美国FDA已经批准一种用于中到重度银屑病的成人用生物制剂—Stelara (ustekinumab)斑块状银屑病是一种免疫系统疾病,可导致皮肤细胞过量生成。 由于Stelara能减小机体抵抗感染的能力,该产品具有增加感染的危险性。一些使用该药物的患者报道严重感染,并且他们中的许多需要住院。这些由病毒,真菌,或细菌引起的感染遍布全身。也有增加癌症发展的可能。FDA需要危险评估,并且需要缓解的策略或关于Stelara的REMS,即包括以治疗医生为目标的联络计划和对患者的药物指导。 Stelara由强生的全资子公司Centocor Ortho Biotech公司生产。 处方资料的重点 STELARA (ustekinumab) 剂量和给药方法,对给药的一般考虑 适应证和用途 STELARA是一种人白介素-12和-23拮抗剂适用于治疗成年患者(18岁或以上)有中度至严重斑块性银屑病是光疗和全身治疗的备选者。 剂量和给药方法 STELARA 是通过皮下注射给药。 剂型和规格 45 mg/0.5 mL在单次使用预装注射器中 禁忌证 无 警告和注意事项 感染:曾发生严重感染。任何临床上重要活动性感染是不要开始用STELARA。如发生严重感染停止STELARA直至感染解决。 特殊感染的理论风险:遗传上缺乏IL-12/IL-23患者曾报道来自分枝杆菌、沙门氏菌和卡介苗(BCG)免疫接种严重感染。临床情况指示应考虑诊断检验。 结核(TB)评价:开始用STELARA?治疗前评价患者TB。给STELARA?前开始潜伏TB治疗。 恶性病:STELARA可能增加恶性病风险。尚未评价有恶性病史或已知恶性病患者用STELARA。 可逆性后脑白质脑病综合征(RPLS):报道1例。如怀疑立即治疗和停用STELARA。 不良反应 最常见不良反应(发生率>3%和大于安慰剂):鼻咽炎、上呼吸道感染、头痛、和疲劳。 为报告怀疑不良反应,请联系Centocor Ortho Biotech公司或FDA 药物相互作用 活疫苗:用STELARA不应给予活疫苗。
Stelara PHARMACOLOGY Ustekinumab is a human monoclonal antibody that binds with high affinity and specificity to the shared p40 protein subunit of human interleukins 12 and 23, thereby preventing interaction with IL12Rβ1 receptor proteins expressed on the surface of immune cells.1 Abnormal regulation of IL-12 and IL-23 has been associated with immune-mediated diseases such as psoriasis. It is believed that by preventing IL-12 and IL-23 contributions to immune cell activation, ustekinumab interrupts signalling and cytokine cascades that are relevant to psoriasis pathology.1 CLINICAL STUDIES The safety and efficacy of ustekinumab in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis was assessed in two double-blind placebo-controlled trials (PHOENIX 1 and 2).2,3 In PHOENIX 1 (n=766) patients were randomised to receive ustekinumab 45mg or 90mg at weeks 0 and 4, then every 12 weeks, or placebo at weeks 0 and 4 with crossover to ustekinumab (45mg or 90mg) at weeks 12 and 16, then every 12 weeks. At week 40, patients in the ustekinumab groups with at least 75 per cent improvement from baseline in psoriasis area and severity index score (PASI 75) at weeks 28 and 40 were re-randomised to continue maintenance treatment with ustekinumab or placebo. In PHOENIX 2 (n=1230), patients were randomised to ustekinumab or placebo as in PHOENIX 1. At week 28, partial responders (≥PASI 50, < PASI 75 response) were re-randomised to ustekinumab every 12 weeks or to intensified dosing every eight weeks.* In both trials significantly more patients receiving ustekinumab achieved a PASI 75 response at week 12 than did those receiving placebo. Onset of efficacy was rapid with significantly more patients in the ustekinumab groups achieving PASI 50 by week 2 and PASI 75 by week 4, compared with placebo. In PHOENIX 1, maintenance of PASI 75 response was significantly better in patients re-randomised at week 40 to receive maintenance therapy than in those receiving placebo through at least one year. In PHOENIX 2, dosing intensification in the ustekinumab 90mg group resulted in a higher PASI 75 response rate at week 52 than did continuing at 12-weekly dosing, an improvement not seen in the ustekinumab 45mg group. Treatment was well tolerated in both trials and clinical improvements were paralleled by improvements in patient-reported outcomes, as measured by dermatology life quality index. Ustekinumab was compared with etanercept in another trial involving 903 patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis where ciclosporin, methotrexate or PUVA were ineffective, not tolerated or contraindicated. Patients treated with two doses of 45mg or 90mg ustekinumab at weeks 0 and 4 demonstrated significantly superior response compared with those treated with etanercept 50mg twice weekly through week 12 (PASI 75 response at week 12 achieved by 68 per cent and 74 per cent of patients vs 57 per cent in the etanercept group). * recommends a 12-week dosing interval. 斑块状银屑病新型治疗药STELARA将在欧洲上市 近日,欧盟委员会批准治疗斑块型银屑病的新型生物制剂STELARA(TM) (ustekinumab)在欧洲27个国家上市销售。该药治疗成人中-重度斑块型银屑病,主要用于那些对其他全身性治疗药物(包括ciclosporin,methotrexate和PUVA等)应答不充分,有禁忌症候或耐受不好的患者。在欧洲国家,有2-3%的人深受银屑病困扰。 |
美国FDA已经批准一种用于中到重度银屑病的成人用生物制剂—Stelara (ustekinumab)斑块状银屑病是一种免疫系统疾病,可导致皮肤细胞过量生成。美国大约600万人患有斑块状银屑病,该病以增厚的发炎斑块, ... 责任编辑:admin |