当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 抗感染类 >> 新药动态 >> 新型抗生素Zavicefta(CAZ-AVI)被欧盟批准上市


2016-07-08 03:19:04  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:23  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:2016年6月29日,英国制药巨头阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)抗生素管线近日在欧盟监管方面传来喜讯。欧盟委员会(EC)已批准新型复方抗生素产品Zavicefta(ceftazidime-avibactam,CAZ-AVI,头孢他啶-阿维巴坦, ...

在美国,FDA已于2015年2月批准CAZ-AVI(品牌名Avycaz)用于复杂性腹腔内感染 (cIAI)(联合甲硝唑)及复杂性尿路感染(cUTI)成人患者的治疗。
New Drugs Online Report for ceftazidime+avibactam
Generic Name: ceftazidime + avibactam  
Trade Name: Zavicefta (EU), Avycaz (US) 
Synonym: CAZ-AVI, NXL104, CAZ104 
Entry Type: New formulation  
Development and Regulatory status
UK: Approved (Licensed) 
EU: Approved (Licensed) 
US: Approved (Licensed) 
UK launch Plans: Available only to registered users
Actual UK launch date:  
Jun 16. Approved in EU [16]
29/06/2016 11:28:12 
Apr 16: EU positive opinion for treatment of the following infections in adults: Complicated intra-abdominal infection, complicated urinary tract infection, including pyelonephritis, hospital-acquired pneumonia, including ventilator-associated pneumonia, & infections due to aerobic Gram-negative organisms in patients with limited treatment options [15].
29/04/2016 14:12:35 
Jun 15: Filed in the EU via the centralised procedure [13].
23/07/2015 12:27:11 
Feb 15: The licence restricts use to patients with limited or no other alternatives. Actavis holds US rights to Avycaz while AstraZeneca controls the drug in the rest of the world. PIII trials set to complete this year. Actavis will submit late-stage data to the FDA in hopes of expanding the drug´s label, and AstraZeneca will use it to support global approvals [11].
10/03/2015 12:12:52 
Dec 14: EU filing planned Q1 2015 [12].
10/03/2015 12:12:36 
Sept 14: Filed with US FDA for the treatment of patients with Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (cIAI), including those caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. [9]
08/09/2014 09:26:23 
Aug 14: EU filing is now anticipated in Q1 2015 [8]
20/08/2014 18:47:25 
Dec 13: EU filing will be in 4Q 2014 [6].
03/03/2014 17:38:30 
AstraZeneca plan for EU filing in 2014 [3].
02/03/2012 14:50:17 
Jan 12: PIII studies started [2].
16/02/2012 09:15:44 
Oct 11: AstraZeneca and Forest plan to enter ceftazidime/avibactam into 5 PIII trials for treating hospitalised patients with serious Gram-negative bacterial infections including complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAI) and complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI and to submit for regulatory approval in 2014 [1]. 
20/10/2011 09:46:06 
Trial or other data
Apr 16: Results of PIII (NCT01644643; REPRISE) trial published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases. In this RCT (n=333), proportions of patients with clinical response at test-of-cure visit, 7–10 days after last infusion of study therapy, were similar with ceftazidime-avibactam or best available therapy (91% each group). An adverse event was reported in 31% and 39%, respectively [14].
25/04/2016 11:43:55
Aug 14: Positive topline results from RECLAIM-1 and -2, pivotal PIII studies; ceftazidime-avibactam met the objective of statistical non-inferiority compared to meropenem. The primary endpoint was a clinical cure rate 28 to 35 days after randomization (the Test of Cure visit). [7]
20/08/2014 09:23:01
Avibactam, a bicyclo-heterocyclic compound that is the first of a new chemical series of β-lactamase inhibitors, potently inhibits both class A and class C β-lactamases [4].
24/04/2012 10:41:22
Feb 12: NCT01499290 and NCT01500239: are two similarly designed PIII, randomized, multicentre, double blind, double-dummy studies of ceftazidime avibactam plus metronidazole vs meropenem in the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections each in 1106 hospitalized adults. The primary outcome is clinical cure as measured by proportion of patients meeting cure criteria in the microbiological modified intent-to-treat analysis set 28 to 35 days after start of study drug. The studies started Jan 12 and are due to complete Oct 13 [2].
16/02/2012 09:16:06
In a PII prospective, double-blind RCT in 203 adults hospitalised with cIAI requiring treatment with IV antimicrobial therapy those treated with CAZ-AVI plus metronidazole had a similar clinical response rate (91.2%) to those treated with meropenem (93.4%) [1].
20/10/2011 09:46:29
Forest has the rights to commercialise CAZ-AVI in North America and AstraZeneca to commercialise CAZ-AVI in the rest of the world [1].
20/10/2011 09:46:18
Available only to registered users
BNF Category: Cephalosporins, carbapenems and other beta-lactams (05.01.02)
Pharmacology: Cephalosporin and a beta-lactamase inhibitor  
Epidemiology: Complicated intra-abdominal infections are often defined as extending beyond the hollow viscus of origin into the peritoneal space with associated abscess formation or peritonitis. They are potentially serious conditions that require an invasive procedure for source control. The overall incidence is difficult to establish & varies with the underlying abdominal disease processes [5].  
Indication: Bacterial infections 
Additional Details: intra-abdominal, complicated and infections due to aerobic Gram-negative organisms in adults with limited treatment options  
Method(s) of Administration  
Company Information
Name: AstraZeneca 
US Name: Actavis (now Allergan) 
Further Information
Anticipated commissioning route (England) CCG 
High cost drug list? Awaiting Update
Implications Available only to registered users


AVYCAZ for Injection(ceftazidime/avibactam)
Modacin for injection(头孢他啶注射剂)
Avycaz(ceftazidime/avibactam for injection)
头孢他啶注射剂|Fortaz(Ceftazidime Vials)



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· NEUTROLIN注射溶液 10X5...
· FDA批准抗生素Teflaro用...
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· 强生单抗药Sylvant获欧盟...
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