英文药名: Xolair(Omalizumab)
中文药名: 索雷尔注射剂, 乐无喘, 柯耐尔 奥马佐单抗
生产厂家: Novartis
诺华公司(Novartis)宣布,欧盟委员会已经批准其抗哮喘药omalizumab(Xolair)在欧盟25个成员国上市。本品有望在未来几周内在欧盟国家上市。许多专家认为,本品是最近15年中哮喘治疗方面最重要的进步之一,欧盟是在考虑了这些专家意见之后给予本品上市授权的。 本品的独特作用机制为哮喘患者提供了一种新型注射疗法,能够有效控制哮喘发作以及现有疗法尚未控制的症状。 作为首个获准用于哮喘治疗的单克隆抗体,本品具有独特的治疗途径——能够阻断IgE的作用。 在欧洲,本品获准作为附加疗法用于改善严重持续性变应性哮喘患者的哮喘控制。 适用本品的患者应是成人和12岁及以上青少年,除了接受高剂量吸入糖皮质激素加长效吸入β2-激动剂治疗,还应具备下列条件: 1、皮肤试验或体外检测显示对常年性气源性致敏原呈阳性; 2、肺功能降低(FEV1<80%); 3、频发日间症状或夜间觉醒; 4、多次记录严重哮喘加重发作。 此外,本品仅考虑用于确诊的IgE介导型哮喘。
上述这些资料取自546例中重度过敏哮喘患者的III期临床试验。尽管受试者每日吸入糖皮质激素,但仍存在哮喘症状。他们被随机分为两组:每隔2到4周,分别皮下注射omalizumab或安慰剂。在开始16周疗程中,治疗上将丙酸倍氯米松(BDP)浓度控制在420到840mcg/d范围(此期称为激素治疗稳定期)。在BDP减量8周后,紧接12周的激素减量期,维持最小有效BDP剂量4周。在激素减量期,病人继续接受omalizumab或安慰剂。在试验中,omalizumab剂量由病人的IgE水平和体重决定,共有274例病人接受omalizumab治疗,272例接受安慰剂。 加利福尼亚大学儿科变态反应和免疫学临床教授William Berger指出:在稳定治疗期,接受omalizumab治疗的病人中12.8%出现一次或多次病情加重,而安慰剂组则有30.5%;在激素减量期,omalizumab组加重病人中占15.7%,而安慰剂组占20.8%。 研究人员发现,应用omalizumab的病人,病情改善,伴随用药明显减少,BDP减量和无须使用BDP患者的百分数明显高于安慰剂组。而且,在随访结束后的5个月,患者未出现哮喘加重或重新吸入BDP的反弹现象。 该药最常见的副作用是病毒感染和头疼,未见与药物相关的严重副作用报道。
商品名 Xolair
由Genentech、诺华和Tanox 公司联合开发,2003年6月20日获美国FDA许可,2003年7月7日首次在美国上市。
用于对四季气源性过敏源(perennial aeroallergen)皮试反应为阳性、用吸入型糖皮质激素不能有效控制症状的成人、12岁及以上青少年中重度持续性哮喘的治疗。
本品皮下给药后的绝对生物利用度平均为62%。成人和青少年患者皮下给药吸收缓慢,平均7~8天后达血药峰值。本品剂量大于0.5mg/kg 时药动学呈线性。在利用猕猴进行的组织分布研究中,未见任何器官或组织特异性吸收125I标记的本品。患者皮下给药后的表观分布容积为(78 ±32)mL/kg。本品的清除涉及IgG的代谢降解或与其目标配体IgE特异性结合形成复合物。IgG的肝消除包括在肝网状内皮系统(RES)和内皮细胞中的降解。完整IgG亦随胆汁排泄。在哮喘患者中,本品的血清消除半衰期平均为26天。
首次给药后血清总IgE水平(即结合和未结合的)升高,原因在于本品与IgE形成复合物,其消除率较游离 IgE慢。停药后,本品所致的总IgE 增加和游离IgE减少均是可逆的,药物排空后未见IgE水平反复。总IgE 水平可在停药后保持达1年之久。
临床评价 2项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、多中心研究评价了本品的安全性和疗效。研究对象包括四季气源性过敏源皮试反应呈阳性、患病至少1年的 12~76岁中重度持续性哮喘患者。每项研究都有一个为期16周的导入期,患者随机给予本品或安慰剂及固定剂量的糖皮质激素,然后进入为期12或16周的糖皮质激素剂量逐步减低期。本品的给药剂量根据患者体重和基线血清总IgE水平确定。每4周至少给药0.016mg/kg/IU [IgE/mL],最大剂量为750mg。在 4周内用药剂量超过300mg的患者,分两次给药,每两周1次。
研究结果表明,在固定剂量吸入糖皮质激素期,两项研究中本品组的哮喘恶化率(平均恶化次数/患者)分别为0.2(P=0.005)和0.1(P< 0.001),安慰剂对照组分别为0.3 (P=0.005)和0.4(P<0.001),提示本品能显著抑制哮喘发作及其恶化。
每2或4周皮下给予本品150~ 375mg。因为溶液略粘,注射可持续5~10秒。根据治疗开始前测得的血清总IgE水平和体重确定用药剂量和次数。剂量超过150mg时分多个注射部位给药,每一部位的给药剂量不超过150mg。
制剂 冻干粉针剂,用无菌注射用水还原后在1.2mL溶液中含本品 150mg。
XOLAIR® (omalizumab) for subcutaneous use IS INDICATED FOR adults and adolescents (12 years of age and above) with moderate to severe persistent asthma who have a positive skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen and whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with inhaled corticosteroids.
