Indobufene Ranb(吲哚布芬片)
2014-03-23 19:16:52 作者: 新特药房 来源: 互联网 浏览次数: 104 文字大小:【 大】【 中】【 小】
简介:部分中文Indobufene Ranb处方资料(仅供参考)【药理与适用症】: 吲哚布芬可抑制引起血小板激活的一些因子(如ADP、5-HT、血小板因子4、β—小板球蛋白等)的释放以及影响花生四烯酸代谢而抗血小板聚集,但不影响 ... 部分中文Indobufene Ranb处方资料(仅供参考) 【药理与适用症】: 吲哚布芬可抑制引起血小板激活的一些因子(如ADP、5-HT、血小板因子4、β—小板球蛋白等)的释放以及影响花生四烯酸代谢而抗血小板聚集,但不影响PGI2的血浓度。对血液凝固的各种参数无影响,但能中等度地延长出血时间,停药后即可恢复。口服后吸收迅速,血浆浓度达峰时间2小时;t1/2为8小时;与血浆蛋白结合率为99%。用于动脉硬化所致的缺血性心、脑血管和周围血管疾病、静脉血栓形成、血酯代谢障碍等;也可用于体外循环手术时防止血栓形成。 【注意事项】偶有上腹不适、腹胀、胃肠道出血和鼻衄。有时出现过敏反应(荨麻疹)。禁用于有出血性疾病、妊娠及哺乳妇。 【用法与用量】每日剂量200—400mg,分2次口服或肌注或静注。老人及肾功能不全者宜减半。 【包装】 片剂:每片200mg。 注射液:每支200mg(2ml)。 NAME INDOBUFENE RAN * 200mg 30cpr COMPANY Ranbaxy Italy S.p.A. CLASS C RECIPE RR - a medicinal product subject to medical prescription ATC B01AC10 Indobufene ACTIVE indobufene ( DC.IT ) GROUP Therap. antiplatelet TYPE Indobufene VALIDITY ' 30 months THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS antiplatelet treatment in pathological conditions where hyperactivity or platelet activation may play a key role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis , such as : ischemic heart and cerebral vascular disease , atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease , venous thrombosis , dyslipidemia and diabetes. Prevention of activation of thrombogenesis during extracorporeal circulation(hemodialysis ) DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION the daily dosage is generally between 200 and 400 mg orally in 2 doses . The lower dose ( 200 mg / day ) is particularly suitable for long-term treatments . In the treatment of elderly patients, dosage should be carefully determined by the physician must evaluate a possible reduction of the dosages indicated above. In patients older than 65 years , the recommended dose is between 100 and 200 mg /day. E ' recommended taking the drug after meals. In the prevention of thrombogenesis during extracorporeal circulation (hemodialysis)indobufene dose depends on the condition of the patient to the physician's judgment may be given 100 mg orally before each dialysis session . Renal impairment:n subjects with renal impairment is appropriate dose reductions in relation to the degree of renal function. As an indication, we suggest the following scheme: CrCl >80 ml 8203;8203/ min: 100-200 mg 2 times a day CrCl = 40-80 ml 8203;8203;/ min: 100mg / day - 100 mg 2 times a day, creatinine clearance <40 ml / min:100 mg every other day - 100 mg / day ------------------------------------------------ 产地国家: 意大利 原产地英文商品名: Indobufene Ranb 200mg 30 Tablets. 原产地英文药品名: Indobufen 中文参考商品译名: Indobufene Ranb 200毫克/片 30片/盒 中文参考药品译名: 吲哚布芬 生产厂家英文名: RANBAXY ITALIA SpA