英文药名:INTRON A Powder for Injection(Interferon Alfa-2b)
生产厂家:MSD有限公司 药品介绍 干扰素(IFN)是一种广谱抗病毒剂,并不直接杀伤或抑制病毒,而主要是通过细胞表面受体作用使细胞产生抗病毒蛋白,从而抑制乙肝病毒的复制,其类型分为三类,α-(白细胞)型、 β-(成纤维细胞)型,γ-(淋巴细胞)型;同时还可增强自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)、巨噬细胞和T淋巴细胞的活力,从而起到免疫调节作用,并增强抗病毒能力。干扰素是一组具有多种功能的活性蛋白质(主要是糖蛋白),是一种由单核细胞和淋巴细胞产生的细胞因子。它们在同种细胞上具有广谱的抗病毒、影响细胞生长,以及分化、调节免疫功能等多种生物活性。 药理作用 以诱导方式在细胞内抗病毒,它本身无毒性,也不影响正常细胞功能,但可抑制快速分裂的细胞,如各种肿瘤细胞。经近年的研究发现,不仅具有抗病毒和免疫调节作用,它还直接抑制肿瘤细胞增殖,促进分化,增加表面抗原和肿瘤坏死因子的表达,活化杀伤淋巴细胞,抗肿瘤血管生成等多种作用。 适应症 可用于肿瘤的辅助治疗。如毛细胞白血病、非甲非乙型肝炎、慢性肉芽肿及与有关的Kaposi肉瘤扩大至肾癌、黑色素瘤、多发性骨髓瘤、淋巴瘤及大肠癌、肺癌等多种实体瘤。 不良反应 最常见的不良反应为流感样症状,如发热、寒战、头痛、乏力等,多次给药后病人多可耐受。剂量较高时可出现消化道反应、骨髓抑制、神经系统和心血管系统症状等;抑郁症和精神分裂症;少有甲状腺功能异常,眼病变,神经症状,肾及循环系统病变自身免疫性疾病,间质性肺炎,感染等。 禁忌症 已知对干扰素过敏者;有心绞痛、心肌梗塞以及严重心血管疾病史者;其他严重疾病不能耐受干扰素副作用者;癫痫或其他中枢神经功能紊乱者。 用法用量 肌注或静滴:每次100~3000万单位,每周1~3次。 Intron A (Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant) The interferons are natural chemicals or proteins that help the organism combat various infections. One of them is alfa-2b, the main ingredient of Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant), a common medication indicated for plenty of harmful conditions. The most important ones relate to cancer. The drug can treat some forms of leukemia, lymphoma or melanoma. On another hand, it is well known that the HIV affects the immune system. The patients are then open to a lot of infections and although the viral infection is not actually a disease, it eases the penetration of a lot of other harmful viruses. One of the diseases associated with AIDS is the Kaposi’s sarcoma. The Kaposi’s sarcoma is a malign affection of the conjunctive tissues. Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant) can also treat the genital warts, whether they affect men or women. It is rarely indicated for this affection, since it is a powerful drug and the market is already saturated with more appropriate and specific treatments. Finally, the medication is good against hepatitis B and C too. However, it can only treat the chronic forms, when the diseases are quite advanced. Overall, it is a multifunctional drug that is widely spread. It requires a medical prescription and a lot of tests. With so many uses, finding the most appropriate treatment is a real challenge for most doctors, who have to find the right balance between the side effects and the benefits. Administration The Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant) administration varies from case to case. It is given through an injection under the skin, intravenously or intramuscularly. The patients who suffer from genital warts will have to get it directly in the warts. The injection can also be taken at home if you think you are experienced enough or you have an experienced friend or family member to help you out. It is vital for you to understand the procedures of both the preparation and the administration. The injection is prepared right before the administration, not earlier. Never store it for later use. The diluent comes in the package. Mix the contents by gently and slowly swirling the syringe. Shaking it will cause foam and ruin the medicine. Inspect it before getting it. Intron A (interferon alfa-2b, recombinant) must be yellow or pale and clear. It shouldn’t contain any particles. http://www.kegg.jp/medicus-bin/japic_med?japic_code=00004539 ------------------------------------------------------------ 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: INTRON A Powder for Injection(イントロンA注射用)300IU/vial 1vial(solution: 1ml/water for injection) 原产地英文药品名: Interferon Alfa-2b(Genetical Recombination) 中文参考商品译名: INTRON A粉针剂(イントロンA注射用)300单位/瓶 1小瓶(溶液:1毫升/注射用水) 中文参考化合物名称: 重组干扰素α-2b 生产厂家中文名: MSD有限公司 生产厂家英文名: MSD
 ------------------------------------------------------------ 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: INTRON A Powder for Injection(イントロンA注射用)600IU/vial 1vial(solution: 1ml/water for injection) 原产地英文药品名: Interferon Alfa-2b(Genetical Recombination) 中文参考商品译名: INTRON A粉针剂(イントロンA注射用)600单位/瓶 1小瓶(溶液:1毫升/注射用水) 中文参考化合物名称: 重组干扰素α-2b 生产厂家中文名: MSD有限公司 生产厂家英文名: MSD
 ------------------------------------------------------------ 产地国家: 日本 原产地英文商品名: INTRON A Powder for Injection(イントロンA注射用)1000IU/vial 1vial(solution: 1ml/water for injection) 原产地英文药品名: Interferon Alfa-2b(Genetical Recombination) 中文参考商品译名: INTRON A粉针剂(イントロンA注射用)1000单位/瓶 1小瓶(溶液:1毫升/注射用水) 中文参考化合物名称: 重组干扰素α-2b 生产厂家中文名: MSD有限公司 生产厂家英文名: MSD
