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2012-06-28 21:44:50  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:346  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: EuroPharm Somatropin Somatotropin, also commonly referred to as human growth hormone (HGH), is a hormone that is produced in the human body and excreted into the blood by the somatotrope ...

EuroPharm Somatropin

Somatotropin, also commonly referred to as human growth hormone (HGH), is a hormone that is produced in the human body and excreted into the blood by the somatotrope cells of the anterior pituitary gland. It is a single-chain protein that is composed of 191 amino acids with a molecular weight of approximately 22,000 Daltons. GH secretion has many direct and indirect effects on the human body. First, GH stimulates the liver's production of insulin-like growth factor (IGH-1). Because GH stimulates the liver's production of IGF-1, the effects of both GH and IGF-1 are listed below. Synthetic version of Human Growth Hormone is called Somatropin (191 amino acid sequence growth hormone). It is identical to human body's own GH. However that is not the case for Somatrem (192 amino acid sequence growth hormone). But we will talk about that later Direct and Indirect Effects of Somatotropin on the Human Body: Stimulates division and multiplication of the chondrocytes of cartilage Increases both calcium retention and the mineralization of bones Stimulates cell growth in every organ of a human body Increases metabolism Repairs damaged cells Induces protein synthesis Decreases protein degradation Stimulates the immune system Promotes lipolysis Increases glucose transport In the human body, somatotropin is at its highest levels in children and during puberty, stimulating the growth of the body during those ages.
After puberty, the level of growth hormone secretion declines and continues to do so as a person ages. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a disease in which a person's pancreas fails to produce an adequate amount of normal endogenous growth hormone. In children, this results in short stature and growth failure. In adults, GHD causes deficiencies of strength, energy, and bone mass. GHD can be treated in both children and adults with somatropin, also known as synthetic human growth hormone (HGH). However, to treat conditions of height, a child must be treated before the growth plates (epiphyses) at the ends of long bones have fully matured and closed. Healthy adults most commonly use Human Growth Hormone for Anti Aging, Body Building and Fat Loss purposes.

Information on HHT INJ

Somatropin 191AA is a high quality recombinant Human Growth Hormone (HGH) powder in lyophilized (freeze-dried) format, 191 amino acids for optimal compatibility with the human endocrine system and a product purity of 99%.
Direct and Indirect Effects of Somatropin 191lAA on the Human Body:
Greater cardiac output
Increased muscle mass
Superior immune function
Enhanced human sexual performance
Lowered blood pressure
Improved cholesterol profile
Reduced body fat
Higher energy levels
Increased exercise performance
Supplement stronger bones
Younger, tighter, thicker skin
Hair re growth
Wrinkle removal
Re-generation of major organs that shrink with age

For anti-aging, general health & healing and fat mobilization, a dose of 2-3 IU's per day will be sufficient for the majority. A dose of 1.5 to 2.0 IU's is considered to be a full replacement dose for those middle-aged and beyond. For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition a dose of 4-8 IUs per day will be necessary. Most people will respond very well at a dose of 4-5 IU's per day.
Storage temperature thresholds - Store 35 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit (2 - 8 degrees C) which means you should store
the product in your refrigerator and not in your freezer. Somatropin 191AA can be exposed to room temp for up to 3 months.
Mix with Sterile or Bacteriostatic Water.
部分中文 HHT INJ 处方信息(仅供参考)

2. 对脑肿瘤的垂体抹儒病者、心脏或肾脏病者、孕妇和哺乳妇女等慎用。


RIXUBIS(Coagulation Factor IX [Recombinant])注射剂
Norditropin Simplexx Injection(诺德欣注射液(诺和诺德))
生长激素注射剂|Saizen(Somatropin Injection)
HumatroPen(somatropin [rDNA origin] for injection)
RIXUBIS(Coagulation Factor IX [Recombinant])冻干粉
Norditropin NordiFlex(基因重组人生长激素注射笔)



· Norditropin Simplexx I...
· 生长激素注射剂|Saizen(...
· Signifor(Pasireotide s...
· Sandostatin(Octreotide...
· SOL-MELCORT for inject...
· hCRH TANABE Injection(...
· Gonal-f RFF(follitropi...
· Sandostatin LAR kit(醋...
· Somatuline for s.c. In...



· Norditropin Simplexx I...
· 生长激素注射剂|Saizen(...
· Signifor(Pasireotide s...
· Sandostatin(Octreotide...
· SOL-MELCORT for inject...
· hCRH TANABE Injection(...
· Gonal-f RFF(follitropi...
· Sandostatin LAR kit(醋...
· Somatuline for s.c. In...



· 生长激素注射剂|Saizen(...
· Norditropin Simplexx I...