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阿法达贝泊汀注射剂Aranesp(darbepoetin alfa)

2011-07-14 23:06:43  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:2622  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Aranesp (darbepoetin alfa) 中文药名: 阿法达贝泊汀注射剂 品牌药生产厂家: Amgen Inc 药品简介 Amgen有限公司(安进公司)2007年9月28日宣布,欧盟委员会已批准扩展其达贝阿法依泊汀(d ...

英文药名: Aranesp (darbepoetin alfa)

中文药名: 阿法达贝泊汀注射剂

品牌药生产厂家: Amgen Inc


美国FDA发布警告, 阿法达贝泊汀(darbepoetin alfa,商品名Aranesp)对非化疗引起的癌症病人的贫血无效,不能减少其需要的红细胞输注率及改善疲乏症状,且增加死亡率。


Generic Name: Darbepoetin Alfa

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Aranesp is an erythropoiesis-stimulating drug, very similar in structure and action to the body's own endogenous Erythropoietin. Aranesp differs from the recombinant human Erythropoietin in Epogen (Epoetin Alfa) mainly in its duration of activity. This new protein maintains its levels in the blood for approximately three times longer, which is an extremely significant difference. Aranesp dosage is one injection each week.

LONG DESCRIPTION: Aranesp is an erythropoiesis-stimulating drug, very similar in structure and action to the body's own endogenous Erythropoietin. It is manufactured by Amgen, the world's largest biotechnologies company. In fact, it is also the same company that first brought recombinant Erythropoietin (Epoetin Alfa) to the market in 1984. In structure Darbepoetin Alfa differs from human Erythropoietin only slightly, and has all the same biological activity. Human Erythropoietin is normally released by the kidneys in response to hypoxia, or low blood oxygen levels. It in turn triggers bone marrow to increase red blood cell production, and is likewise vital to the regulation of normal red blood cell concentrations. Darbepoetin Alfa can likewise be used to augment erythropoiesis when the body is not maintaining adequate red blood cell levels on its own. It is approved by the FDA for the treatment of anemia (low red blood cell count) specifically associated with chronic renal failure or chemotherapy.

Aranesp differs from the recombinant human Erythropoietin in Epogen (Epoetin Alfa) mainly in its duration of activity. This new protein maintains its levels in the blood for approximately three times longer, which is an extremely significant difference. This means that with Aranesp, patients are required to administer the product much less frequently. While Epogen is usually given on a schedule of three times a week, Aranesp requires only one injection each week. This course enhances patient comfort quite a bit, and is especially useful when the patient is visiting the doctor for drug administration. Studies comparing this form of therapy to the use of standard recombinant Erythropoietin note that users need approximately the same amount of drug, it is just given in larger doses with more time between applications.

Erythropoiesis stimulating drugs are very popular in endurance sports, such as long distance running and cycling. In these sports maximum oxygen carrying capacity is of paramount importance to the performance of the athlete. We are all too familiar with the decades old practice of manually removing and later reinfusing blood plasma for the sake of increasing red blood cell count and endurance capacity for a sport, commonly referred to as "blood doping". Drugs like Aranesp and Epogen accomplish the same thing as this decades old practice, and are essentially just new forms of "chemical blood doping". In practice they can be just as effective as their antiquated counterpart, even more so. These agents are also used at times in bodybuilding circles, where the erythropoiesis stimulating effect may help bring out a greater look of masculinity when the body fat percentage is sufficiently low. It is likewise more of a "pre-contest" drug.

While Aranesp and Epogen can be just as effective as the practice of blood doping, be warned that these drugs can also be just as dangerous. A number of athlete deaths have been attributed to the use of these agents over the past several years, caused by an over-thickening of the blood due to abnormally high red cell concentrations. One must take extreme caution when using these drugs, making sure to meticulously measure red blood cell counts to be sure that the drug is not having an effect that could turn out to be life threatening. Take note also that Aranesp is now detectable during urine analysis, making it unsafe for drug-tested sports.

Aranesp comes in the dosage strengths of 25, 40, 60, 100, 200 and 300 mcg/ml. 


