英文药名:Meptin Swinghaler(Procaterol Hydrochloride Hydrate)
生产厂家:大冢制药 类别名称 计量噴霧式支气管扩张剤 商標名 Meptin Swinghaler 10μg 100puffs 一般名 プロカテロール塩酸塩水和物 〔Procaterol Hydrochloride Hydrate(JAN)〕 化学名 8-Hydroxy-5-{(1RS, 2SR)-1-hydroxy-2-[(1-methylethyl)amino]butyl}quinolin-2(1H)-one monohydrochloride hemihydrate 構造式

分子式 C16H22N2O3・HCl・1/2H2O 分子量 335.83 性 状 白是一个很好的黄白色结晶或结晶性粉末。水,微溶于甲酸或甲醇,微溶于乙醇(95),并在乙醚中几乎不溶。本品1.0g溶解于水100毫升,该液体的pH为4.0至5.0。彩色逐渐被光。溶液(1→20)示出了没有旋光性。 熔点 约195℃(分解) 适应症 支气管哮喘,慢性支气管炎,改善肺气肿的症状(如呼吸困难) 用法用量 成人一次2吸入(20μg的作为主要成分),儿童将执行一次吸入(10μg的作为主要成分),它会根据你的疾病,年龄,症状进行调整。为了保护剂量和给药,请每天四次最多(成人8吸入,儿童吸入4)。请严格按照吸入方法的说明。 副作用 主要副作用,心悸,心动过速,震颤,头痛,头,恶心,呕吐,皮疹,瘙痒的沉重的报道。如果您发现这些症状,请咨询你的医生或药剂师。 包装 10微克吸入 100次(5个吸入)
 制造厂商 大冢制药有限公司
 Meptin Swinghaler(Procaterol Hydrochloride Hydrate) Brand name : MEPTIN Swinghaler 10mcg 100 puffs Active ingredient: Procaterol hydrochloride hydrate Dosage form: white drypowder inhaler, (container) white (cap) translucent white and blue (button) blue Print on wrapping: Effects of this medicine This medicine dilates the bronchi to allow easier breathing. Patients with bronchial asthma use this medicine when they develop an asthma attack. It is usually used to improve symptoms (breathing difficulty, etc.) of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, or pulmonary emphysema. Before using this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist •If you have previously experienced any allergic reactions (itch, rash, etc.) to any medicines. •If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. •If you are taking any other medicinal products. (Some medicines may interact to enhance or diminish medicinal effects. Beware of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements as well as other prescription medicines.) Dosing schedule (How to take this medicine) •Your dosing schedule prescribed by your doctor is <<to be written by a healthcare professional>> •In general, for adults, inhale 2 puffs (20 mcg of active ingredient) at a time, and for children, inhale 1 puff (10 mcg of active ingredient) at a time. The dosage may be adjusted according to your disease, age, or symptoms. Strictly follow the instructed dosing schedule. The maximum dosage is restricted to 4 times daily (8 puffs for adults and 4 puffs for children). •Follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist, and read the instruction leaflet carefully before using this medicine (the instruction leaflet is written in Japanese only). •Patients with bronchial asthma should use this medicine only when they develop an asthma attack. This medicine cannot treat airway inflammation. •The inhaler contains 100 puffs. Do not use the inhaler after the dose counter reads "0". •When inhaling, hold the inhaler so that it is horizontal with the side marked "表 (水平)" on the label facing up. •Always gargle after inhaling this medicine. •Never inhale 2 doses at one time. •If you accidentally use more than your prescribed dose, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. •Do not stop using this medicine unless your doctor instructs you to do so. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.External Published: 6/2014 The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse reactions (risks) as well as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse reactions and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand their medication and cooperate with the treatment. http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2259704Y1020_1_01/