英文药名: Nitoman(Tetrabenazine Tablets)
中文药名: 丁苯那嗪片
这个药通常也叫: Xenazine 药品名:丁苯那嗪片 主要成分:丁苯那嗪
介绍 什么是风湿性舞蹈病(小舞蹈病) 风湿性舞蹈病又称小舞蹈病或Sydenham舞蹈病是与风湿密切相关的临床以不规则舞蹈样不自主动作和肌张力降低为主要表现的一种弥散性脑病。 什么原因引起风湿性舞蹈病(小舞蹈病) 本病与风湿病密切相关,常为急性风湿病的一种表现,孕妇发生的妊娠性舞蹈病也多为风湿性舞蹈病的复发。也可见于猩红热、白喉等其它感染性疾病之后。 风湿性舞蹈病(小舞蹈病)有什么症状 本病多发生在5~15岁的儿童或少年,女性居多。通常呈亚急性起病,早期常有不安宁、易激动、注意力不集中等表现,随着不自主运动的日趋明显而引起注意。 一、神经系统损害症状: (一)底节症状:表现为突发、急促、不规则、无目的的舞蹈样不自主动作。常起自一侧肢体,然后波及对侧,有肢症状多较下肢重,偶也可限于一侧,不时的出现手指屈伸,翻举旋臂、踢腿屈膝等动作。面肌的不自主动作可见挤眉弄眼、张口吐舌等,犹如作鬼脸。躯干部肌肉可出现突肤挺胸、脊背歪扭等动作。倘影响吞咽、构音及呼吸肌时可致吞咽、构音障碍及呼吸不规则。以上不自主动作在情绪激动时加剧、安静时减轻、睡眠时消失。严重者几乎整日不停,影响日常生活和无法行立坐卧。 (二)大脑皮层症状:情绪不稳、易激动,常影响睡眠和休息,严重者可有精神错乱和躁动等。 (三)小脑症状:肌张力明显降低,腱反射减弱甚至消失,动作苯拙,共济失调。 二、全身症状: 多数患者在病前或有的在病程中有发热、咽痛、扁桃腺炎、关节疼痛等见风湿症状,心脏受累时可有心率增快、心脏扩大和杂音。 风湿性舞蹈病(小舞蹈病)需要做哪些检查 1、化验可有血沉增快,抗O增高,C反应蛋白阳性,血液某些免疫功能指标异常等阳性发现。 2、脑脊液压力和成分大多正常。 3、脑电图半数患者显示异常,但多轻微。 如何治疗 患者应卧床休息,避免声、光等环境因素的刺激,保护因不自主动作可能带来的意外损伤,进富含营养及易消化的饮食。 一、病因治疗:针对风湿可应用阿斯匹林口服,如疗效欠佳可加用强的松或地塞米松,当症状控制后可逐渐减量乃至停药。如有发热、咽痛等症状时应加用青霉素。 二、对症治疗:可选用鲁米那,安定或硝基安定。 本病预后良好,多在2~3月内完全恢复。少数可遗留一些轻微神经体征,如突发的随意动作、动作不协调等。约1/3患者可有复发。 药理毒理
丁苯那嗪通过耗竭大脑神经末梢内的多巴胺来发挥作用,主要用于控制运动功能障碍。 药代动力学
吸收:口服后经胃肠道吸收差,且不稳定。代谢:大部分经肝脏首过代谢作用还原为羟基丁苯那嗪。排泄:以代谢物形式经尿液排泄。 适应症
治疗舞蹈病、投掷症以及其它运动机能亢进性疾病。 用法用量
口服给药。服药不受进食影响。 成人:初始量:12.5mg,每天2次,逐渐增加至12.5-25mg,每天3次。如果最大剂量用药7天仍病情没有改善,则用该药可无效。 老人:初始量:12.5mg/天,然后逐渐增加剂量。 中重度迟缓性运动障碍:成人:初始量:12.5mg/天,根据反应增加剂量。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 药物过量
症状:困倦,出汗,低血压,低体温。 处理:支持和对症治疗。
对本品过敏者禁用;禁用于哺乳期妇女。 注意事项
可加重帕金森病的症状。影响驾车和机械操作能力。妊娠期妇女慎用。 不良反应
锥体外系症状、帕金森综合征,极少数出现急性肌张力异常,其它常见的不良反应包括困倦、疲劳、紧张、焦虑、失眠、兴奋、精神混乱、流涎、体位性低血压、恶心、头晕、偏执、皮疹、性欲减退、阳痿。 严重不良反应:抗神经病药恶性综合征。
在单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAOI)治疗期间或停药后14天内,不能给予本药。本药可阻断利血平的作用。本药消弱左旋多巴的作用,导致帕金森病加重。本药与金刚烷胺、甲氧氯普胺或抗精神病药合用,增加发生椎体外系副作用的风险。 FDA妊娠分级:C级:动物研究证明药物对胎儿有危害性(致畸或胚胎死亡等),或尚无设对照的妊娠妇女研究,或尚未对妊娠妇女及动物进行研究。本类药物只有在权衡对孕妇的益处大于对胎儿的危害之后,方可使用。
·25mg *112 片 ·25mg *50 片
Xenazine (Tetrabenazine Tablets)
Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) is used in the treatment of hyperkinetic movement disorders such as Huntington's chorea, Hemiballismus, Senile Chorea, Tic and Gille's de la Tourette Syndrome and Tardive Dyskinesia. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) is not indicated for the treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinetic/choreiform movements (see Warnings). Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)should only be used by (or in consultation with) physicians who are experienced in the treatment of hyperkinetic movement disorders. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) is contraindicated in patients with a current episode or a history of clinical depression. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)should not be administered together with a MAO inhibitor. At least 14 days should elapse between the discontinuation of an MAO inhibitor and initiation of treatment with Nitoman (Tetrabenazine), as well as between the discontinuation of Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)and the initiation of treatment with an MAO inhibitor. The central effects of Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)closely resemble those of reserpine, but it differs from the latter in having less peripheral activity and in being much shorter acting. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)also has dopamine antagonistic effects, such as displacing -spiperone from striatal binding sites in vitro, and blocking dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin release in vitro and in vivo. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) may cause drowsiness and orthostatic hypotension. Therefore caution is recommended when driving, operating machinery, or performing other skilled tasks until the effects of Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) are known. There is a potential for severe manifestations of dopamine deficiency, when administering Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) concomitantly with neuroleptic agents (e.g., haloperidol, chlorpromazine, metoclopramide, etc.). The most commonly observed Nitoman side effects include: signs and symptoms of Parkinsonism; drowsiness, fatigue, weakness; depression; anxiety, nervousness; insomnia; restlessness, akathisia; drooling; irritability, agitation; nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain; confusion, disorientation; hypotension; dizziness.
Depression: Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) may cause depression. Recognition of depression may be difficult because this condition may often be disguised by somatic complaints. Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) should be stopped immediately at the first signs or symptoms of depression. The depression can be profound, and the possibility of suicide should be kept in mind until the depression clears. There is no information on the safety or efficacy of antidepressant drug treatment in Nitoman (Tetrabenazine)-induced depression.
Symptoms of Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) overdosage may include drowsiness, sweating, hypotension and hypothermia.
If there is no improvement at the maximal tolerated dose of Nitoman in 7 days, it is unlikely that Nitoman (Tetrabenazine) will be of benefit to the patient, either by increasing the dose or by extending the duration of treatment. |