LUNABELL Tablets(复方炔诺酮片)
2014-03-03 12:29:26 作者: 新特药房 来源: 互联网 浏览次数: 240 文字大小:【 大】【 中】【 小】
英文药名: LUNABELL(Norethisterone/Ethinylestradiol(LD/ULD))
中文药名: 复方炔诺酮片
生产厂家: 瑞士诺华日本法人药品介绍:有效成分:炔诺酮 Norethisterone; 雌炔烯酯 Ethinylestradio效果或 ...
英文药名: LUNABELL(Norethisterone/Ethinylestradiol(LD/ULD))
中文药名: 复方炔诺酮片
生产厂家: 瑞士诺华日本法人 药品介绍: 有效成分:炔诺酮 Norethisterone; 雌炔烯酯 Ethinylestradio 效果或疗效 月经疼痛 剂量和用法 21天口服常从第一天开始每天每天1片,连续7天,然后停药的时间。无论给药期持续28天以上,以及是否随后的出血或端部,所述片剂施用从29天的下一个周期,并在下文中相同的方式重复进行。 Launch of “LUNABELL® tablets ULD” for dysmenorrhea “LUNABELL® tablets ULD” is a female hormone agent that contains the smallest amount of ethinyl estradiol (EE) in Japan. It is the world’s first product which was approved for dysmenorrhea and contains 1 mg of norethisterone and 0.02 mg of EE. Nippon Shinyaku is currently marketing “LUNABELL® tablets LD” which contains 1 mg of norethisterone and 0.035 mg of EE for the treatment of dysmenorrhea. “LUNABELL® tablets ULD” was developed to reduce the incidence of serious side effects by decreasing the amount of EE to 0.02 mg. Through the launch of “LUNABELL® tablets ULD,” together with “LUNABELL® tablets LD,” we hope to contribute to the improvement of patients’ QOL by providing the clinical settings with a new treatment option for dysmenorrhea. 包装 ルナベル配合錠LD PTP 84錠(21錠×4)、210錠(21錠×10)
 ルナベル配合錠ULD PTP 63錠(21錠×3)、252錠(21錠×12)