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2011-06-05 15:51:32  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:134  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Uroqid-acid no. 2 tablets DescriptionEach UROQID-Acid No.2 tablet contains methenamine mandelate 500 mg and sodium acid phosphate, monohydrate 500 mg. Clinical PharmacologyMethenamin ...

 Uroqid-acid no. 2 tablets

Each UROQID-Acid No.2 tablet contains methenamine mandelate 500 mg and sodium acid phosphate, monohydrate 500 mg.

Clinical Pharmacology
Methenamine mandelate is rapidly absorbed and excreted in the urine. Formaldehyde is released by acid hydrolysis from methenamine with bactericidal levels rapidly reached at pH 5.0-5.5. Proportionally less formaldehyde is released as urinary pH approaches 6.0 and insufficient quantities are released above this level for therapeutic response. In acid urine, mandelic acid exerts its antibacterial action and also contributes to the acidification of the urine. Mandelic acid is excreted by both glomerular filtration and tubular excretion. In acid urine, there is equally effective antibacterial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, since the antibacterial action of mandelic acid and formaldehyde is nonspecific. With Proteus vulgaris and urea splitting strains of Pseudomonas and Aerobacter, results may be discouraging and particular attention is required in monitoring urinary pH and overall management.

Indications and Usage
For the suppression or elimination of bacteriuria associated with chronic and recurrent infections of the urinary tract, including pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and infected residual urine accompanying neurogenic bladder. When used as recommended, UROQID-Acid No.2 is particularly suitable for long-term therapy because of its relative safety and because resistance to the nonspecific bactericidal action of formaldehyde does not develop. Pathogens resistant to other antibacterial agents may respond because of the nonspecific effect of formaldehyde formed in an acid urine.

Prophylactic Use Rationale:   Urine is a good culture medium for many urinary pathogens. Inoculation by a few organisms (relapse or reinfection) may lead to bacteriuria in susceptible individuals. Thus, the rationale of management in recurring urinary tract infection (bacteriuria) is to change the urine from a growth-supporting to a growth-inhibiting medium. There is a growing body of evidence that long-term administration of methenamine can prevent recurrence of bacteriuria in patients with chronic pyelonephritis.

Therapeutic Use Rationale:   Helps to sterilize the urine and, in some situations in which underlying pathologic conditions prevent sterilization by any means, can help to suppress bacteriuria. As part of the overall management of the urinary tract infection, a thorough diagnostic evaluation should accompany the use of this product.

UROQID-Acid No.2 is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency, severe hepatic disease, severe dehydration, hyperphosphatemia, and in patients who have exhibited hypersensitivity to any components of this product.

This product should not be used as the sole therapeutic agent in acute parenchymal infections causing systemic symptoms such as chills and fever.

UROQID-Acid No.2 contains approximately 83 mg of sodium per tablet and should be used with caution in patients on a sodium-restricted diet.

Sodium phosphates should be used with caution in the following conditions: cardiac failure; peripheral or pulmonary edema; hypernatremia; hypertension; toxemia of pregnancy; hypoparathyroidism; and acute pancreatitis. High serum phosphate levels increase the incidence of extraskeletal calcification.

Large doses of methenamine (8 grams daily for 3 to 4 weeks) have caused bladder irritation, painful and frequent micturition, albuminuria and gross hematuria. Dysuria may occur, although usually at higher than recommended doses, and can be controlled by reducing the dosage. This product contains a urinary acidifier and can cause metabolic acidosis.

Care should be taken to maintain an acidic urinary pH (below 5.5), especially when treating infections due to urea-splitting organisms such as Proteus and strains of Pseudomonas.

Drugs and/or foods which produce an alkaline urine should be restricted. Frequent urine pH tests are essential. If acidification of the urine is contraindicated or unattainable, use of this product should be discontinued.

Information For Patients:   To assure an acidic pH, patients should be instructed to restrict or avoid most fruits, milk and milk products, and antacids containing sodium carbonate or bicarbonate.

