D conformal radiotherapy to large volumes anywhere in the body may not be well suited for this task. That is why Xcision has designed and developed the GammaPod system as a dedicated, no-compromise solution for partial breast irradiation. It doesn’t treat prostate cancer, it doesn’t treat large volumes and it’s not designed for a course of treatment to be drawn out over several weeks. Instead, on each of just 1-5 treatment days, custom-designed software and hardware would be used to plan and deliver an individualized, patient-friendly treatment to a small volume of breast tissue.
One of the key design goals of the GammaPod system is to create a practical, comfortable, means of prone treatment. With the patient lying prone, rather than on her back, the treated breast naturally falls further away from the chest cavity, helping to minimize dose to organs in that region.
The GammaPod™ system is custom-designed for partial breast irradiation with the patient in a prone orientation