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Exforge HCT—FDA首个批准治疗高血压的复方制剂新药

2010-07-19 00:17:32  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:884  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 欧盟的批准是基于涵盖5000多名患者的临床试验,其结果表明,与氨氯地平相比,Exforge疗效更好且水肿发生率更低   诺华公司日前宣布,欧盟已授予Exforge作为治疗高血压的高效、单片新药的上市批准Exf ...
关键字:Exforge HCT 高血压




  “高血压是一个严重的卫生问题,如不加以控制,可引发心脏病,中风,心脏和肾脏衰竭,继而死亡,”德国波恩大学内科Rainer Dusing教授说,“将这两种著名的、强效的抗高血压药物合二为一,可帮助患者血压达标并得以保持,且耐受性良好。”



  “Exforge有望成为吸引患者的治疗选择,因为它将两种最强的作用机制结合到一种药物中,”诺华制药公司全球药品开发总裁James Shannon博士说,“将两种成份复合成一片药物可提高患者的依从性。研究表明,提高高血压患者的依从性可降低医疗成本,降低住院的风险,且降低门诊病人的资源占用。”

    FDA批准治高血压的复方制剂Exforge HCT

    FDA已批准诺华公司出品的Exforge HCT,该药是唯一同时含有三种抗高血压处方药物成分的复合制剂,这三种成分分别为Exforge (氨氯地平+缬沙坦)和双氢克尿塞。
    至此,采用任何两种下列药物治疗后效果不理想的患者可转用Exforge HCT,这些抗压药包括:钙通道阻滞剂、血管紧张素受体阻滞剂和利尿剂。实验表明,患者使用最高剂量的Exforge HCT治疗2周之后,降压效果非常理想。
    同等剂量的Exforge和Exforge HCT在美国地区的售价相同。目前,该药也正在接受欧盟委员会的审批。

FDA approves Exforge HCT® - the only high blood pressure treatment to combine three medications in a single pill


• Exforge HCT combines in one pill a calcium channel blocker, angiotensin receptor blocker and diuretic (amlodipine, valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide)
• In a clinical trial, Exforge HCT demonstrated significantly greater reductions in systolic and diastolic BP, compared to all dual combinations of its components1
• Up to 85% of patients may need multiple medications to help control their blood pressure2 and many need three or more1
• Exforge HCT can help appropriate patients reach BP goals; offers convenienceand potential cost savings by reducing up to three co-payments to one

Basel, 30 April, 2009 — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Exforge HCT, the only single pill to combine the three most prescribed high blood pressure treatments in their classes in the US3: the calcium channel blocker amlodipine, the angiotensin receptor blocker valsartan, and the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. Exforge HCT is an important new option for patients who have tried taking dual combinations of these classes of blood pressure medications without success.

“The majority of people with hypertension will require more than one medication to control their blood pressure and it’s not uncommon for patients with severe hypertension and/or patients requiring stricter blood pressure control to need three or more medications,” said David A. Calhoun, MD, Professor of Medicine, Vascular Biology and Hypertension Program, University of Alabama at Birmingham. “With a triple combination option, appropriate patients may experience a simpler routine of a convenient, once-daily pill to help them control their high blood pressure.”

Exforge HCT provides proven efficacy in patients with moderate to severe hypertension (MSDBP 100 mmHg and <120 mmHg, MSSBP 145 mmHg and <200 mmHg)1. In a clinical trial, the maximum dose of Exforge HCT (amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide 10 mg/320 mg/25 mg) demonstrated additional reductions of 18-29% in systolic blood pressure and 19-32% in diastolic blood pressure when compared to all dual combinations of its components at the same doses1,4. The reductions in systolic/diastolic blood pressure with Exforge HCT were 7.6/5.0 mmHg greater than with valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide 320mg/25 mg; 6.2/3.3 mmHg greater than with amlodipine/valsartan 10mg/320 mg; and 8.2/5.3 mmHg greater than with amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide 10 mg/25 mg4. These results also include a placebo effect of unknown size. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring showed that the blood pressure lowering effect of Exforge HCT was maintained throughout the 24-hour period4.

High blood pressure affects approximately 74 million adults in the US and one in four adults worldwide5. If high blood pressure is not treated, it can lead to heart attack and stroke. Exforge HCT is not indicated for the treatment or prevention of heart attack or stroke.2/3 Research suggests that up to 85% of patients may need multiple medications2 and many need three or more1 to help control their blood pressure. Patients may find treatment more convenient with one single pill rather than separate pills.

Exforge HCT contains three effective medicines that work in three different ways1. A patient may be switched to the single pill combination Exforge HCT if blood pressure is not adequately controlled on any two of the following anti-hypertensive classes: calcium channel blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers, and diuretics4. The full blood pressure lowering effect was achieved two weeks after being on the maximal dose of Exforge HCT.

“This approval of Exforge HCT as the only single blood pressure pill combining the efficacy of three of the most-prescribed treatments in their classes represents a significant milestone toward reducing the burden of unmet need in hypertension,” said Trevor Mundel, MD, Global Head of Development at Novartis Pharma AG. “Novartis remains confident in the important role of single pill combination medications to help appropriate patients achieve their blood pressure targets, while providing physicians with a range of powerful yet flexible combinations of doses to effectively manage high blood pressure in different patients.”

Exforge and Exforge HCT will be offered at the same price in the US on a doseequivalent basis, essentially providing the added diuretic in Exforge HCT at no additionalcost. Since Exforge HCT combines three medications in a single pill, patients may benefit from reduced insurance co-payments.


Exforge HCT(氨氯地平+缬沙坦+氢氯噻嗪片复方制剂)
诺华高血压复方新制剂—Exforge HCT在美国批准上市
EXFORGE HCT(苯磺酸氨氯地平/缬沙坦/氢氯噻嗪片复方)
美国FDA批准Exforge HCT(复方氨氯地平/缬沙坦/氢氯噻嗪片)上市
EXFORGE HCT(氨氯地平/缬沙坦/氢氯噻嗪片剂)



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