英文药名: Lithane(Lithium Carbonate Capsules) 中文药名: 碳酸锂胶囊 生产厂家: Pfizer 药品名称 【通用名称】碳酸锂 肾功能不全者,严重心脏疾病患者禁用。 由于锂盐的治疗指数低, 治疗量和中毒量较接近, 应对血锂浓度进行监测, 帮助调节治疗量及维持量,及时发现急性中毒。治疗期应每1~2周测量血锂一次, 维持治疗期可每月测定一次。取血时间应在次日晨即末次服药后12小时。急性治疗的血锂浓度为0.6~1.2mmol/L, 维持治疗的血锂浓度为0.4~0.8mmol/L, 1.4mmol/L视为有效浓度的上限, 超过此值容易出现锂中毒。脑器质性疾病、严重躯体疾病和低钠血症患者慎用本品。服本品患者需注意体液大量丢失, 如持续呕吐、腹泻、大量出汗等情况易引起锂中毒。服本品期间不可用低盐饮食。长期服药者应定期检查肾功能和甲状腺功能。 按情况酌减用量, 从小剂量开始, 缓慢增加剂量, 密切关注不良反应的出现。 包装规格: DESCRIPTION 150 mg: Talc. 300 mg: Talc. 600 mg: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid and Talc. Capsule shell for the 150 mg potency contains: Gelatin and Titanium Dioxide. Capsule shell for the 300 mg potency contains: D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Green #3, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #6, Gelatin and Titanium Dioxide. Capsule shell for the 600 mg potency contains: Titanium Dioxide, Gelatin and FD&C Red #40. The printing ink contains: D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Blue #2, FD&C Red #40, n-Butyl Alcohol, Pharmaceutical Glaze, Propylene Glycol, SDA-3A Alcohol, and Synthetic Black Iron Oxide. Lithium is an element of the alkali-metal group with atomic number 3, atomic weight 6.94 and an emission line at 671 nm on the flame photometer. Lithium Carbonate is a white, light, alkaline powder with molecular formula Li2CO3 and molecular weight 73.89. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY INDICATIONS AND USAGE Lithium is also indicated as a maintenance treatment for individuals with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Maintenance therapy reduces the frequency of manic episodes and diminishes the intensity of those episodes which may occur. Typical symptoms of mania include pressure of speech, motor hyperactivity, reduced need for sleep, flight of ideas, grandiosity, elation, poor judgment, aggressiveness, and possibly hostility. When given to a patient experiencing a manic episode, lithium may produce a normalization of symptomatology within 1 to 3 weeks. CONTRAINDICATIONS WARNINGS Chronic lithium therapy may be associated with diminution of renal concentrating ability, occasionally presenting as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, with polyuria and polydipsia. Such patients should be carefully managed to avoid dehydration with resulting lithium retention and toxicity. This condition is usually reversible when lithium is discontinued. Morphologic changes with glomerular and interstitial fibrosis and nephron-atrophy have been reported in patients on chronic lithium therapy. Morphologic changes have also been seen in bipolar patients never exposed to lithium. The relationship between renal functional and morphologic changes and their association with lithium therapy has not been established. When kidney function is assessed, for baseline data prior to starting lithium therapy or thereafter, routine urinalysis and other tests may be used to evaluate tubular function (e.g., urine specific gravity or osmolality following a period of water deprivation, or 24-hour urine volume) and glomerular function (e.g., serum creatinine or creatinine clearance). During lithium therapy, progressive or sudden changes in renal function, even within the normal range, indicate the need for reevaluation of treatment. Lithium toxicity is closely related to serum lithium levels, and can occur at doses close to therapeutic levels (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ). PRECAUTIONS The distribution space of lithium approximates that of total body water. Lithium is primarily excreted in urine with insignificant excretion in feces. Renal excretion of lithium is proportional to its plasma concentration. The half-life of elimination of lithium is approximately 24 hours. Lithium decreases sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules which could lead to sodium depletion. Therefore, it is essential for the patient to maintain a normal diet, including salt, and an adequate fluid intake (2500-3000 mL) at least during the initial stabilization period. Decreased tolerance to lithium has been reported to ensue from protracted sweating or diarrhea and, if such occur, supplemental fluid and salt should be administered. In addition to sweating and diarrhea, concomitant infection with elevated temperatures may also necessitate a temporary reduction or cessation of medication. Previously existing underlying thyroid disorders do not necessarily constitute a contraindication to lithium treatment; where hypothyroidism exists, careful monitoring of thyroid function during lithium stabilization and maintenance allows for correction of changing thyroid parameters, if any. Where hypothyroidism occurs during lithium stabilization and maintenance, supplemental thyroid treatment may be used. Information for the Patients: Lithium may impair mental and/or physical abilities. Caution patients about activities requiring alertness (e.g., operating vehicles or machinery). Drug Interactions: The possibility of similar adverse interactions with other antipsychotic medication exists. Lithium may prolong the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents. Therefore, neuromuscular blocking agents should be given with caution to patients receiving lithium. Caution should be used when lithium and diuretics or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used concomitantly because sodium loss may reduce the renal clearance of lithium and increase serum lithium levels with risk of lithium toxicity. When such combinations are used, the lithium dosage may need to be decreased, and more frequent monitoring of lithium plasma levels is recommended. