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Zelboraf(vemurafenib tablet,威罗菲尼片)

2012-08-16 10:33:35  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:1813  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)于2011年8月17日批准瑞士罗氏制药公司产品Vemurafenib(商品名:ZELBORAF)用于治疗BRAFV600E基因突变型(用FDA批准的方法检测)不可切除或转移性黑色素瘤。需要注意的是 ...

美国FDA于2011年8月17日批准Plexxikon Inc. HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE公司Zelboraf(vemurafenib)片唯一治疗转移黑色素瘤的新药
FDA的药物评价和研究中心肿瘤药品办公室主任Richard Pazdur, M.D.说“对有后期黑色素瘤患者今年是重要一年。Zelboraf是证实改善总生存的第二个被批准新抗癌药物” “3月我们批准了Yervoy(ipilimumab),为后期黑色素瘤另一个新治疗,接受药物后也显示延长患者生存。”
Zelboraf的评审是在FDA的优先审评计划对治疗中有重要进展或没用适当治疗的药物提供加快6个月审评药物。在药物目标日期2011年10月28日前正在批准Zelboraf和其伴随的BRAF V600E检验而伴随诊断目标日期是2011年11月12日。
在一项单个675例既往未接受治疗有BRAF V600E突变后期黑色素瘤患者国际试验确定Zelboraf'的安全性和疗效。患者被赋予接受或Zelboraf或达卡巴嗪 [dacarbazine],另一种抗-癌治疗。试验被设计成测量总生存(患者开始治疗和死亡间时间长度)。接受Zelboraf患者未曾达到中位生存(治疗后患者生存时间长度)(77%仍生存)而接受达卡巴嗪患者中位生存为8个月(64%仍生存)。
FDA的设备和放射健康部中的在体外诊断设备评价和安全性办公室主任Alberto Gutierrez, Ph.D说:“今天批准的Zelboraf和cobas检验是发展伴随诊断和使用以保证患者以安全方式被暴露至高度有效,更个体化治疗一个大实例。”
FDA批准cobas 4800 BRAF V600突变检验是根据来自临床研究的数据也评价Zelboraf的安全性和有效性。收集患者的黑色素瘤组织样品为检验突变。
批准日期:2011年8月17日;公司:Plexxikon Inc. HOFFMAN-LA ROCHE
ZELBORAF™ (vemurafenib)为口服片剂
(1)推荐剂量:960 mg口服bid。

