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2011-04-15 16:38:18  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:408  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Information on CLOLAR What is Clolar?Clolar (clofarabine) is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body.Cl ...

Information on CLOLAR

What is Clolar?
Clolar (clofarabine) is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their growth and spread in the body.Clolar is used to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia (a type of blood cancer) in children and young adults up to 21 years old.Clolar is usually given after other cancer medicines have been tried without successful treatment.
Important information about Clolar
Do not use Clolar without telling your doctor if you are pregnant. It could harm the unborn baby. Use birth control to prevent pregnancy while you are receiving Clolar, whether you are a man or a woman. Clolar use by either parent may cause birth defects.
If you have liver or kidney disease, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely receive Clolar.
To be sure Clolar is not causing harmful effects, your blood cells, kidney function, and liver function may need to be tested on a regular basis. Do not miss any follow-up visits to your doctor.
Clolar can lower the blood cells that help your body fight infections. This can make it easier for you to bleed from an injury or get sick from being around others who are ill. Avoid being near people who have colds, the flu, or other contagious illnesses. Contact your doctor at once if you develop signs of infection.
Clolar can be harmful to the liver or kidneys, and these effects are increased when you also use other medicines that can harm the liver or kidneys. During your 5-day treatment with Clolar, you may need to avoid using certain medications. Discuss all treatment options with your doctor if you regularly use any other medications.
Tell your caregivers at once if you have a serious side effect such as rapid breathing and heart rate, trouble breathing, painful swelling, numbness or tingling, feeling like you might pass out, lower back pain, blood in your urine, urinating less than usual, or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
Before receiving Clolar
If you have liver or kidney disease, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely receive Clolar.FDA pregnancy category D. Clolar can cause harm to an unborn baby or cause birth defects. Before you receive this medicine, tell your doctor if you are pregnant. Use birth control to prevent pregnancy while you are receiving Clolar, whether you are a man or a woman. Clolar use by either parent may cause birth defects. It is not known whether clofarabine passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not breast-feed while you are receiving Clolar.
How is Clolar given?
Clolar is given as an injection through a needle placed into a vein. You will receive this injection in a clinic or hospital setting. The medicine must be given slowly through an IV infusion, and can take at least 2 hours to complete.
Clolar is usually given daily for 5 days in a row during one or more treatment cycles. Your doctor will determine how many treatment cycles you will receive and how often.
You may receive other medications to help prevent certain side effects of Clolar.
Clolar can lower the blood cells that help your body fight infections. This can make it easier for you to bleed from an injury or get sick from being around others who are ill.
To be sure your blood cells do not get too low, your blood will need to be tested on a regular basis. Your cancer treatments may be delayed based on the results of these tests. Your kidney or liver function may also need to be tested. Do not miss any follow-up visits to your doctor.
Contact your doctor at once if you develop signs of infection such as fever, chills, sore throat, flu symptoms, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums), purple or red pinpoint spots under your skin, loss of appetite, mouth sores, or unusual weakness.
What should I avoid while receiving Clolar?
Avoid being near people who have colds, the flu, or other contagious illnesses. Contact your doctor at once if you develop signs of infection.
Clolar side effects
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to Clolar: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Tell your caregivers at once if you have a serious side effect such as:feeling like you might pass out;runny or stuffy nose, cough, rapid breathing and heart rate, trouble breathing, swelling and pain in any part of your body;lower back pain, blood in your urine, urinating less than usual or not at all;numbness or tingly feeling around your mouth;muscle weakness, tightness, or contraction, overactive reflexes;fast or slow heart rate, weak pulse, feeling short of breath, confusion, fainting;numbness or redness on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet;jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); or signs of infection such as fever, chills, sore throat, flu symptoms, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums), purple or red pinpoint spots under your skin, loss of appetite, mouth sores, unusual weakness.

【原产地英文商品名】CLOLAR 1 MG/ML VIAL 1 X 20ML
·CLOLAR 1毫克/毫升 20毫升/支
·奈拉滨 250毫克/针剂 6针剂/盒
·克罗拉 4x20毫升瓶/盒
·克拉屈滨(LEUSTATIN仿制药)1毫克/毫升 10毫升/瓶 (产地:APP)


