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2010-10-22 16:20:38  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:491  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 2010年6月24日,默克宣布Dulera(mometasone furoate和formoterol fumarate dihydrate的联用剂型)吸入型喷雾剂已经获得美国食品药品监督管理局批准上市,该药物为新型联用剂型,可用于12岁以上哮喘患者。 ...
关键字:哮喘药 Dulera

2010年6月24日,默克宣布Dulera(mometasone furoate和formoterol fumarate dihydrate的联用剂型)吸入型喷雾剂已经获得美国食品药品监督管理局批准上市,该药物为新型联用剂型,可用于12岁以上哮喘患者。Dulera不可用于急性支气管痉挛的治疗,是皮质类固醇(mometasone furoate)和长效β2-激动剂(ormoterol fumarate dihydrate)联用,该药物的是在对12岁以上患者进行安全性、有效性临床III期试验研究的基础上获得FDA批准的。


默克研究室,全球科学事务执行董事James E. Fish博士表示:“默克公司是研发哮喘药乃至呼吸道系统药物的领航者,一直致力于满足病患的需要,此次开发上市的Dulera是我们的重要成果之一。”

Dulera为密封加压的刻度型吸入瓶包装,且能显示剩余药物量。有两种剂量:Dulera 100 mcg/5 mcg及Dulera 200 mcg/5 mcg,每瓶含有5 mcg的formoterol fumarate以及100 mcg或200 mcg的mometasone furoate。最小剂量为控制哮喘量,最大量为每日两次早晚各一次。预计7月底能在美国上市。

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Dulera®  (mometasone furoate and formoterol fumarate dehydrate) Inhalation Aerosol (Merck & Co.) for patients 12 years and older. Dulera combines an inhaled corticosteroid with a long-acting bronchodilator. It is available in a metered-dose inhaler with a dose counter. Dulera is not indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasm.



Maintenance treatment of asthma in patients not adequately controlled on other asthma-controller medications or whose disease severity warrants initiation of both an inhaled steroid and a long acting β2-agonist.


Dulera is an oral metered-dose ­inhaler that combines the anti-inflammatory agent, mometasone furoate, and the long-acting β2-agonist, formoterol fumarate, for the maintenance treatment of asthma. Mometasone is a synthetic corticosteroid with potent antiinflammatory activity. Inhaled formoterol acts in the lung as a bronchodilator; due to the presence of β2-agonist receptors in the heart, it has cardiac effects as well.

Clinical Trials:

Two randomized, double-blind, parallel-group studies in patients with persistent asthma that was uncontrolled on medium or high dose inhaled steroids were conducted to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of Dulera. In both studies, Dulera demonstrated significantly higher increases from baseline in FEV1 AUC at week 12 compared to mometasone furoate alone.

Legal Classification:



Previously on medium dose of steroid: use 100/5 strength; previously on high dose of steroid: use 200/5 strength. For both: Two inhalations twice daily (AM & PM). Rinse mouth after use.


Not recommended.


Not for acute asthma attacks.


Long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist may increase the risk of asthma-related death. Do not exceed recommended dose. Not for use with other long-acting β2-agonists. Transferring from systemic steroids: taper gradually. Do not initiate in significantly or acutely deteriorating asthma. Cardiovascular disease (especially coronary insufficiency, arrhythmias, hypertension). Hyperthyroidism. Convulsive disorders. Hepatic impairment. Hyperresponsiveness to sympathomimetics. Diabetes. Ketoacidosis. Immunosuppressed. Untreated infections, TB, ocular herpes. If ­exposed to chickenpox or measles, consider ­anti-infective prophylactic therapy. If adrenal ­insufficiency exists following systemic cortico­­steroid therapy, replacement with inhaled corti­costeroids may exacerbate symptoms of adrenal insufficiency (eg, lassitude). Prescribe a short-acting, inhaled β2-agonist for acute symptoms; monitor for increased need. Monitor potassium, intraocular pressure; bone mineral density if other osteoporosis risk factors exist; and for growth suppression in children; hypercorticism and HPA axis suppression (if occurs, discontinue gradually). Labor & delivery. Do not use with spacers. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers: not recommended.


Concomitant other long-acting β2-agonists (eg, formoterol, arformoterol, salmeterol): not recommended. Avoid within 2 weeks of MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants, drugs that prolong QTc (increased cardiac effects). Caution with other sympathomimetics (except short-acting bronchodilators). Mometasone systemic effects may be potentiated by concomitant potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, ritonavir). Hypokalemia potentiated by xanthines, steroids, K+-depleting diuretics. Antagonized by β-blockers.

Adverse Reaction(s):

Nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, headache, candidiasis, β2-agonist effects (eg, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia), paradoxical bronchospasm; rarely: serious asthma episode, asthma-related death.

How Supplied:

Inhaler—13g (120 inh)

Last Updated:






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