英文名:Febuxostat 商品名:Adenuric®(Ipsen公司) 类 别:抗痛风药 适应症:用于治疗痛风的慢性高尿酸血证。 剂型:片剂 规格:80mg、120mg 一、药理作用特点 痛风的发生是由于体内产生尿酸过多及肾脏清除能力下降,尿酸体内蓄积,导致尿酸盐结晶在关节及各脏器沉积。因此,痛风的治疗通常采取的手段是:促进尿酸排泄和抑制尿酸生成,并采用适当措施改善相关症状。 体内尿酸的生成与嘌呤代谢有关,在嘌呤代谢的最后步骤中,次黄嘌呤在黄嘌呤氧化还原酶(XOR)的作用下生成黄嘌呤,再进一步生成尿酸,抑制该酶的活性可以有效的减少尿酸的生成。非布索坦为目前世界上最新研制的XOR抑制剂,其通过高度选择性地作用于该氧化酶,减少体内尿酸合成,降低尿酸浓度,从而有效治疗通风疾病。 30年来,别嘌呤醇是临床上唯一一个用于抑制尿酸生成的药物,并作为痛风的黄金治疗药物广泛用于临床,在抗痛风的治疗中取得了不俗的成绩。 与别嘌呤相比,非布索坦具有明显优势: (1)别嘌呤醇只对还原型的XOR有抑制作用,而非布索坦对氧化型和还原型的XOR均有显著的抑制作用,因而其降低尿酸的作用更强大、持久; (2)由于别嘌呤醇为嘌呤类似物,不可避免的造成涉及嘌呤及吡啶代谢其他酶活性的影响。因此别嘌呤醇治疗中,需要重复大剂量给药来维持较高的药物水平。由此也带来由于药物蓄积所致的严重甚至致命的不良反应。而非布索坦为非嘌呤类XOR抑制剂,因此具有更好的安全性。 二、临床评价 一项多中心、双盲、随机Ⅱ期临床研究评价了非布索坦的安全性和对痛风的疗效。总共有136名男性和17名女性痛风病人随机接受安慰剂或本品(40、80或120mg/d),4周后检测发现,本品各剂量组病人血清尿酸浓度较治疗前均显著降低,按剂量由低至高各组分别平均降低37%、44%和59%,而安慰剂组病人仅降低了2%;绝大多数病人坚持完成了试验,本品和安慰剂组不良反应发生率相近,并且这些不良反应大多轻微,具有自限性,常见的有腹泻、疼痛、背痛、头痛和关节痛。 一项Ⅲ期临床试验平行比较了本品(80和120mg/d)和别嘌醇(300mg/d)的疗效。对760名病人进行的为期1年的研究显示,与别嘌醇组相比,本品组中有更多的病人达到主要试验疗效指标-最后3个月均测得sUA浓度低于60mg/L(所有受试者均为痛风病人,且试验前sUA浓度均在80mg/L以上);在治疗52周后,本品未能显著减少痛风石面积(痛风石是痛风特有的尿酸盐结晶的聚集体),但在试验早期的高剂量组,该作用较明显;各治疗组中,sUA浓度达标(<60mg/L)的病人较少再突发痛风,且其痛风石面积有更明显的减少;各治疗组的不良反应及其发生率相似,不良反应包括肝功能异常、腹泻、头痛、关节相关征和症状及肌骨骼/结缔组织症状。 New gout treatment approved in Europe The European Commission has granted marketing authorisation for a new gout treatment - the first in 40 years. 美国FDA批准40年来首个治疗痛风药物febuxostat(商品名:ULORIC) 2009年2月16日,美国FDA批准了近40年来的第1个用于治疗高尿酸症的痛风药物。其为武田制药北美公司(Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America)的非布索坦(febuxostat,ULORIC)。本品通过降低患者血液中的尿酸水平改善痛风患者的症状。此外,武田制药北美公司作为本品在美国市场中的独立开发商与销售商。 根据武田公司的一项声明:本品的结构与40年前开发的黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制剂药物完全不同,它是一种全新的高效的非嘌呤类黄嘌呤氧化酶选择性抑制剂。黄嘌呤氧化酶是促进尿酸生成的关键酶。本品可以降低高尿酸血症痛风患者血液中的尿酸水平,在临床研究中已经证明了本品的安全性和有效性,而且在中-重度肝肾功能不全的患者中也不需要进行剂量调整。 本品的服用剂量为每日1次,一次40 毫克或者80毫克,但是本品不推荐用于无高尿酸血症的痛风患者。 本品的原研厂家为日本的另一家公司--日本帝人制药(Teijin Pharma)。在帝人制药公司总裁最近的一份声明中,我们可以了解公司对本品采取的全球战略。他称,在本品获得FDA的许可之前,Ipsen公司的产品也获得了欧盟的上市许可。Ipsen 公司是帝人制药关于本品在欧盟的许可公司,而武田北美制药是本品在美国的许可公司。所以公司在全球已经取得的了里程碑式的战略意义。同时他还指出,在亚洲市场,帝人制药将采取自主开发或联合开发的形式。 痛风是一组异质性疾病,遗传性和(或)获得性引起的尿酸排泄减少和(或)嘌呤代谢障碍。临床特点:高尿酸血症,以及尿酸盐结晶,沉积所致的特征性急性关节炎、痛风石、间质性肾炎、严重者呈关节畸形及功能脏爱。常伴尿酸性尿路结石。假性痛风常常与痛风混淆,因为其症状非常的相似,然后,假性痛风是由于磷酸钙的代谢障碍引起,而不是尿酸代谢障碍引起。 根据美国国家关节肌肉骨骼疾病与皮肤病研究所(NIAMS)的研究数据表明,在美国有600万20岁及其以上的人群生平中有患痛风的经历。通常40-50岁的男性患者较为常见,而绝经前的女性患者少见。经历过器官移植的患者也容易患痛风。NIAMS指出下列药物会增加患痛风的风险(1)利尿剂:呋塞米(furosemide);氢氯噻嗪(hydrochlorothiazide);美托拉宗(metolazone)(2)水杨酸类:如阿司匹林(aspirin)(3)烟酸(4)环孢菌素 (Cyclosporine Neoral),(5)左旋多巴 (Levodopa)。 Uloric approved for hyperuricemia The FDA has approved Uloric (febuxostat, from Takeda) a once-daily tablet for the chronic management of hyperuricemia in patients with gout. This approval is based on a phase 3 clinical trial demonstrating that Uloric 80mg was superior to Uloric 40mg and allopurinol 300/200mg (67%, 45%, and 42%, respectively) at achieving the primary end point of a serum uric acid level <6.0 mg/L at the final visit. Uloric will be available in 40mg and 80mg dosage strengths.
