New gout treatment approved in Europe Febuxostat (under the brand name Adenuric) is used for the treatment of elevated levels of uric acid in the body - known as chronic hyperuricaemia Drug company Ipsen said that the drug was an oral, once-daily medication that selectively inhibits the actions for xanthine oxidase. Professor Michael Doherty from the Unversity of Nottingham commented: "Recent European (EULAR) recommendations emphasise the aim of "cure" by "For some patients, the existing urate lowering therapies have limitations in terms of suitability or side effects. "The availability of a new effective therapy that allows the therapeutic target to be achieved will improve the physician's armamentarium and ultimately benefit the population of patients with gout." A spokesman for the Arthritis Research Campaign welcomed news of the new drug. "There are few treatment options for gout, so the arrival of febuxostat 美国FDA批准40年来首个治疗痛风药物febuxostat(商品名:ULORIC) 根据武田公司的一项声明:本品的结构与40年前开发的黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制剂药物完全不同,它是一种全新的高效的非嘌呤类黄嘌呤氧化酶选择性抑制剂。黄嘌呤氧化酶是促进尿酸生成的关键酶。本品可以降低高尿酸血症痛风患者血液中的尿酸水平,在临床研究中已经证明了本品的安全性和有效性,而且在中-重度肝肾功能不全的患者中也不需要进行剂量调整。 本品的服用剂量为每日1次,一次40 毫克或者80毫克,但是本品不推荐用于无高尿酸血症的痛风患者。 本品的原研厂家为日本的另一家公司--日本帝人制药(Teijin Pharma)。在帝人制药公司总裁最近的一份声明中,我们可以了解公司对本品采取的全球战略。他称,在本品获得FDA的许可之前,Ipsen公司的产品也获得了欧盟的上市许可。Ipsen 公司是帝人制药关于本品在欧盟的许可公司,而武田北美制药是本品在美国的许可公司。所以公司在全球已经取得的了里程碑式的战略意义。同时他还指出,在亚洲市场,帝人制药将采取自主开发或联合开发的形式。 痛风是一组异质性疾病,遗传性和(或)获得性引起的尿酸排泄减少和(或)嘌呤代谢障碍。临床特点:高尿酸血症,以及尿酸盐结晶,沉积所致的特征性急性关节炎、痛风石、间质性肾炎、严重者呈关节畸形及功能脏爱。常伴尿酸性尿路结石。假性痛风常常与痛风混淆,因为其症状非常的相似,然后,假性痛风是由于磷酸钙的代谢障碍引起,而不是尿酸代谢障碍引起。 根据美国国家关节肌肉骨骼疾病与皮肤病研究所(NIAMS)的研究数据表明,在美国有600万20岁及其以上的人群生平中有患痛风的经历。通常40-50岁的男性患者较为常见,而绝经前的女性患者少见。经历过器官移植的患者也容易患痛风。NIAMS指出下列药物会增加患痛风的风险(1)利尿剂:呋塞米(furosemide);氢氯噻嗪(hydrochlorothiazide);美托拉宗(metolazone)(2)水杨酸类:如阿司匹林(aspirin)(3)烟酸(4)环孢菌素 (Cyclosporine Neoral),(5)左旋多巴 (Levodopa)。 Uloric approved for hyperuricemia The FDA has approved Uloric (febuxostat, from Takeda) a once-daily tablet for the chronic management of hyperuricemia in patients with gout. This approval is based on a phase 3 clinical trial demonstrating that Uloric 80mg was superior to Uloric 40mg and allopurinol 300/200mg (67%, 45%, and 42%, respectively) at achieving the primary end point of a serum uric acid Uloric will be available in 40mg and 80mg dosage strengths. Indication(s):Chronic management of hyperuricemia in patients with gout. Pharmacology:Gout is a chronic condition characterized by attacks, or “flares,” that are marked by intense pain, redness, swelling and heat in the affected joint. These symptoms are caused by the buildup of uric acid which crystallizes and deposits under the skin and in joints. Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis presented in men over 40 years of age. Febuxostat exerts its therapeutic effect by blocking the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is responsible for the breakdown ofthepurinebase,hypoxanthine, to xanthine and subsequently to uric acid. By blocking this enzyme, febuxostat helps to prevent the production of uric acid, thereby reducing the elevated levels of serum uric acid. Clinical Trials:Three randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical studies evaluated the efficacy of daily treatment with febuxostat compared to that of allopurinol 300mg daily, or placebo in 3402 patients with hyperuricemia and gout. Hyperuricemia was defined as a baseline serum uric acid level ≥8mg/dL. In all 3 studies, patients also received naproxen 250mg twice daily or colchicine 0.6mg once or twice daily for gout flare prophylaxis. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients with a serum uric acid level <6mg/dL at the final visit. Febuxostat 40mg demonstrated comparable efficacy to allopurinol in lowering serum uric acid to <6mg/dL at the final visit; whereas febuxostat 80mg demonstrated superior efficacy. Of the patients treated with febuxostat 80mg, 76% achieved a serum uric acid level <6mg/dL by week 2 and 83% of these patients maintained average serum uric acid levels of <6mg/dL throughout the treatment period. Legal Classification:RxAdults:≥18yrs: initially 40mg once daily; if serum uric acid is not <6mg/dL after 2 weeks, may increase to 80mg once daily. Goutflareprophylaxis, with an NSAID or colchicine, upon initiation of therapy and for up to 6 months, is recommended. 痛风相关治疗新闻 巴塞罗那举行的EULAR会议关于痛风的内容主要有痛风新进展的专题报告、难治性痛风(主要是对别嘌呤醇过敏)的病例讨论及13篇相关壁报。专题报告及壁报的内容主要包括痛风流行病学的变化、遗传学新发现及新的治疗方法。 目前全球痛风的发生率正在逐年上升,其原因与人口老龄化、肥胖的增加、同时合并其他疾病、小剂量阿司匹林及噻嗪类利尿剂的使用有关。日本2003年调查结果发现痛风的发生率为0.51%,其中男性为1.1%,比30年前翻了一倍。食物会影响痛风的发生,比如大量摄入肉类、海鲜、啤酒及富含果糖的食品等与痛风的发病率呈正相关,而低脂奶制品、葡萄酒、维生素C、叶酸、纤维素及咖啡则与痛风的发生无明显相关或呈负相关。高尿酸血症、痛风与高血压、动脉粥样硬化及代谢综合征等合并症的发生有一定的相关性。 高尿酸血症和痛风的遗传学进展主要是对近端肾小管尿酸转运系统新的基因的认识。由SLC22A12编码的尿酸转运蛋白-1(URAT1)在尿酸重吸收中发挥关键作用,是调节血尿酸水平最重要的机制之一。新近的研究表明URAT1的基因多态性和变异与高尿酸血症和痛风密切相关。其它已发现的几个尿酸转运蛋白如MRP4、UAT-1、OATv1、SMCT、OAT2-OAT5等与高尿酸血症和痛风的相关性也正引起研究的关注。 痛风的治疗强调其长期治疗的目标是“治愈”,即要将血尿酸水平控制在360&micro;mol/L(6mg/dl)以下,以溶解已形成的尿酸盐结晶并预防新的晶体形成。血尿酸浓度越低,尿酸盐晶体溶解越快。然而,临床上大部分痛风患者都未能达到上述“治愈”目标。英国的调查结果显示,只有不到1/3的痛风患者接受降尿酸治疗,并且绝大多数固定使用每天300mg的别嘌呤醇,而这种标准剂量的别嘌呤醇对多数患者而言并不能有效地将血尿酸降至6mg/dl以下。别嘌呤醇是目前应用最广的降尿酸药物,不同个体其剂量范围很广。然而,Hodges等调查发现别嘌呤醇的使用很不规范,54%的患者至少一次自行中断治疗,61%在用药过程中未监测尿酸水平,而在127例未能达到降尿酸目标值的患者中,仅35%的患者曾经增加别嘌呤醇的剂量。另外,别嘌呤醇最大的缺点是其高敏综合征,尤其是在有肾损害的患者甚至可以致命。促尿酸排泄药如丙磺舒、苯磺唑酮及苯溴马隆的降尿酸作用有限,且对肾功能不全的患者相对禁忌。苯溴马隆尽管对轻~中度肾功能不全的痛风有效但可导致严重的肝毒性(暴发性肝炎),为此2003年曾一度撤出部分欧洲市场。 目前已有的新型降尿酸药物包括Febuxostat、尿酸酶等。Febuxostat是一种非嘌呤类黄嘌呤氧化酶选择性抑制剂,不久将在欧洲上市。Febuxostat的疗效及安全性优于别嘌呤醇,并且对别嘌呤醇不能有效降尿酸的患者改用Febuxostat后可使血尿酸下降及维持在6.0mg/dl以下。正因为Febuxostat有显著的降尿酸作用,在开始使用时(80或120mg/d)需预防痛风急性发作。尿酸酶(uricase)可将嘌呤代谢产生的尿酸氧化分解为极易溶于水的尿囊素随尿排出体外,从而降低血尿酸。尿酸酶具有很强的降尿酸作用,静脉给药可使血尿酸降至0,因此需同时用激素以预防痛风急性发作。尿酸酶还可显著减少痛风石的形成。传统的痛风治疗溶解痛风石需数年的时间,而尿酸酶可在3个月内出现痛风石的消退。人体缺乏这种尿酸氧化酶。从黄曲酶菌培养的非重组性尿酸酶由于其潜在的的免疫原性,限制了它的重复使用。聚乙二酰-尿酸酶(PEG-uricase)是聚乙二酰与重组猪尿酸酶的结合物,已被批准用于肿瘤溶解综合征。洛沙坦和非诺贝特可通过抑制肾近曲小管对尿酸的重吸收(洛沙坦作用于URAT1)、促进尿酸排泄而使血尿酸中度下降(20%~40%),尤其适用于伴高血压和高脂血症的痛风患者。另外,高尿酸血症的患者每日补充500mg 维生素C可通过促尿酸排泄作用使血尿酸水平下降20%。 |
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New gout treatment approved in EuropeThe European Commission has granted marketing authorisation for a new gout treatment - the first in 40 years.
Febuxostat (under the brand name Adenu ... 责任编辑:admin |