部分中文 CLOLAR 处方信息
美国Bioenvision公司开发, Genzyme公司生产,04.12.28FDA快速审评通道批准本品上市。现本品未申请进口,原料制剂均为3.1类。Bioenvision公司于2006年5月宣布,欧盟委员会已经批准其clofarabine(Evoltra)上市。用于治疗急性淋巴细胞性白血病。本品适用范围为复发的或对至少2种疗法无应答且没有其它疗法可选用的儿科急性淋巴细胞性白血病患者。此外,本品还可用于初次诊断为白血病的21岁及以下患者。
Clofarabine 对不同的细胞株和肿瘤模型都表现出了很强的抗癌活性。早期的研究表明,本品的浓度在微摩尔以下就能有效地抑制人体CNS肿瘤、肺癌、肾癌、白血病细胞和黑色素瘤细胞系的增殖,体内和体外实验表明,clofarabine 对白血病细胞有细胞凋亡作用,此作用是通过下调BCL-2族蛋白BCL-X和MCL-1及AKT去磷作用实现的。其对人白血病细胞K-562的抑制作用比克拉屈滨和氟达屈滨更强,IC50为5nmol/L,而克拉屈滨的IC50是16nmol/L,氟达屈滨为460nmol/L。
用成年雄性SD大鼠进行的动物体内药代动力学研究表明,用药剂量与其消除速率有关,静脉注射10mg/kg的clofarabine后,药物的清除速度为2.1L/(h·kg);而静脉注射25mg/kg后,清除速度降为1.5 L/(h·kg),这可能是由于代谢饱和之故,药物在两种剂量下的t1/2分别是1.35和1.84h,分布容积分别为3.6L/kg(10mg)和3.2L/kg(25mg)。本品口服生物利用度在50%左右。
(1)结合了氟达拉滨(Fludarabine)和克拉屈滨(Cladribine) 的优点,既抑制DNA聚合酶,又抑制核糖核酸还原酶;
(3)治疗白血病有效率高。两次常规化疗无应答的患者, 对该药的总反应率为31%;
本品结合了氟达拉滨和克拉屈滨 的优点,既抑制DNA聚合酶,又抑制核糖核酸还原酶,是目前唯一可以特异性用于儿童白血病的药物;治疗白血病有效率高。两次常规化疗无应答的患者, 对该药的总反应率为31%;病人耐受性好,无不可预知的不良反应;具有潜在广谱抗肿瘤特性。

Clofarabine 除了给患有ALL的儿童提供了一种很有价值的治疗方法外,对AML的治疗也具有实在的功效。在Ⅰ期试验中,16个患有AML的成人中有1个达到了完全缓解,8个患有AML的儿童中有1个达到了完全缓解。而更令人振奋的是在由患有AML成人参加的Ⅱ期试验。一个有31名患有复发性AML成人参加的试验中,8名初次缓解12个月或更长时间但复发的患者,经过clofarabine治疗后有6名获得了完全缓解;初次缓解12个月以内再次复发的11名患者,经过clofarabine治疗后有2名获得完全缓解;12名2次或多次复发的患者有5名获得完全缓解。另一项试验中,27名年龄60-79岁的新诊断AML,但不适合常规方案治疗的患者接受clofarabine治疗,有16名获得完全缓解,而其仅在3个患者身上表现出了3级毒性。在假定clofarabine 能调整阿糖胞嘧啶三磷酸盐在细胞内的蓄积,而且两者还没有重叠毒性的基础上,Faderl和他的同事在Ⅱ期成人试验中把clofarabine和阿糖胞嘧啶联合使用,并发现其对髓性白血病有很好的疗效和耐受性。由于clofarabine 能抑制DNA损伤的修复,因此正进行试验来测试clofarabine与DNA损伤剂联合使用的效果,例如拓扑异构酶Ⅱ抑制剂和烷化剂。总之,这些初步的研究结果促使对clofarabine 进行更进一步的研究以详细考察其在治疗急性白血病上的作用。
尽管儿童白血病的治愈率比较高,但是专门用于儿童的抗白血病药物还没有。成人用药用于儿童会带来很大的副作用、严重影响儿童的生活质量。Clofarabine作为第一个专门用于儿童白血病的药物,具有重大的意义。并且已经在美国获准快速审批。也证明了其潜在的临床价值。我国每年新增白血病患者4万人,其中一半是儿童。Clofarabine 的开发成功,不但能为广大患儿减少痛苦,也会给企业带来可观的经济效益。


巯嘌呤混悬剂|PURIXANTM(mercaptopurine) oral suspension
SPRYCEL(Dasatinib Tablet)



· 培泰(注射用培美曲塞二钠)
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· 注射用培美曲塞二钠(力...
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· 培泰(注射用培美曲塞二钠)
· 凯莱(阿霉素脂质体注射剂...
· 博来宁(注射用唑来膦酸)
· 磷酸氟达拉滨片和注射剂...
· 阿糖胞苷酸盐硬胶囊(cy...
· 注射用培美曲塞二钠(力...
· 乐沙定(奥沙利铂注射液...
· 坎普土沙(盐酸伊立替康...
· 注射用盐酸表柔比星(Ep...
· 阿扎胞苷注射液|Vidaza(...