XOLAIR has been shown to decrease the incidence of asthma exacerbations in these patients.
Important Limitations of Use XOLAIR is not indicated for treatment of other allergic conditions XOLAIR is not indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus XOLAIR is not indicated for use in pediatric patients less than 12 years of age
WARNING: Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis presenting as bronchospasm, hypotension, syncope, urticaria, and/or angioedema of the throat or tongue, has been reported to occur after administration of XOLAIR. Anaphylaxis has occurred as early as after the first dose of XOLAIR, but also has occurred beyond 1 year after beginning regularly administered treatment. Because of the risk of anaphylaxis, observe patients closely for an appropriate period of time after XOLAIR administration. Healthcare providers administering XOLAIR should be prepared to manage anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening. Inform patients of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and instruct them to seek immediate medical care should symptoms occur (see Warnings and Precautions: Anaphylaxis). XOLAIR should only be administered in a healthcare setting by healthcare providers prepared to manage anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening. XOLAIR should not be administered to patients who have experienced a severe hypersensitivity reaction to XOLAIR or any ingredient of XOLAIR (see Warnings and Precautions). XOLAIR should be discontinued in patients who experience a severe hypersensitivity reaction. Malignant neoplasms were observed in 20 of 4127 (0.5%) XOLAIR-treated patients compared with 5 of 2236 (0.2%) control patients in clinical studies of asthma and other allergic disorders. XOLAIR has not been shown to alleviate asthma exacerbations acutely. Do not use XOLAIR to treat acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus. A constellation of signs and symptoms including arthritis/arthralgia, rash (urticaria or other forms), fever and lymphadenopathy similar to serum sickness have been reported in postapproval use of XOLAIR in some patients. Physicians should stop XOLAIR if a patient develops this constellation of signs and symptoms. Patients should be given and instructed to read the accompanying Medication Guide before starting treatment and before each subsequent treatment. Do not abruptly discontinue corticosteroid use upon initiation of XOLAIR therapy. Decrease corticosteroids gradually under the direct supervision of a physician. In patients >12 years of age, the most commonly observed adverse reactions (>1% more frequent in XOLAIR-treated patients) from 4 placebo-controlled asthma studies were arthralgia (8%), pain (general) (7%), leg pain (4%), fatigue (3%), dizziness (3%), fracture (2%), arm pain (2%), pruritus (2%), dermatitis (2%), and earache (2%). The adverse events most frequently resulting in clinical intervention (eg, discontinuation of XOLAIR, or the need for concomitant medication to treat an adverse event), in either placebo-controlled or other controlled asthma studies, were injection site reaction (45%), viral infections (23%), upper respiratory tract infection (20%), sinusitis (16%), headache (15%), and pharyngitis (11%). These events were observed at similar rates in XOLAIR-treated patients and control patients. ----------------------------------------------- 原产地英文商品名: XOLAIR 150mg/Vial 原产地英文药品名: OMALIZUMAB 中文参考商品译名: XOLAIR 150毫克/瓶 中文参考药品译名: 奥马佐单抗 产地国家: 美国 所属类别: 作用于呼吸系统药物->平喘药物 处方药:处方药 包装规格: 150毫克/瓶