·ARANESP 25微克/毫升/瓶 4瓶/盒
·ARANESP 300微克/毫升/瓶
·ARANESP 200微克/毫升/瓶
·ARANESP 150微克/0.75毫升/瓶
·ARANESP 60微克/毫升/瓶 4瓶/盒
·ARANESP 40微克/毫升/瓶 4瓶/盒
·ARANESP 40微克/0.4毫升/注射器 4注射器/盒
·ARANESP 60微克/0.3毫升/注射器 4注射器/盒
【中文参考药品译名】达依泊汀α IN POLYSORBAT
【生产厂家英文名】Amgen, Inc

在进行了475例心力衰竭及贫血症患者的临床试验后,Amgen公司负责贫血症治疗新药Aranesp开发的Scott Wasserman博士近日在欧洲心脏病学会会议上说:“所有的数据都表明,我们正沿着正确的方向前进。”

Wasserman博士表示,尽管目前进行的临床试验只是为了验证药物的安全性而非有效性,但就目前的试验结果来看,Aranesp不仅可以安全的用于心力衰竭患者的治疗,而且可以显著改善临床症状。荷兰Groningen大学医学中心的Dirk J. van Veldhuisen教授表示,目前的结果非常喜人,因为现在还没有一种手段可以有效治疗贫血症引起的心力衰竭,而Aranesp可望为我们提供一种新的治疗手段。




1. Aranesp的劑量調整是依照適應症而有所不同。由於有較長的血中半衰期,Aranesp的給藥頻率少於Epoetin alfa (例如:當Epoetin alfa 每週給藥3次,Aranesp則應每週給藥一次)。
2. 起始劑量︰a.治療貧血︰治療慢性腎衰竭患者的貧血症狀,Aranesp的建議起始劑量為每公斤體重0.45毫微克,靜脈注射或皮下注射每週一次。因為患者的個體差異,Aranesp給藥應逐漸校正到維持患者的血紅素濃度不超過目標值12g/dL。b.從Epoetin alfa治療轉換成Aranesp︰因為AranespR具有較長的血漿半衰期,給藥的頻率相對比Epoetin alfa少。若患者先前Epoetin alfa每週給藥2到3次,則Aranesp應每週給藥一次。若患者先前Epoetin alfa每週給藥一次,則Aranesp應每兩週給藥一次。原先的給藥途徑維持不變(靜脈注射或皮下注射)。
3. 劑量調整:增加Aranesp的藥量時,頻率每個月不應多於一次。如果患者的血紅素濃度上升並接近12g/dL,就需要降低大約25%的Aranesp給藥劑量。如果患者的血紅素濃度持續上升,Aranesp就需要暫時停藥直到血紅素濃度下降,血紅素濃度回復後再度給藥,Aranesp的起始劑量就需要降低大約25%的原來給藥劑量。如果患者的血紅素濃度在兩週內上升超過1g/dL,就需要降低大約25%的Aranesp給藥劑量。
4. 維持劑量:如果患者的血紅素濃度超過12g/dL以上,則應依照上述調整劑量。則應依照上述調整劑量。Aranesp的劑量調整必須個別化,以確保每位患者能夠維持適當的血紅素濃度。
5. 接受化學治療之癌症患者︰建議之起始劑量為2.25mcg/kg皮下注射每週1次。每患者之劑量應調整以維持目標血紅素值。治療6週後,假如血紅素值增加少於1.0g/dL,則Aranesp之劑量應增至4.5mcg/kg。假如於兩週內血紅素值增加超過1.0g/dL,或血紅素值超過12g/dL,則劑量應減少約25%。假如血紅素值超過13g/dL,則劑量應暫時保留直到血紅素值降至12g/dL。基於此點,再重新治療之劑量應比先前劑量減少大約25%。
6. 調配及給藥時注意事項:a.請勿振搖Aranesp,劇烈振搖可能造成Aranesp蛋白變性,導致Aranesp喪失生物活性。b.在調配Aranesp之前,應先檢視藥品溶液是否有顆粒或變色的情形。請勿使用有顆粒或變色Aranesp藥品溶液。c.請勿稀釋Aranesp。d.請勿將Aranesp與其他藥品溶液混合調配。e.Aranesp為單劑量玻璃瓶裝而且不含防腐劑,開封後未使用的藥品請丟棄。請勿儲存未使用的藥品。


STRENSIQ Subcutaneous Injection(重组融合糖蛋白注射液)
INTRON A Powder for Injection(重组干扰素α-2b注射粉剂)
PEGASYS(peginterferon alfa-2a)injectio
Gonal-f RFF(follitropin alfa for injection)
Aranesp Syringe(阿法达贝泊汀预充式注射器)



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· 右旋糖酐铁注射液|Dexfe...
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· 阿法达贝泊汀注射剂Aran...
· 阿法依泊汀注射液|PROCR...
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· 叶酸注射液(Folic Acid...
· 右旋糖酐铁注射液|Dexfe...
· 托伐普坦片|Samsca(Tolv...
· 右旋糖酐铁注射液|Dexfe...
· 葡萄糖酸亚铁片|Ferrous...
· 地拉罗斯片(Exjade.恩瑞...
· SODIOFOLIN注射剂(亚叶...
· 阿法达贝泊汀注射剂Aran...
· 阿法依泊汀注射液|PROCR...
· 蛋白琥珀酸铁口服溶液Fe...