Laboratory Tests:   As with all urinary tract infections, the efficacy of therapy should be monitored by repeated urine cultures. During long-term therapy, careful monitoring of renal function, serum phosphorus and sodium may be required at periodic intervals.

Drug Interactions:   Formaldehyde and sulfamethizole form an insoluble precipitate in acid urine and increase the risk of crystalluria; therefore, these products should not be used concurrently. Thiazide diuretics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, antacids, or urinary alkalinizing agents should not be used concurrently since they may cause the urine to become alkaline and reduce the effectiveness of methenamine by inhibiting its conversion to formaldehyde. Concurrent use of antihypertensives, especially diazoxide, guanethidine, hydralazine, methyldopa, or rauwolfia alkaloids; or corticosteroids, especially mineralocorticoids or corticotropin, with sodium phosphates may result in hypernatremia. Concurrent use of salicylates may lead to increased serum salicylate levels since excretion of salicylates is reduced in acidified urine. Serum salicylate levels should be closely monitored to avoid toxicity.

Laboratory Test Interactions:   Formaldehyde interferes with fluorometric procedures for determination of urinary catecholamines and vanilmandelic acid (VMA) causing erroneously high results. Formaldehyde also causes falsely decreased urine estriol levels by reacting with estriol when acid hydrolysis techniques are used; estriol determinations which use enzymatic hydrolysis are unaffected by formaldehyde. Formaldehyde causes falsely elevated 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels when the Porter-Silber method is used and falsely decreased 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) levels by inhibiting color development when nitrosonaphthol methods are used.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility: Long-term animal studies to evaluate the carcinogenic, mutagenic, or impairment of fertility potential of this product have not been performed.

Pregnancy:   Teratogenic Effects. Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with UROQID-Acid No.2. It is also not known whether this product can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproductive capacity. Since methenamine is known to cross the placental barrier, this product should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.

Nursing Mothers:   Methenamine is excreted in breast milk. Caution should be exercised when this product is administered to a nursing woman.

Adverse Reactions
Gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, stomach upset), generalized skin rash, dysuria, painful or difficult urination may occur occasionally with the use of methenamine preparations. Microscopic and rarely, gross hematuria have also been reported.

Gastrointestinal upset (diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting) may occur with the use of sodium phosphates. Also, bone or joint pain (possible phosphate induced osteomalacia) could occur. The following adverse effects may be observed (primarily from sodium): headaches; dizziness; mental confusion; seizures; weakness or heaviness of legs; unusual tiredness or weakness; muscle cramps; numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness of hands or feet; numbness or tingling around lips; fast or irregular heartbeat; shortness of breath or troubled breathing; swelling of feet or lower legs; unusual weight gain; low urine output, unusual thirst.

Dosage and Administration
UROQID-Acid No.2:   Adults:   Initially, 2 tablets 4 times daily with a full glass of water. For maintenance, 2 to 4 tablets daily, in divided doses with a full glass of water.

How Supplied
UROQID-Acid No.2 is a yellow, film-coated, capsule-shaped tablet with the name BEACH and the number 1114 imprinted on each tablet. Packaged in bottles of 100 tablets (NDC 0486-1114-01).

NOTE: These photos can be used only for identification by shape, color, and imprint. They do not depict actual or relative size.

The product samples shown here have been supplied by the manufacturer. While every effort has been made to assure accurate reproduction, please remember that any visual identification should be considered preliminary. In cases of poisoning or suspected overdosage, the drug's identity should be verified by chemical analysis.