(4)曾报道QT延长。治疗前和调整剂量后监视ECG和电解质。在第15天,治疗头3个月期间每3个月,其后每3个月,或更常如临床指示时监视ECGs。如QTc超过500 ms,短暂中断ZELBORAF,校正电解质异常,和控制对QT延长风险因子。
(9)妊娠:可能致胎儿危害. 忠告妇女对胎儿潜在风险.
最常见不良反应(≥ 30%)是关节痛,皮疹,脱发,疲乏,光敏反应,恶心,瘙痒和皮肤乳头状瘤。
ZELBORAF(vemurafenib)以240 mg膜衣片供应一侧凹有VEM,在单个瓶中120片。以下是可得到的包装:
NDC 50242-090-01
贮存和稳定性:贮存在室温20°C - 25°C (68°F - 77°F);外出时允许15°C和30°C间(59°F和86°F), 见USP控制室温。贮存在原始包装,盖密封。
遗弃为使用/过期药品: 药品发放应尽量缩短。药品应透过废水遗弃和应避免与家用废物遗弃。如当地可得到使用确定的“收集系统”。
Zelboraf(vemurafenib tablet,威罗菲尼片)由罗氏(Roche)生产,在2011年8月份被FDA批准用于治疗晚期转移性或不能切除的黑色素瘤;2012年2月20日,欧盟委员会批准其用于治疗成人BRAF V600突变阳性、经手术不能切除或转移性黑色素瘤。
ZELBORAF™ (vemurafenib)
Indication and Usage
ZELBORAF™ (vemurafenib) is indicated for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma with BRAFV600E mutation as detected by an FDA-approved test.
ZELBORAF is not recommended for use in patients with wild-type BRAF melanoma.
Important Safety Information
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cuSCC)
Cases of cuSCC, including both SCCs of the skin and keratoacanthomas, have been reported in patients treated with ZELBORAF. The incidence of cuSCC in ZELBORAF-treated patients in the Phase III study was 24%. The median time to first appearance of cuSCC was 7 to 8 weeks. Potential risk factors included age ≥65 years, prior skin cancer, and chronic sun exposure.
All patients should receive a dermatologic evaluation prior to initiation of therapy, every 2 months while on therapy, and potentially for 6 months following discontinuation of ZELBORAF. Any suspicious skin lesions should be excised, evaluated, and treated as per standard of care.
Hypersensitivity and Dermatologic Reactions
Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, have been reported in association with ZELBORAF and upon re-initiation of treatment. Severe reactions may include generalized rash and erythema or hypotension.
Severe dermatologic reactions have been reported in patients receiving ZELBORAF, including 1 case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and 1 case of toxic epidermal necrolysis in the Phase III study.
ZELBORAF treatment should be permanently discontinued in patients who experience a severe hypersensitivity or dermatologic reaction.
QT prolongation
Exposure-dependent QT prolongation has been observed in patients treated with ZELBORAF, which may lead to an increased risk for ventricular arrhythmias, including Torsade de Pointes.
Treatment is not recommended in patients with uncorrectable electrolyte abnormalities, with long QT syndrome, or who are taking medicines known to prolong the QT interval. ECG and electrolytes should be monitored before initiating treatment with ZELBORAF and after dose modification and routinely during treatment (15 days after treatment initiation then monthly for first 3 months of treatment and every 3 months thereafter or as clinically indicated). If the QTc exceeds 500 ms, ZELBORAF treatment should be temporarily interrupted, electrolyte abnormalities corrected, and cardiac risk factors for QT prolongation (e.g. congestive heart failure, bradyarrhythmias) controlled. Re-initiation of treatment should occur at a lower dose once the QTc decreases below 500 ms. Permanent discontinuation is recommended if, after correction of associated risk factors, the QTc increase meets both a value of >500 ms and >60 ms change from pre-treatment values.
Liver laboratory abnormalities
Liver laboratory abnormalities have occurred with ZELBORAF.
Liver enzymes (transaminases and alkaline phosphatase) and bilirubin should be monitored before initiation of treatment and monthly during treatment, or as clinically indicated. Lab abnormalities should be managed with dose reduction, treatment interruption, or treatment discontinuation.
Mild to severe photosensitivity was reported in patients treated with ZELBORAF in clinical trials.
While taking ZELBORAF, all patients should be advised to avoid sun exposure and, when outdoors, to wear protective clothing and use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen and lip balm (SPF ≥30). For intolerable grade 2 or greater photosensitivity, dose modifications are recommended.
Ophthalmologic Reactions
In the Phase III study, 5 cases of uveitis were reported in patients treated with ZELBORAF.
Treatment with steroid and mydriatic ophthalmic drops may be required to manage uveitis. Patients should be routinely monitored for signs and symptoms of uveitis.
Additionally, 5 cases each of blurry vision and iritis and 6 cases of photophobia were reported in the Phase III study. One case of retinal vein occlusion was reported in the Phase II study.
New Primary Malignant Melanoma
Eight skin lesions in 7 patients were reported as new primary malignant melanoma in the Phase III study.
Cases were managed with excision and patients continued treatment without dose adjustment; monitoring for skin lesions should occur as outlined above [see cuSCC].
Use in Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category D
ZELBORAF may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman based on its mechanism of action. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
If ZELBORAF is used during pregnancy or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking ZELBORAF, the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to a fetus.
BRAF Testing
Confirmation of BRAFV600E mutation-positive melanoma as detected by an FDA-approved test is required for the selection of patients appropriate for ZELBORAF therapy. The efficacy and safety of ZELBORAF have not been studied in patients with wild-type BRAF melanoma.
Most common adverse events
The most common adverse reactions of any grade (≥30%) reported were arthralgia, rash, alopecia, fatigue, photosensitivity reaction, nausea, pruritus, and skin papilloma.
The most common (≥5%) grade 3 adverse reactions were cuSCC and rash. In clinical studies, cuSCC was predefined as a grade 3 event.
How Supplied:Tabs—120
Last Updated:11/11/2011
一些病人在随访期接受了额外的治疗,有32个病人(24%)vemurafenib治疗疾病进展后接受了 ipilimumab。在非计划的事后分析中,排除了这32个病人,总体生存期保持在15.9个月。
最常见的不良事件是1或2级的关节痛、皮疹、光敏、疲劳和脱发。26%的病人被诊断出皮肤鳞状细胞癌,通常为1级病变(20个病人)或2级病变(6个病人)。发展到皮肤鳞状细胞癌后角化棘皮病的平均时间为8周。这些继发的皮肤肿瘤与黑色素瘤比较起来相对良性,没有理由停止vemurafenib,该观点来自新英格兰上个月的一篇述评。(N Engl J Med 2012; 366:271-273)


Zydelig(idelalisib filmcoated tablets)
Sutent(Sunitinib Malate Capsules)
索拉非尼司特片|NEXAVAR(Sorafenib Tosilate tablets)
卡博替尼混合胶囊|Cometriq(cabozantinib capsules)
阿法替尼片|Gilotrif(Afatinib filmcoated tablets)
舒尼替尼胶囊|Sutent(sunitinib malate cap)
Cometriq(Cabozantinib Capsules)卡博替尼胶囊



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· Yervoy Injection(易普...
· 易普利姆玛注射液|Yervo...
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· 纳武单抗注射剂|OPDIVO(...
· Yervoy Injection(易普...
· 易普利姆玛注射液|Yervo...
· KEYTRUDA powder infusi...
· Yervoy(Ipilimumab sol...
· KEYTRUDA(pembrolizuma...
· Opdivo(nivolumab)Injection
· Zelboraf tab(Vémurafé...
· Opdivo(nivolumav)注射剂
· Keytruda(pembrolizumab...



· Yervoy Injection(易普...
· 纳武单抗注射剂|OPDIVO(...