Indication(s):Chronic management of hyperuricemia in patients with gout. Pharmacology:Gout is a chronic condition characterized by attacks, or “flares,” that are marked by intense pain, redness, swelling and heat in the affected joint. These symptoms are caused by the buildup of uric acid which crystallizes and deposits under the skin and in joints. Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis presented in men over 40 years of age. Febuxostat exerts its therapeutic effect by blocking the enzyme xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is responsible for the breakdown of the purine base, hypoxanthine, to xanthine and subsequently to uric acid. By blocking this enzyme, febuxostat helps to prevent the production of uric acid, thereby reducing the elevated levels of serum uric acid. Clinical Trials:Three randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical studies evaluated the efficacy of daily treatment with febuxostat compared to that of allopurinol 300mg daily, or placebo in 3402 patients with hyperuricemia and gout. Hyperuricemia was defined as a baseline serum uric acid level ≥8mg/dL. In all 3 studies, patients also received naproxen 250mg twice daily or colchicine 0.6mg once or twice daily for gout flare prophylaxis. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients with a serum uric acid level <6mg/dL at the final visit. Febuxostat 40mg demonstrated comparable efficacy to allopurinol in lowering serum uric acid to <6mg/dL at the final visit; whereas febuxostat 80mg demonstrated superior efficacy. Of the patients treated with febuxostat 80mg, 76% achieved a serum uric acid level <6mg/dL by week 2 and 83% of these patients maintained average serum uric acid levels of <6mg/dL throughout the treatment period. Legal Classification:Rx Adults:≥18yrs: initially 40mg once daily; if serum uric acid is not <6mg/dL after 2 weeks, may increase to 80mg once daily. Gout flare prophylaxis, with an NSAID or colchicine, upon initiation of therapy and for up to 6 months, is recommended. Children:<18yrs: not recommended. Contraindication(s):Concomitant azathioprine, mercaptopurine, theophylline. Precaution(s):Not recommended for treating asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Cardiovascular events: monitor for signs and symptoms of MI and stroke. Severe renal impairment or ESRD on dialysis. Severe hepatic impairment. Monitor liver function at 2 and 4 months after initiation and periodically thereafter. Obtain target serum uric acid levels <6mg/dL after 2 weeks of initiating therapy. Secondary hyperuricemia (eg, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, malignant disease, or in organ transplant recipients): not recommended. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers. Interaction(s):See Contraindications. Potentiates xanthine oxidase substrate drugs. Adverse Reaction(s):Liver function abnormalities, nausea, arthralgia, rash, gout flares. How Supplied:Tabs 40mg—30, 90, 500 Last Updated:3/27/2009 Manufacturer:Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. Pharmacological Class:Xanthine oxidase inhibitor. Active Ingredient(s):Febuxostat 40mg, 80mg; tabs. Febuxostat为新一代黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制剂,临床上用于治疗尿酸过高症(痛风),美国已上市 化学名称:2- [3- cyano- 4- (2- methylpropoxy)phenyl]- 4- methylthiazole- 5- carboxylic acid |
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类 别:抗痛风药
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