【原产地英文商品名】UROQID-ACID NO.2 500mg:500mg/tab 100tabs/bottle
【原产地英文药品名】Methenamine/Sodium Biphosphate Tablets UROQID-ACID NO.2 500mg:500mg/tab 100tabs/bottle
【中文参考商品译名】UROQID-ACID NO.2 500毫克:500毫克/片 100片/瓶
【中文参考药品译名】Methenamine/Sodium Biphosphate Tablets 500毫克:500毫克/片 100片/瓶

每个UROQID -酸® 2号片含500毫克乌洛托品扁桃酸磷酸盐和钠,一水500毫克。

胺扁桃迅速吸收和尿液排出体外。甲醛释放的酸水解从迅速达到杀菌,在pH 5.0-5.5的水平乌洛托品。按比例减少甲醛释放的尿液pH值接近6.0,高于这个水平的治疗反应释放数量不足。在酸性尿,扁桃酸发挥其抗菌作用,并有助于尿液酸化。扁桃酸的排泄都肾小球滤过和肾小管排泄。在酸性尿,有两个同样有效对抗革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性菌的抗菌活性,因为扁桃酸和甲醛的抗菌作用是特异性。与普通变形杆菌和假单胞菌和尿素分裂杆菌菌株,结果可能是阻止和特别注意监测尿pH值和整体管理要求。

为了抑制或消除菌与慢性和复发性尿路感染的,包括肾盂炎,肾盂肾炎,膀胱炎,感染和神经性膀胱残余尿陪同有关。当用作建议,UROQID铅酸® 2号特别适合长期由于其相对安全的,因为抵抗非特异性甲醛不适合发展的杀菌治疗作用。致病菌耐药其他抗菌药物的反应可能是因为非特异性的甲醛在酸性尿中形成的效果。


UROQID -酸® 2号是禁忌与肾功能不全,严重的肝脏疾病,严重脱水,高磷血症患者,在谁也表现出对本产品过敏的任何组件的病人。

UROQID铅酸® 2号含有约83毫克和每片钠的患者应采用谨慎的钠,限制饮食。







实验室试验相互作用:甲醛的荧光干扰程序的尿儿茶酚胺和vanilmandelic酸(VMA的)造成错误很高的成绩的决心。通过与甲醛也会导致雌三醇当酸水解技术被用于降低尿雌三醇虚假反应水平;它使用雌三醇测定水解酶是由甲醛不受影响。甲醛引起假性升高17 hydroxycorticosteroid当波特-西尔伯方法是使用和虚假下降了5 -羟丁酸(5HIAA)通过抑制彩色发展水平时,nitrosonaphthol方法用于水平。


妊娠:致畸作用。妊娠类别为C类动物生殖研究尚未进行UROQID -酸®第二。这也是不知道这个产品是否会造成胎儿造成伤害管理,以孕妇或可能影响生殖能力。由于胺是已知的跨越胎盘屏障,本产品应给予孕妇只有在确实需要。




UROQID -酸®之二:成人:最初,2片4次,一整杯水每天。为了维护,每日2至4粒,与一个装满水的玻璃分剂量。

UROQID -酸® 2号是黄色,膜衣,胶囊状片剂与名字的海滩和1114的号码印在每个片。包装在100片/瓶。


Hyaluronic Acid Na(透明质酸钠注射器)
ZOMETA Injections(唑来膦酸注射剂/点滴剂)
Levulan Kerastick(氨基乙酰丙酸盐酸 20%外用溶液)
Gliolan powder solution(氨基乙酰丙酸粉末/口服溶液)
硫辛酸片|Tromlipon(Thioctic acid tabs)
麦考酚钠缓释片|Myfortic(mycophenolic acid tablet)
CARBAGLU(carglumic acid)Tablets
Orphacol cap(胆酸硬胶囊 CHOLIC ACID 250毫克)
LOTRIGA Soft Capsules(3脂肪酸乙酯软胶囊)



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· 琥乙红霉素干混悬剂|E.E...
· ANAEMETRO Intravenous ...
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· Sivextro(tedizolid 磷酸酯)



· Clarith(克拉霉素小児用...
· Flucloxacillin Solutio...
· 琥乙红霉素干混悬剂|E.E...
· ANAEMETRO Intravenous ...
· 利福昔明片|XIFAXANTA(R...
· Orbactiv(oritavancin)注...
· Sivextro(tedizolid 磷酸酯)

