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2011-12-22 01:44:14  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1882  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 武田制药北美分公司近日宣布,FDA已经批准其安眠药ROZEREM(ramelteon) 的8毫克片剂。这项批准表明医生可将ROZEREM用于成人失眠症的长期治疗。 ROZEREM是第一种也是唯一一种不会导致患者滥用药和产 ...

武田制药北美分公司近日宣布,FDA已经批准其安眠药ROZEREM(ramelteon) 的8毫克片剂。这项批准表明医生可将ROZEREM用于成人失眠症的长期治疗。


   目前常用安眠药的作用机理一般都是大范围抑制人体脑部神经活动。而 ROZEREM具有独特的药理,即选择性地作用于人体下丘脑视交叉上核(SCN)中的两个受体。SCN就是为人们所知的“生物钟”,它调节人体24小时的周期性生物节律,其中就包括入眠-清醒这一周期。因此使用该药后不会出现过量、停药反应、药物依赖性和第二天的残留作用。

Rozerem is the first and only prescription sleep medication that has shown no evidence of abuse and dependence and, as a result, has not been designated as a controlled substance by the DEA. With the exception of Rozerem, all other prescription medications indicated for insomnia are classified as Schedule IV controlled substances by the DEA. Additionally, Rozerem is the first prescription insomnia medication with a new therapeutic mechanism of action in 35 years.
What Is Rozerem?

Rozerem is a prescription medicine for adults to treat insomnia where the problem is trouble falling asleep.

Rozerem has not been studied in children.  It is not known if Rozerem is safe and effective for children.

Who Should Not Take Rozerem?

You should not take Rozerem if you have any of the following conditions:

are allergic to ramelteon or any of its ingredients

have severe liver disease

What Are The Risks?

The following are the major potential risks and side effects of Rozerem therapy. However, this list is not complete. The following are the major potential risks and side effects of Rozerem therapy:

Worsening of insomnia, mental, or behavior changes. These may happen if your insomnia is caused by a mental or medical problem. Your healthcare professional should check you carefully for other health problems before prescribing Rozerem. Tell your healthcare professional if you develop:
worse insomnia

mental problems including thoughts of harming yourself

behavior changes

Drowsiness.  Rozerem may affect your ability to drive or do other dangerous activities. Do not do these activities after taking Rozerem.  After taking Rozerem, do only activities needed to get ready for bed. 
Affect reproductive hormones.  Rozerem may affect the reproductive hormones by increasing prolactin and potentially decreasing testosterone levels. This may cause missed monthly periods, nipple drainage, decreased sex drive, or problems getting pregnant.  Your healthcare professional may do blood tests to check your hormone levels if you have any of these symptoms. 
 Some common side effects that may occur with Rozerem include:

daytime sleepiness




worsening insomnia


What Should I Tell My Healthcare Professional Before Taking Rozerem?

Before you start taking Rozerem, tell your doctor if you: 

have or had liver disease

have breathing problems when you sleep (severe sleep apnea) or a lung disease called severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  Rozerem is not recommended if you have these problems.

are trying to become pregnant, already pregnant, or are breastfeeding

a history of depression, mental illness, or suicidal thoughts; or

a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

If you have any of these conditions, you may not be able to use Rozerem, or you may need a dosage adjustment or special tests during treatment.

FDA pregnancy category C. This medication may be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. It is not know whether Rozerem passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

Rozerem may affect the levels of male or female hormones (testosterone or prolactin). This may affect menstrual periods in women, sexual desire in men, or fertility in either men or women.

The sedative effects of Rozerem may be stronger in older adults. Accidental falls are common in elderly patients who take sedatives. Use caution to avoid falling or accidental injury while you are taking Rozerem.

Rozerem may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Rozerem should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep Rozerem in a secure place where others cannot get to it.

Can Other Medicines or Food Affect Rozerem?

Rozerem and certain other medicines can interact with each other.  Tell your healthcare professional about all the medicines you take including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.  Some medicines may affect how Rozerem works or Rozerem may affect how your other medicines work. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them with you to show your healthcare professional.

Especially, tell your healthcare professional if you take:

rifampin (Rifadin)
ketoconazole (Nizoral)
fluconazole (Diflucan)
tramadol COD
Tell your healthcare provider if you drink alcohol.  Alcohol may increase the side effects with Rozerem.

How Should I Take Rozerem?

Take Rozerem by mouth within 30 minutes of going to bed.

Do not take Rozerem with or right after a high fat meal.




* 有兴趣的病人解释,这项研究表明,Rozerem(ramelteon),用于治疗失眠批准,可以不采取应对残余影响,偶尔入睡困难。

* 这项研究已作为一个抽象的,在一次会议上口头提出。这些数据和结论应被视为是初步的,因为他们尚未审查并在同行评审的出版物出版。


这一发现是有价值的,因为它给了医生和病人的药物,可以在事先未安排的基础上采取以应付偶尔失眠,博士Zammit报告中发表于SLEEP 2006年,睡眠研究会与美国科学院联合会议睡眠医学。


参与者被转化为一个晚上的睡眠实验室带来博士Zammit在采访中说。 “当我们进入睡眠实验室带来一晚的人,他们有什么叫做”第一晚效应,他们需要更长的时间才能入睡,他们的睡眠被打乱,“他说。



* 那些服用8毫克的Rozerem上睡着了,平均在12.2分钟,比服用安慰剂的患者为19.7,此差异有统计学上显着 P=0.004.
* 那些服用16毫克也睡着了较快的14.8分钟,平均,但差异不显着,与安慰剂相比。
* 总睡眠时间也有所增加。服用安慰剂的患者睡四百一十九点七分钟,平均比四百三十六点八分钟为8毫克的剂量和433.1为16毫克剂量分钟。从安慰剂的差异显着的 P= 0.009和 P= 0.043,分别为。


第二天早上停留在实验室,研究人员检查立即和延迟回忆参与者使用标准的数字符号替换测试,内存测试和视觉模拟量表来衡量的情绪和感觉。 “有没有第二天减值,证据”安慰剂相比,博士Zammit说。









蔷薇雷姆片(Rozerem Tablets,雷美替胺)
拉米替隆片剂ROZEREM(ramelteon tablet)
拉米替隆片剂(Rozerem Ramelteon)
拉米替隆片|ramelteon(Rozerem Tablets)



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· 戊巴比妥钠钙片|RAVONA(...
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· 唑吡坦片|Ambien(Zolpid...
· 蔷薇雷姆片(Rozerem Ta...
· 艾司佐匹克隆片Lunesta(...