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS): Lithium levels should be closely monitored when patients initiate or discontinue NSAID use. In some cases, lithium toxicity has resulted from interactions between an NSAID and lithium. Indomethacin and piroxicam have been reported to increase significantly steady-state plasma lithium concentrations. There is also evidence that other nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory agents, including the selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, have the same effect. In a study conducted in healthy subjects, mean steady-state lithium plasma levels increased approximately 17% in subjects receiving lithium 450 mg BID with celecoxib 200 mg BID as compared to subjects receiving lithium alone. Pregnancy, Teratogenic Effects: Pregnancy Category D. Nursing Mothers: Pediatric Use: ADVERSE REACTIONS Diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscular weakness and lack of coordination may be early signs of lithium toxicity, and can occur at lithium levels below 2 mEq/L. At higher levels, giddiness, ataxia, blurred vision, tinnitus, and a large output of dilute urine may be seen. Serum lithium levels above 3 mEq/L may produce a complex clinical picture involving multiple organs and organ systems. Serum lithium levels should not be permitted to exceed 2 mEq/L during the acute treatment phase. Fine hand tremor, polyuria and mild thirst may occur during initial therapy for the acute manic phase, and may persist throughout treatment. Transient and mild nausea and general discomfort may also appear during the first few days of lithium administration. These side effects are an inconvenience rather than a disabling condition, and usually subside with continued treatment or a temporary reduction or cessation of dosage. If persistent, a cessation of dosage is indicated. The following adverse reactions have been reported and do not appear to be directly related to serum lithium levels. Neuromuscular: Tremor, muscle hyperirritability (fasciculations, twitching, clonic movements of whole limbs), ataxia, choreo-athetotic movements, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes. Central Nervous System: Blackout spells, epileptiform seizures, slurred speech, dizziness, vertigo, incontinence of urine or feces, somnolence, psychomotor retardation, restlessness, confusion, stupor, coma, acute dystonia, downbeat nystagmus. Cardiovascular: Cardiac arrhythmia, hypotension, peripheral circulatory collapse, sinus node dysfunction with severe bradycardia (which may result in syncope). Neurological: Cases of pseudotumor cerebri (increased intracranial pressure and papilledema) have been reported with lithium use. If undetected, this condition may result in enlargement of the blind spot, constriction of visual fields and eventual blindness due to optic atrophy. Lithium should be discontinued, if clinically possible, if this syndrome occurs. Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Genitourinary: Albuminuria, oliguria, polyuria, glycosuria. Dermatologic: Drying and thinning of hair, anesthesia of skin, chronic folliculitis, xerosis cutis, alopecia and exacerbation of psoriasis. Autonomic Nervous System: Blurred vision, dry mouth. Thyroid Abnormalities: Euthyroid goiter and/or hypothyroidism (including myxedema) accompanied by lower T3 and T4. Iodine uptake may be elevated. (See PRECAUTIONS .) Paradoxically, rare cases of hyperthyroidism have been reported. EEG Changes: Diffuse slowing, widening of the frequency spectrum, potentiation and disorganization of background rhythm. EKG Changes: Reversible flattening, isoelectricity or inversion of T-waves. Miscellaneous: Fatigue, lethargy, transient scotomata, dehydration, weight loss, tendency to sleep. Miscellaneous reactions unrelated to dosage are: Transient electroencephalographic and electrocardiographic changes, leukocytosis, headache, diffuse non-toxic goiter with or without hypothyroidism, transient hyperglycemia, generalized pruritis with or without rash, cutaneous ulcers, albuminuria, worsening of organic brain syndromes, excessive weight gain, edematous swelling of ankles or wrists, and thirst or polyuria, sometimes resembling diabetes insipidus, and metallic taste. A single report has been received of the development of painful discoloration of fingers and toes and coldness of the extremities within one day of the starting of treatment of lithium. The mechanism through which these symptoms (resembling Raynaud's Syndrome) developed is not known. Recovery followed discontinuance. OVERDOSAGE Treatment Treatment is essentially the same as that used in barbiturate poisoning: 1) gastric lavage, 2) correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalance and 3) regulation of kidney functioning. Urea, mannitol and aminophylline all produce significant increases in lithium excretion. Hemodialysis is an effective and rapid means of removing the ion from the severely toxic patient. Infection prophylaxis, regular chest X-rays, and preservation of adequate respiration are essential. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Long-Term Control - The desirable serum lithium levels are 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L. Dosage will vary from one individual to another, but usually 300 mg of Lithium Carbonate t.i.d. or q.i.d. will maintain this level. Serum lithium levels in uncomplicated cases receiving maintenance therapy during remission should be monitored at least every two months. Patients abnormally sensitive to lithium may exhibit toxic signs at serum levels of 1 to 1.5 mEq/L. Elderly patients often respond to reduced dosage, and may exhibit signs of toxicity at serum levels ordinarily tolerated by other patients. N.B.: Blood samples for serum lithium determination should be drawn immediately prior to the next dose when lithium concentrations are relatively stable (i.e., 8-12 hours after the previous dose). Total reliance must not be placed on serum levels alone. Accurate patient evaluation requires both clinical and laboratory analysis. HOW SUPPLIED Bottles of 30 capsules Lithium Carbonate Capsules USP, 300 mg are supplied as No. 1 Grey/Yellow Opaque Hard Gelatin Capsules Printed "West-ward 3189" in Black Ink and are available in: |
碳酸锂胶囊|Lithane(Lithium Carbonate Capsules)简介:
英文药名: Lithane(Lithium Carbonate Capsules)
中文药名: 碳酸锂胶囊
生产厂家: Pfizer
【通用名称】碳酸锂 【英 文 名】Lithium Carbonate Tablets 【成 份】碳酸锂 【性 状】本品为 ... 责任编辑:admin