英文药名:NESP INJECTION PLASTIC SYRINGE(Darbepoetin Alfa(Genetical Recombination))
生产厂家:协和发酵麒麟 药品介绍 欧文商標名 NESP INJECTION PLASTIC SYRINGE 一般名: ダルベポエチン アルファ(遺伝子組換え) Darbepoetin Alfa (Genetical Recombination) 本質: ヒト肝細胞由来のエリスロポエチンの5箇所のアミノ酸残基を変更するように変異させたcDNAをチャイニーズハムスター卵巣細胞に導入し産生させた165個のアミノ酸残基(C800H1300N228O244S5;分子量:18,176.59)からなる糖タンパク質(分子量:約36,000) 适用症: 肾性贫血 剂量和用法 *<血液透析患者> ·初始剂量 成人: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),静脉注射一次,成人一周20μg。 儿童: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),静脉给药(最多为20μg)10.33μg/kg,孩子每周一次。 •首次剂量开关促红细胞生成素促红细胞生成素α(重组),促红细胞生成素(重组)等]从配方。 成人: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),以及静脉注射一次15〜60μg的一周为成年人。 ・ 維持用量 成人: 贫血的改善已经获得,通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),以及静脉注射一次15〜60μg的一周为成年人。如果贫血是由一周服用一次,中剂量2倍的起始剂量保持在那个时候,变更为1次给药2周,1×30〜2周它可静脉给药〜120μg。 儿童: 贫血的改善已经获得,通常,阿法达贝泊汀作为(遗传学重组),并在儿童静脉给药,每周5〜60μg的一次。如果贫血是由一周服用一次,中剂量2倍的起始剂量保持在那个时候,变更为单次剂量在第2周和1×102周它可静脉给药〜120μg。 应当指出的是,贫血症状的程度,根据自己的年龄增加或减少等。在这两种情况下,但是最高剂量,一次每次180μg。 *<长期储存慢性肾病患者和腹膜透析患者> ·初始剂量 成人: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),静脉注射或皮下注射30μg的一次两周的成年人。 儿童: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),静脉或皮下给药(最多30微克)10.5μg/kg次在两周内为儿童。 •首次剂量开关促红细胞生成素促红细胞生成素α(重组),促红细胞生成素(重组)等]从配方。 成人: 通常情况下,阿法达贝泊汀为(遗传学重组),静脉注射或皮下注射一次,30〜120μg两周成年人。 儿童: 通常,阿法达贝泊汀作为(遗传学重组),以及静脉内给药或皮下给药一次10〜60μg的两星期孩子。 ・ 維持用量 成人: 贫血的改善已经获得,通常,阿法达贝泊汀作为(遗传学重组),以及静脉内给药或皮下给药一次30〜120μg两周成人。如果贫血是由一个单一给药两周保持,作为的当时,被改变为单一剂量4周,1至4周剂量的2倍,起始剂量它可以静脉内或皮下次60〜每次180μg。 儿童: 贫血的改善已经获得,通常,阿法达贝泊汀作为(遗传学重组),而静脉内给药,或5〜120μg两星期,孩子皮下注射一次。如果贫血是由一个单一给药两周保持,作为的当时,被改变为单一剂量4周,1至4周剂量的2倍,起始剂量它可以静脉内或皮下次10〜每次180μg。 应当指出的是,贫血症状的程度,根据自己的年龄增加或减少等。在这两种情况下,但是最高剂量,我会一次每次180μg。 使用注意事项 1。 你不柱塞杆的不合理操作。逆止器,你不删除,直到给药后。 2。 不要从枕头包装中取出注射器,直到准备使用尽可能。 3。 异常时,如注射器破裂观察注射器尖端的薄膜端部帽或超出不应使用。 包装规格 **ネスプ注射液5μgプラシリンジ 10シリンジ ネスプ注射液10μgプラシリンジ 10シリンジ ネスプ注射液15μgプラシリンジ 10シリンジ ネスプ注射液20μgプラシリンジ 10シリンジ ネスプ注射液30μgプラシリンジ 1シリンジ、10シリンジ ネスプ注射液40μgプラシリンジ 1シリンジ、10シリンジ ネスプ注射液60μgプラシリンジ 1シリンジ ネスプ注射液120μgプラシリンジ 1シリンジ ネスプ注射液180μgプラシリンジ 1シリンジ

 生产商: 协和发酵麒麟有限公司 注:使用以原处方为准:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3999425S5028_1_04/ Brand name : NESP INJECTION 10mcg PLASTIC SYRINGE Active ingredient: Darbepoetin Alfa(Genetical Recombination) Dosage form: injection Print on wrapping: Effects of this medicine This medicine acts on cells that grow into red blood cells (RBCs) to increase the number of RBCs and consequently improves anemia attributable to renal diseases. It is usually used in the treatment of renal anemia. Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist •If you have previously experienced any allergic reactions (itch, rash, etc.) to any medicines. If you have a history of myocardial infarction, pulmonary infarction or cerebral infarction. If you have: hypertension. •If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. •If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.) Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine) •Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is <<to be written by a healthcare professional>> •For hemodialysis patients: In general, for adults and children, inject intravenously once per week or once every two weeks. For patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients: In general, for adults and children, inject subcutaneously or intravenously once every two or four weeks. In any case, ask your doctor about the dosing instructions. •You will be administered this medicine over a long time under the monitoring of efficacy. •If you use this medicine for the first time or after an interval, you may be administered lower dose intravenously or subcutaneously and observed whether any abnormalities occur. Precautions while taking this medicine •You need to take iron to get an adequate efficacy. If you are prescribed iron preparation, you should take it as instructed by your doctor. •This medicine may cause hyperkalemia. Follow adequate dietary control. •If you are a patient with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis, seek direction for optimal water intake from your doctor or pharmacist and follow their instruction. Possible adverse effects of this medicine The most commonly reported adverse reactions include increased blood pressure, shunt thrombosis/occlusion, headache and malaise. If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. The symptoms described below are rarely seen as initial symptoms of the adverse effects indicated in brackets. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor immediately. •paralysis of face and limbs on one side, numbness, language disorder such as inarticulateness [cerebral infarction] •headache, dizziness, nausea [cerebral hemorrhage] •general malaise, loss of appetite, yellowing in skin and white of eyes [hepatic function disorder, jaundice] •headache, disturbed consciousness, convulsion [hypertensive encephalopathy] •urticaria, dyspnea, lip edema, pharyngeal edema (swelling of lips or throat)[shock, anaphylaxis] •pallor, general malaise, palpitation or shortness of breath in climbing up stairs or walking up a slope [pure red-cell aplasia] •chest pain, cold sweat, chest pressure [myocardial infarction] •chest pain, dyspnea, disturbed consciousness [pulmonary infarction] The above symptoms do not describe all the adverse reactions to this medicine. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any symptoms of concern other than those listed above.